Batman & Robin :suicide:
Haven't seen it and won't watch it! I was going to see it and then I heard they didn't have crewchiefs in the Hawks which is complete bullshit. Hey screen writer they were suppose to do a fastrope infil, who was gonna release the ropes? Fuck tard!!! I'll get off my soapbox dark thirty isn't a bad movie but I think if it wasn't based on something historical and remarkably significant it wouldn't have gotten the academy award attention it received.
Haven't seen it and won't watch it! I was going to see it and then I heard they didn't have crewchiefs in the Hawks which is complete bullshit. Hey screen writer they were suppose to do a fastrope infil, who was gonna release the ropes? Fuck tard!!! I'll get off my soapbox now.
zero dark thirty isn't a bad movie but I think if it wasn't based on something historical and remarkably significant it wouldn't have gotten the academy award attention it received.