What in the hell happened ?

Hmm. I'm not sure minors pay taxes even if they work...I think their parents claim them as dependents.

So I guess 18 + 27 = 24788 is really 45 yrs old?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
cmon there jag, i did also say no matter whos in office.
To me I belive during clintons 8 years is when things got crazy, but maybe thats only because thats when i was starting to earn the big $$
Its true, it doesnt matter who's in, theyre gonna go up up up up uuuuuup.

Fair enough but things were way crazy before Bill Clinton though. At least we had a budget surplus when he was president. Look at it now....we're fucked for good I'm afraid.
Let's get something straight here, for as much as people don't like it taxes are just part of society. Where do you think the money comes from for the police, the fire dept and other public services. Plus, up keep of the infrastructure which isn't that good anyway. But I love how people try to blame who's currently holding that political office and I'm not defending anyone. But the economy is in the shape its in because of those greedy scumbags on Wall Street. These same people are always trying not to pay their fair share of the taxes even though they control a good percentage of the wealth. They will also make you believe that socialism is like communism, uhh they are not the same and the only reason you hear these people bitch about such things is because there is no profit to be made from it. Why should I have to shoulder the burden when those rich motherfuckers are always trying some angle to make more $$$$$.
And as for Reagan, he was not a good leader. His form of economics and loosening of government control over certain areas is what brought us to this state we are in now. Because these Wall street scumbags and corporate dicks are allowed to run wild. Meanwhile the average joe does nothing about it and allows this to occur. A great example is General Motors, they are headed in the toilet but instead of their executives taking some cuts they expect the average guy to shoulder the burden by eroding benefits, salaries and laying people off.

And the same goes to these companies that took bailout money. Uhhh if you are the head of company and you fucked it up that they need government financial assistance. The first thing is those responsible should be out on their asses but this is not the case with this

enough of my :2 cents:

you are correct in your analysis. I find it ironic for NeoCons to bitch, whine, cry about taxes and scapegoating and blaming Obama, illegal immigrants, the poor, etc. for the current economic crisis the U.S. is in; instead of targetting the real gangsters responsible for this:

greedy corporations and their hitmen from the military industrial complex who employ the right wing owned corporate media and politicians as salesmen to scare us into foolishly financing corporate imperialsim abroad with our taxes

Watch Comedian George Carlin Hit Hard on This Subject


Will E Worm



"Telephone Federal Universal Service FeeTax"

This one I remember was initially going to be called the Federal Universal Connectivity Tax :1orglaugh however, the authors weren't too hip on the acronym as you could have imagined, sort of a tell all :)thefinger) about government in general. :D

Also, if memory serves, going back about a dozen years, this tax bill was also known as the "Gore Tax".
First and fore most lets get rid of these 2 taxes it would make my life better :)

Hunting License Tax
Fishing License Tax


Those taxes are illegal and so is the income tax.
Hasn't it been estimated by several independent accounting sources that just over 50 percent of the tax revenue of which the government takes receipt of gets lost or squandered ?

Just Gone.... POOF ! ....Like That, w/out any independent investigation, follow up, accountability, nor respect for those of us who have to pay it back (via an increasing tax scheule).
Just like the multi billions of "taxpayer obligation(s)" that the ''w'' administration apparently "lost" in the layers upon layers upon layers (ad nauseam) of bureaucracy while fighting 2 wars

...and liberals wonder why people of my ilk are as disenchanted with politics and politicians ....:flame:


^continued ... as we are !

''Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table
At which he's fed.

Tax his tractor,
Tax his mule,
Teach him taxes
Are the rule.

Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts

Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.

Tax his ties,
Tax his shirt,
Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.

Tax his cigars,
Tax his beers,
If he cries
Tax his tears.

Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass !

Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won't be done
Till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He's good and sore.

Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he's laid.

Put these words
Upon his tomb,
Taxes drove me
to my doom...

When he's gone,
Do not relax,
Its time to apply
The inheritance tax.''

- author unknown
Hasn't it been estimated by several independent accounting sources that just over 50 percent of the tax revenue of which the government takes receipt of gets lost or squandered ?

...and liberals wonder why people of my ilk are as disenchanted with politics and politicians ....:flame:

50% ?????

I have never heard such an extreme amount.

But for sure there is waste.One major part of the federal budget which accounts for about 1/2 of all spending can't even be audited according to the GAO.Not only can we not determiine how much is wasted,they can't even tell where a lot the money went at all.That would be the defense budget at over 500 billion a year (and that doesn't include the wars).Thats the problem "liberals" have with people of your "ilk":) ,you don't want to confront that blackhole of waste.I think we could easily cut that spending by at least 50%.What the heck good is it anyway,all that money and what does it get us? Has it made Iraq or Afghanistan any better for us? Iraq was a big waste of money and lives and afghanistan is looking to be the same now.All those billions haven't gotten us much IMO.

Correction is warranted here.

You believe those taxes are illegal (particularly the income tax) but until there is legislation or court rulings saying otherwise you're just tilting at windmills.
Are some taxes worthwhile?? Green/environmental tax? :yesyes:

Will E Worm

Correction is warranted here.

You believe those taxes are illegal (particularly the income tax) but until there is legislation or court rulings saying otherwise you're just tilting at windmills.

Nice explanation. Baaaa

No, in the laws and court documents, they all say the same thing.

Order the CDs from Hourofthetime.com and listen to the free broadcast online. They are illegal and always have been.

Watch Freedom to Fascism. The IRS agenda can't tell the truth and avoids the question.

Are some taxes worthwhile?? Green/environmental tax? :yesyes:

No. :hatsoff:
The feds need those taxes to continue to grow and do what governments do: Amass more and more power. The Constitutional bonds were loosened long ago and 95% of what the Federal government now spends/wastes money on is not what the Constitution mandates. Plato, and more recently Jefferson, were right, and this is why governments eventually become tyrannical, leading to it's dissolution and the creation of a new one.
Nice explanation. Baaaa

No, in the laws and court documents, they all say the same thing.

Order the CDs from Hourofthetime.com and listen to the free broadcast online. They are illegal and always have been.

Watch Freedom to Fascism. The IRS agenda can't tell the truth and avoids the question.

No. :hatsoff:

DA :devils: :thefinger ;)