What is best in life?

I think we can all agree that crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentation of their women is best in life, but what are some others?

in no particular order of bestness:

climbing a mountain before sunrise then watching the sun rise
and seeing the sun go down while laying back on the beach

watching your wife as she sleeps and thinking how beautiful she is

I can't relate but, holding your newborn child.

hearing your cat purr or seeing your dog wag it's tail because they think you're awesome.

an ice cold beer on warm/hot day.

freshly-ironed slacks warming your nuts, showered, shaved and feeling dapper.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Having a woman worth being with; a job well done; bouef bourgingon; conquering a fear; putting sixteen rounds through the x ring.
Living your life the way you want to, staying healthy, exploring your world and what it has to offer you. And finding someone who you can spend your life with and have children with.


Closed Account
Seeing a housefly go out of the house instead of in when you open the door.

Finding a 20 dollar bill in your pants pockets when doing the laundry

Picking up your date and she gets in the car smelling awesome wearing Carolina Herrera perfume

"Have you lost weight?"


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Being healthy and feeling good

Sharing your love with someone who loves you back equally

Finding contentment and happiness with your life

I could cite much more specific occurrences and experiences but they ultimately lead back to one of these three main areas....at least for me they do.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Having a woman worth being with; a job well done; bouef bourgingon; conquering a fear; putting sixteen rounds through the x ring.

Being healthy and feeling good

Sharing your love with someone who loves you back equally

Finding contentment and happiness with your life

I could cite much more specific occurrences and experiences but they ultimately lead back to one of these three main areas....at least for me they do.

I thought I covered all that.
Doing the sex while eating a steak, drinking a beer, counting money, watching the big game on TV, all while hearing people walk by my house saying what a dashingly handsome gentleman I am on their way to slay my enemies.


Torn & Frayed.
Wow...thanks for reminding me...


Light one for Me
Waking up thinking I have work then realising it's Saturday:yesyes: