If the 2008 presidential campaign taught me anything it's that sexism is just as prevalent, and possibly more socially accepted than even racism.
I think many men can't admit to anyone or even themselves, that they actually fear women.
We are an oppressed gender that finds our power where we can, whether domestically, sexually, etc. If we were truly equal in pay, respect, physical safety, and political power, the misogynistic male minds would implode.. they can't handle it.
You know how you often hear racists saying things like, "but I'm not racist, I have a black friend!" some men might as well declare, "I'm not a sexist, I love boobs!"
Men confuse objectification with appreciation.
It would certainly be nice to see a day when politicians are more evenly numbered in both genders, so that women actually have the representation they deserve.
Do I think the world would be better if women ruled it? Not necessarily. I just believe the world would be a lot better if more women were given the chance and rights to begin with.