what if?

what if all the porn; videos and pics on your computer was stored in the form of printed magazines and VHS cassettes. how much space would that fill up, and would you consider yourself a healthy person? :1orglaugh

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
A very small shoebox at best. I don't get why some people hoard porn on their computer. Go play outside or something...
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. I don't get why some people hoard porn on their computer.
I don't know about you but I don't give away my old books either. Most of them just gather dust and are unlikely ever to be read again. But it's nice to have them. Same with mainstream movies. I have lots of tapes and DVDs that I watched once, twenty years ago. But I'll never sell them or give them away.

Go play outside or something...
I was outside yesterday. It was raining. Didn't like that. :(

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I don't know about you but I don't give away my old books either.

Yeah, that's clearly the same as people on here with with several hundred GB porn collections. Silly me for not seeing the obvious similarity there...
2 stages of a shelve :
-one with my favorite stuff, those I keep on my HD
-one with things I keep a few days or weeks, then delete

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
You've been here since june 09, and got 6000 posts. what have you been chatting about?

Not porn. 90% of my posts are about something else. I joined this site because of the funny pictures thread even though I don't post there very often anymore. Very few of my posts are in the babes or favorite fetishes section. I mostly just come here to piss people off.

Nothing of interest, or importance. . .
Says the guy with muppets in his avatar.


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Not porn. 90% of my posts are about something else. I joined this site because of the funny pictures thread even though I don't post there very often anymore. Very few of my posts are in the babes or favorite fetishes section. I mostly just come here to piss people off.
And you've been quite successful if I may say so myself. :thumbsup: