What Bush has planned for after the election...

Brino said:
We had a chance to capture Osama at Tora Bora but we didnt. Now were going to respect a nations sovereignty and let Osama get away. Bullshit! We didnt do that with anybody else and now were going to do that with Pakistan? Bullshit!

Clinton let him get away when we knew for sure he could have had him. There is no absolute proof we could have caught bin laden in Tora Bora, and there is no proof any orders from the top came down to let him get away. Yet, again, Clinton admitted he could have had bin laden, and didn't.

Yes troops died in WWI and WWII but those wars needed to be fought and this one didnt.

Tell that to the future victims of saddam's rule (which could be one of your family members if saddam had gotten, or used his WMD).

Just to fill you in, there were many Countries that didn't want to join either one of those Wars because they felt it wouldn't effect them. Amazing how years afterwards, we can now see how important those Wars were.

Bullshit. Bad people dont talk about bad things all the time.

Candy drops and bubblegum eh Brino? Tell me, just what colour is the sky in your World.

I'm sure when saddam requested a meeting with bin laden, it was to talk about the weather.

There were no WMD's. The whole world was fooled, nobody knew shit. We didnt have one operative on the ground in Iraq to say that they did or didnt have WMD's. The official government report came out and said there were no WMD's. Give it up for fucks sake. Your only making a fool out of yourself.

I quote, "The whole world was fooled". You said that right? It's right there. Funny enough, it's the first intelligent thing you've said.

Brino, the whole world thought he had WMD (including the previous 2 term Democrat President). We didn't have one operative there to know for sure because saddam wouldn't let them in.

Stand back, turn on your brain and think about this for a second.

1. The entire Intelligence community tells you he has the weapons.

2. The previous President was positive he had these weapons.

3. He won't let you in and grant you full access to see if in fact he has these weapons.

4. You know he is trying to gather parts to make these weapons or not.

Knowing those things, you still don't believe you should send in the Military to take him out and find out for sure whether he has the ability to use these WMD that everyone is sure he has? Isn't it far better to be wrong about him having these weapons, and prevent another attack on American civilians, rather then being wrong about him not having them, and watch another Sept. 11?

How stupid are you!?

Compared to you, an utter genius.

That's exactly what happened, we won the war and we couldnt keep the peace. Remember the looting? Remember all the attacks on our troops after the war was officially over. Why do you think our troops are still dying over there more than a year after the war was over?

More Americans are dying on the streets of LA then over in Iraq. Where is yours, and Kerry's plan to solve that (actually, I'm still waiting to hear Kerry's plan on Iraq)?

Do you realize, the more sweethearts like you and Howard Dean complain about this war, the more motivation it gives the insurgents? They know that if they keep fighting, you tree huggers will cry and cry and try and force the American presence out of Iraq, and they can go back to a dictatorship fear driven rule. You are giving these people hope!!!

Nobody ever said keeping the peace would be easy. But when you are helping the enemy out, it tends to make things a tad more difficult.

Do you just not think?

I wonder the same about you everytime you post. The fact it's been shown time after time you don't have a clue what the real world is like, pretty much proves to me you don't. Plus, you are voting Kerry, so yep, that proves you don't.
There's not going to be a draft. Cmon people.
The only draft there's gonna be is the one I plan on drinkin tonight. :glugglug:


Dirty Sanchez said:
Clinton let him get away when we knew for sure he could have had him. There is no absolute proof we could have caught bin laden in Tora Bora, and there is no proof any orders from the top came down to let him get away. Yet, again, Clinton admitted he could have had bin laden, and didn't.

What proof do who have that capturing Osama was a sure thing under Clinton? What proof do you have that capturing him would have even prevented 9/11?

Tell that to the future victims of saddam's rule (which could be one of your family members if saddam had gotten, or used his WMD).

No I think I'll tell that to the future victims of an Iraqi terrorist.

Just to fill you in, there were many Countries that didn't want to join either one of those Wars because they felt it wouldn't effect them. Amazing how years afterwards, we can now see how important those Wars were.

There is no fucking comparison between the Iraq war and the two World Wars and once again you are an idiot for trying to compare the two.

I'm sure when saddam requested a meeting with bin laden, it was to talk about the weather.

Saddam didn't request a meeting, besides by your own admission Saddam didnt meet him.

