What is the latest BAD film you watched?


Closed Account
I didn't enjoy watching Chinatown.


The Tree of Life

I'm all for art in cinema, as long as they don't completely ignore narrative.
I respect your opinion Deepcover but "Chinatown" is a classic. They need to make more movies like this that have an actual story instead of just effects.

My worst movie is one that got a lot of praise. "Troll Hunter" It would have been good if it didnt try and go for that found documentary/video approach.
The Town with Ben Affleck.

come to think of it, any movie starring Ben Affleck.

The Fighter, most boring cliched yawn inducing boxing movie ever!

Shutter Island. What a boring film.

The Road ... miserable, boring, depressing pile of hooey

Taken ! awful !

X-men First Class. Oh man what a shitty movie. I must've slept through most of it. Got very annoying when I saw all those cheesy mutant powers and loud sound effects causing my ears to go deaf.

Inception. :sleep:

Agreed/ the sixth sense is over rated shit!

Seems that people just don't know the difference between a "bad film" and a film the they just don't like.

All of these are very well made movies,whether you enjoyed them or not.


Closed Account
I respect your opinion Deepcover but "Chinatown" is a classic. They need to make more movies like this that have an actual story instead of just effects.

My worst movie is one that got a lot of praise. "Troll Hunter" It would have been good if it didnt try and go for that found documentary/video approach.

True and you're right about Chinatown is a classic but just didn't connect with me. The film studios don't make great films like they use to.
Beastly. With the girl who just stomped on my fucking heart. Come to think of it, it's kinda ironic....she's beastly too......ha. Oh fuck it, that wasn't funny.......oh well.

Anyway. Beastly.


Closed Account
It wasn't bad in the truest sense of the word but I feel that Super 8 is just a disappointing miscalculation. I wish there wasn't a monster and I wish it didn't try to pull at our heart strings in such a boring way. The actors were solid and it was a fun movie for the most part.