What is the latest good film you watched ?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The Platoon and Force 10 from Navarone with Harrison Ford
Smokin' Aces

I thought it was a very good film, the twist was a bit of a let down, too much talking. But the rest was very entertaining.

People are dissing it saying it's too "Tarantino". Those people don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

That's a great movie, but people who say it's too Tarantino ought to wake up and realize that the 90's are over.
Le Train (8 / 10)


A humble flick, that emblematically shows the difference: Americans make movies, Europeans make FILMS! :thumbsup:

But we have made some of the best ever no?

Your favorite villans were

Paul Muni as Scarface
Carl Reiner in Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
Bette Davis in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?
Henry Fonda in Once Upon a Time In the West
Margaret Hamilton as The Wicked Witch of the West

Now expect some flying monkeys pepe..



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Hell-Boy. Abe Sapiens ruled.
Letters From Iwo Jima.

And Brits make the best movie villains.
Saw this on TV late last night...The Stickup (1999) starring James Spader
No big stars but a good twist ending.;)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Mortal Kombat II: Annhilation

Ace Ventura:When Nature Calls
I know this sounds a bit fruity, But I saw Hairspray the other day. It was really good. Chris Walken and John Travolta were hilarious in it. John Waters, who directed the original movie and wrote the original screenplay, made a cameo appearance in the new film as a flasher. Jerry Stiller, who played the father in the original movie, also made a cameo appearance in the new one as Mr. Pinky, the owner of the hefty woman's clothing store
Just watched the Simpson's movie and it's fucking hilarious. Some of the jokes they did you will never see in another animated film. The movie even had a special ending after all the credits for ushers like me who have to clean up after everyone