what game are you playing right now?


For the EMPEROR!!
Still playing Gears 3 and the DLC, 'Raams Shadow'.
@The last three posters, nice, those are some of the games I have been playing lately too.

Uncharted 3-The bad guys near the end of the game have to be killed a certain way. Its quite easy once you get a hang of it, some of the battles are pretty difficult to beat though.

Gears of War 3-I found all of the collectables and COG tags.

Saints Row 3-The game which has taken up most of my time nowadays. I really dig this game.

Other than those three I have been playing NHL 2K9, a season with the Red Wings.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Demo on PS3

I was less than impressed. I really can't see getting into it. I don't have the time nor the desire to spend 50 + hours on a game anymore.

Anyway, I'm on M.A.G. again.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Assassin's Creed Revelations

Just came in yesterday from gamefly. I like it so far. Though I'm a bit side tracked at the moment clearing templar dens and recruiting/training assassins. Once I get enough with high enough skills that sending 5 to reclaim a city has a projected success rate of 100%, then I can watch the money really start to roll in!