What game left a big impression on you?

To me it was The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind.

I remember buying it, my first PC game ever, and when I first played it I was blown away. I had such disillusionment of the game too because I thought I could go right off the bat and slaughter a town or something. Naturally I started in Balmora and the first person I hit I have a guard run up. I think big deal, I will kill you too! Well... at that moment I realized I am weak and not worth a damn nickle at low levels! Learning my lesson I load my game back up and go back to Balmora a reformed citizen and stick to petty theft out of barrels and when people aren't looking.

I love the world, story, lore, and this game in general! It really sticks with me, especially a few side quests that really brought the land alive for me, and this game is easily in my top 3 favorite games of all time.

Other games that left impression on me are Parasite Eve II, Resident Evil, and Knights of the Old Republic. Especially Knights of the Old Republic. I was a Xbox hater (well, not hater, I was just content in owning my PS2) at first until I noticed this game on the episode of X-Play where they reviewed it, and knew right then and there I am going to buy a Xbox.

Within a week I bought an Xbox of which was a bundled Best Buy deal and I got a free Pelican Xbox controller with white and black top shoulder buttons, controller cord extension, and a free game (Dead or Alive 3 I chose out of the selection.) The following week I bought Knights of the Old Republic.

What games have left an impression on you that remain burned in your memory and always brings that sweet feeling of regalement?
Two Worlds from my understanding was a lackluster game. I was looking forward to it since Game Informer first showed a preview. Then come around review time when it came out it did really poorly.

The Getaway rocks! I am sad to see the third one lost in limbo :(
Wow I like this thread Whimsy.....Metal Gear Solid on ps1 was a game that kinda blew the doors open in the visual dept,story telling and gameplay at the time. I never played any other Metal Gear so it was new to me when it hit. I still love that sound the game makes when a enemy notices you and the ! goes over their head.

Final fantasy 7 was a gripping experince but I think the game that ushered in an experience that is now notorious and used in alot of what we are playing today in all genres is Grand theft auto 3 on ps2. I remember when EGM reviewed it and it got a perfect 10. At the time a perfect 10 was a blue moon score with EGM mag and they hyped the shit out of it before it hit. It delivered in all fronts big time and changed the face of games forever.

There was no such game like that at the time and it reminded me of how Guns N' Roses tore apart the rock music scene in the late 80's leaving a stamp on the world.....
Tetris is awesome! For those who do not know I shall share with you the origin of this game's name. I actually used this in a trig project I did back in school.

Tetris comes from two words: Tetra being russian for FOUR and Alexey Pajitnov being a tennis fan, wanted to give the game a unique game, so he took the IS off the end of tennis and put at the end of Tetra, thus making Tetris!

Simplicity at its best :D
Definatly MGS, FF7 or RE1, those games where the forerunners in there genres back then, and still are. Huge games.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Mgs1, ff7 & re1
I like the Final Fantasy series cause of the stories and for the romances, I do like the music in them even though they are mostly done in Japanese. Thanks to those games I did discover Japanese singers and bands.

I also like the Guitar Heros for being able to rock out some good music as long as I'm not messing up. lol Plus all the unlockable tracks on them, I got to hear bands such as Killswitch Engage, Black Label Society ect. whereas I might not have heard them or heard of them alot later without the games.


Closed Account
Hide and seek! I think it might have contributed towards my schizophrenic paranoid tendancies!
I have yet to have the pleasure of playing morrowind, but Oblivion has definitely been my all time favourite game since i first got it for the ps3. There's just so much you can do and so many different paths to level up on. It completely wrapped me up


My Penis Is Dancing!
SimCity 3000. One of the first computer games I got and the first I played extensively.
Thief. The first game I ever played that had a beginning and an end. Turned me onto plot-driven games.
Half Life. Really turned me onto plot-driven games.