Folks, remember - unless you are one of those verified content owners (talk to a mod if you aren't sure), you can't post pics, you've gotta post LINKS to pics. Also, it gets annoying, when someone wants to comment on a posted PIC, and we get to see the same pic over and over...
Anyway, I've learned from
Laura Dore that I can dig it when an ass takes on the quality of almost being a separate creature, looking as though it could tear itself from the girl and take on a sexy life of its own. This pic of Laura will explain - look at how it acts like a real structural support. If they put whatever's in her ass into shocks and struts for cars, I bet they'd last twice as long as they typically do now!
Laura Dore / Sweetie Cyanide:
from here:
A similar example from Suelyn Medeiros:
from here: