Dirty Sanchez
Brino said:We had a chance to capture Osama at Tora Bora but we didnt. Now were going to respect a nations sovereignty and let Osama get away. Bullshit! We didnt do that with anybody else and now were going to do that with Pakistan? Bullshit!
Clinton let him get away when we knew for sure he could have had him. There is no absolute proof we could have caught bin laden in Tora Bora, and there is no proof any orders from the top came down to let him get away. Yet, again, Clinton admitted he could have had bin laden, and didn't.
Yes troops died in WWI and WWII but those wars needed to be fought and this one didnt.
Tell that to the future victims of saddam's rule (which could be one of your family members if saddam had gotten, or used his WMD).
Just to fill you in, there were many Countries that didn't want to join either one of those Wars because they felt it wouldn't effect them. Amazing how years afterwards, we can now see how important those Wars were.
Bullshit. Bad people dont talk about bad things all the time.
Candy drops and bubblegum eh Brino? Tell me, just what colour is the sky in your World.
I'm sure when saddam requested a meeting with bin laden, it was to talk about the weather.
There were no WMD's. The whole world was fooled, nobody knew shit. We didnt have one operative on the ground in Iraq to say that they did or didnt have WMD's. The official government report came out and said there were no WMD's. Give it up for fucks sake. Your only making a fool out of yourself.
I quote, "The whole world was fooled". You said that right? It's right there. Funny enough, it's the first intelligent thing you've said.
Brino, the whole world thought he had WMD (including the previous 2 term Democrat President). We didn't have one operative there to know for sure because saddam wouldn't let them in.
Stand back, turn on your brain and think about this for a second.
1. The entire Intelligence community tells you he has the weapons.
2. The previous President was positive he had these weapons.
3. He won't let you in and grant you full access to see if in fact he has these weapons.
4. You know he is trying to gather parts to make these weapons or not.
Knowing those things, you still don't believe you should send in the Military to take him out and find out for sure whether he has the ability to use these WMD that everyone is sure he has? Isn't it far better to be wrong about him having these weapons, and prevent another attack on American civilians, rather then being wrong about him not having them, and watch another Sept. 11?
How stupid are you!?
Compared to you, an utter genius.
That's exactly what happened, we won the war and we couldnt keep the peace. Remember the looting? Remember all the attacks on our troops after the war was officially over. Why do you think our troops are still dying over there more than a year after the war was over?
More Americans are dying on the streets of LA then over in Iraq. Where is yours, and Kerry's plan to solve that (actually, I'm still waiting to hear Kerry's plan on Iraq)?
Do you realize, the more sweethearts like you and Howard Dean complain about this war, the more motivation it gives the insurgents? They know that if they keep fighting, you tree huggers will cry and cry and try and force the American presence out of Iraq, and they can go back to a dictatorship fear driven rule. You are giving these people hope!!!
Nobody ever said keeping the peace would be easy. But when you are helping the enemy out, it tends to make things a tad more difficult.
Do you just not think?
I wonder the same about you everytime you post. The fact it's been shown time after time you don't have a clue what the real world is like, pretty much proves to me you don't. Plus, you are voting Kerry, so yep, that proves you don't.