What do you think about this?

really nice. pure erotic! i like it very much

the b/w thing looks great!


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Sexy, but too many lines from the shadows across your body. A few less would be better. It's actually distracting to me. It makes you look like sandstone or redrock-ish.
Great pics! I do agree that the b/w is spectacular, but fewer lines would be less distracting. However, I have to say that overall, those photos get at least a 8.5/10 in my book! Keep up the good work!
great idea. but i agree with most of the others, that fewer lines would be less distracting.

apart from that, i don't think the b/w conversion is executed that well, the pictures seem to miss that certain something. maybe you should bump up the contrast a little...they all look a little dull.

and most important:
don't cut off body parts while framing or cropping the pics !!
especially in pictures 1 (leg) and 3 (foot) it doesn't look good and gives it an amateurish touch (it's okay in the 2nd one, tough). also you are too centered in pics 1 and 3. with different framing you could have avoided the cut off body parts and the dead space above your head.
if it were porn pictures, no one would care about that, but since this is more fine-art than porn i would really try to avoid those mistakes.

well, those weren't really ideas but hints ;)

oh, and you are pretty hot, btw :D
Those are NICE and very classy pics IMO.
I love the black and white effect and the shadows, very artistic. The suject matter is one of my favorite too. Lisa, are you into women too?

I never look the same at a barcode again ... wow ... nice and really good ...