To me it was The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind.
I remember buying it, my first PC game ever, and when I first played it I was blown away. I had such disillusionment of the game too because I thought I could go right off the bat and slaughter a town or something. Naturally I started in Balmora and the first person I hit I have a guard run up. I think big deal, I will kill you too! Well... at that moment I realized I am weak and not worth a damn nickle at low levels! Learning my lesson I load my game back up and go back to Balmora a reformed citizen and stick to petty theft out of barrels and when people aren't looking.
I love the world, story, lore, and this game in general! It really sticks with me, especially a few side quests that really brought the land alive for me, and this game is easily in my top 3 favorite games of all time.
Other games that left impression on me are Parasite Eve II, Resident Evil, and Knights of the Old Republic. Especially Knights of the Old Republic. I was a Xbox hater (well, not hater, I was just content in owning my PS2) at first until I noticed this game on the episode of X-Play where they reviewed it, and knew right then and there I am going to buy a Xbox.
Within a week I bought an Xbox of which was a bundled Best Buy deal and I got a free Pelican Xbox controller with white and black top shoulder buttons, controller cord extension, and a free game (Dead or Alive 3 I chose out of the selection.) The following week I bought Knights of the Old Republic.
What games have left an impression on you that remain burned in your memory and always brings that sweet feeling of regalement?
I remember buying it, my first PC game ever, and when I first played it I was blown away. I had such disillusionment of the game too because I thought I could go right off the bat and slaughter a town or something. Naturally I started in Balmora and the first person I hit I have a guard run up. I think big deal, I will kill you too! Well... at that moment I realized I am weak and not worth a damn nickle at low levels! Learning my lesson I load my game back up and go back to Balmora a reformed citizen and stick to petty theft out of barrels and when people aren't looking.
I love the world, story, lore, and this game in general! It really sticks with me, especially a few side quests that really brought the land alive for me, and this game is easily in my top 3 favorite games of all time.
Other games that left impression on me are Parasite Eve II, Resident Evil, and Knights of the Old Republic. Especially Knights of the Old Republic. I was a Xbox hater (well, not hater, I was just content in owning my PS2) at first until I noticed this game on the episode of X-Play where they reviewed it, and knew right then and there I am going to buy a Xbox.
Within a week I bought an Xbox of which was a bundled Best Buy deal and I got a free Pelican Xbox controller with white and black top shoulder buttons, controller cord extension, and a free game (Dead or Alive 3 I chose out of the selection.) The following week I bought Knights of the Old Republic.
What games have left an impression on you that remain burned in your memory and always brings that sweet feeling of regalement?