What is the latest good film you watched ?

The Searchers (new HD version, the film looks near brand new)

dick van cock

Closed Account
Casablanca (10 / 10)

Never get tired of it.

the Coens's remake of The Ladykillers (8 / 10)

Not as good as the original (flawed script, the sight of Tom Hanks), but good fun.

(no imdb links today :D)
Bluethunder (movie from 1983 with Roy Scheider)
Bluethunder tv series (1984 with James Farentino and Dana Carvey)
Enter The Dragon.

Still the best martial-arts movie ever.
You got to be joking!

That was a terrible, terrible movie - even if it had Kate Beckinsale in it. :(


I have to agree. It was terrible, one of the worst I ever saw. Bad acting, technically flawed and honestly he won't like this, but I say the same thing about Leon. :(


Closed Account
I have to agree. It was terrible, one of the worst I ever saw. Bad acting, technically flawed and honestly he won't like this, but I say the same thing about Leon. :(

:eek: What the hell is wrong with Leon? It's an amazing film. Are you talking about the un-cut version? Then I could maybe understand...


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Garfield 2
The Simpsons Movie
Behind Enemy Lines
Kate & Leopold
I finally got to see Spider-Man 3 (on DVD)... it was much better than I had anticipated. I'll have to watch it a second time to see if it holds up, but I may end up liking it better than the first two films.

Live Free or Die Hard (Director's Cut) was the last GOOD movie that I saw.