what game are you playing right now?


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Crimson Shroud on 3DS. Its not bad. Especially if you're into tabletop rpgs. You roll polyhedrals in it.

Flipped it. Not bad. Wickedly short, but it was 7.99.

Back to Shantae and the Pirates Curse on 3DS. And Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze on WiiU.
Well Castlevania is kicking my ass. I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting some sort of lag on a modern television as the controls are very stiff. Maybe it's just the way the game is and I've forgotten after all these years. Unfortunately I don't have an old CRT television to try it out on.

Punch Out on a new television seems almost impossible for the latter guys I fight also.
Well Castlevania is kicking my ass. I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting some sort of lag on a modern television as the controls are very stiff. Maybe it's just the way the game is and I've forgotten after all these years. Unfortunately I don't have an old CRT television to try it out on.

Punch Out on a new television seems almost impossible for the latter guys I fight also.

you're probably getting all kinds of lag with upconversion and all. does your TV have a Game setting where it disables all the picture enhancements? That should help I think.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
you're probably getting all kinds of lag with upconversion and all. does your TV have a Game setting where it disables all the picture enhancements? That should help I think.

I actually heard this happens. Lag on new TVs. I ue a normal TV, no HD and of course, everything works fine. EXCEPT my WiiU. Without an HDMI input on my TV, its worse looking than the Wii. It's a huge bummer.
I actually heard this happens. Lag on new TVs. I ue a normal TV, no HD and of course, everything works fine. EXCEPT my WiiU. Without an HDMI input on my TV, its worse looking than the Wii. It's a huge bummer.

Yeah, from what I understand the more a TV has to upconvert a signal from it's source the more lag there's gonna be, especially if it's say 480 to 1080. There are some TVs that will mitigate that some to the point where it's unnoticeable maybe but there comes a point when the pixel gap is too great. That's why I'm holding back on getting a 4K TV for now and why I wish I held on to my old CRT just for my older games.

It's not the same, but there's always PC emulation.
Never really play more than one at a time but doing little of each;

Defence Grid 2, Sunset Overdrive and always back for a little never ending Neverwinter.
World of Warcraft: Legion (beta).

As you'd expect, a few bugs, but still looking good so far.
currently: taking my sweet sweet time with fallout 4- MLB16, dying light have yet to start, Doom have yet to start, assassins creed syndicate i got bored of quickly played maybe an hour, Nazi Zombie army trilogy haven't played in a while, fifa 16 haven't played in a while.

i should probably get rid of assassins creed the one where you played in revolutionary times was my favorite- i played that game till i couldn't anymore
I've got a hold of a PSP that somebody didn't want anymore, and I was wondering how some of the Final Fantasy remakes are on them. I played most of them back on the SNES, but I was wondering if they were worth getting for cheap and if there is enough new on them to make it worth playing on this system.

I also don't really see too many new games coming out for the rest of the year I'm that interested in, with No Man's Sky and Final Fantasy XV being the only ones so I have a lot of time to get through any backlog of games I have now. The new Zelda game they pushed back seems like it might be worth it when it comes out, but I doubt I will buy a whole new console just for that game and Nintendo lineup just doesn't hold that much appeal to me anymore.
I've got a hold of a PSP that somebody didn't want anymore, and I was wondering how some of the Final Fantasy remakes are on them. I played most of them back on the SNES, but I was wondering if they were worth getting for cheap and if there is enough new on them to make it worth playing on this system.

Wow, a PSP. You're going to hitting a lot a used game stores for that one. Can't even recall the last time I saw a PSP game at retail.

I wasn't even aware they made FF remakes for the PSP. The best remakes I've seen are for the GBA & DS. I'm partial to FFVI, and while the GBA version wasn't bad (even without the CG scenes), I wouldn't mind seeing it get the full Saga 3D remake treatment.


For the EMPEROR!!
Finally got around to playing The Last of Us.

Plus I'm still 'holding the line' playing ME3-MP every other day for an hour or so.