I quote, "The whole world was fooled". You said that right? It's right there. Funny enough, it's the first intelligent thing you've said.

Brino, the whole world thought he had WMD (including the previous 2 term Democrat President). We didn't have one operative there to know for sure because saddam wouldn't let them in.

Stand back, turn on your brain and think about this for a second.

1. The entire Intelligence community tells you he has the weapons.

2. The previous President was positive he had these weapons.

3. He won't let you in and grant you full access to see if in fact he has these weapons.

4. You know he is trying to gather parts to make these weapons or not.

Knowing those things, you still don't believe you should send in the Military to take him out and find out for sure whether he has the ability to use these WMD that everyone is sure he has? Isn't it far better to be wrong about him having these weapons, and prevent another attack on American civilians, rather then being wrong about him not having them, and watch another Sept. 11?

Yet again you side step the issue, you'd make a real good Dick Cheney. War is your answer to everything isn't it? Have you ever heard of the term, "Only go to war as a last resort?" We didn't do that, we didn't allow the U.N. weapons inspectors to do their job and as a result the world is less safe today. I wouldn't be surprised if the next plane to crash into one of our buildings had an Iraqi terrorist on board.

More Americans are dying on the streets of LA then over in Iraq. Where is yours, and Kerry's plan to solve that (actually, I'm still waiting to hear Kerry's plan on Iraq)?

No they aren't. Yet another statistic your pulling out of your ass.

Do you realize, the more sweethearts like you and Howard Dean complain about this war, the more motivation it gives the insurgents? They know that if they keep fighting, you tree huggers will cry and cry and try and force the American presence out of Iraq, and they can go back to a dictatorship fear driven rule. You are giving these people hope!!!

Nobody ever said keeping the peace would be easy. But when you are helping the enemy out, it tends to make things a tad more difficult.

Oh Yeah, that Freedom of Speech thing is a real Bitch isn't it!?

I wonder the same about you everytime you post. The fact it's been shown time after time you don't have a clue what the real world is like, pretty much proves to me you don't. Plus, you are voting Kerry, so yep, that proves you don't.

Oh please, you really think that horsecrap you post proves me wrong? Man you need more help than I thought. Don't worry DS, the nice men in the white suits are going to take real good care of you.


georges said:
About Bush's comments on not winning the war on terror, you TOTALLY took it out of contexts, as is typical.

Ohhhh, you mean how you guys always take the stuff Kerry says out of context. Yeah, real good excuse.


georges said:
once again you prouve that you prefer to see a dictator rather than having a democracy

It's prove not prouve. Yet another example of your bad spelling.

bad people are stupid, childish and blattantly ignorant.that is proven

So are you. I guess that makes you a bad person. I knew it all along!
Brino said:
So are you. I guess that makes you a bad person. I knew it all along!
Me childish:nono:I don't need to post tons of bush caricatures in order to feel better as opposed to you.
If I was that bad then I would be more rude and more violent but that is not the case.It is not because I have rather opposed political views that I am bad.You can have a completely different way of thinking in politics and be a good person.Not everyone thinks and does things in the same way.
georges said:
Me childish:nono:I don't need to post tons of bush caricatures in order to feel better as opposed to you.
If I was that bad then I would be more rude and more violent but that is not the case.It is not because I have rather opposed political views that I am bad.You can have a completely different way of thinking in politics and be a good person.Not everyone thinks and does things in the same way.

Again Georges, if Gore or Kerry were president, we'd post a lot more caricatures of them, stop crying because we slammed your beloved Bush. We do the same thing here, we slammed politician in power, they want to be in power they have to live with it, end of the story !
bigdan1110 said:
Again Georges, if Gore or Kerry were president, we'd post a lot more caricatures of them, stop crying because we slammed your beloved Bush. We do the same thing here, we slammed politician in power, they want to be in power they have to live with it, end of the story !

You should better slam chretien than slamming bush. The french media should better slam chirac than slamming bush.
Some people should stop to make a big deal of the us president and some people should stop saying that Moore is a honest person when it is not the case.End of discussion.
georges said:
You should better slam chretien than slamming bush. The french media should better slam chirac than slamming bush.
Some people should stop to make a big deal of the us president and some people should stop saying that Moore is a honest person when it is not the case.End of discussion.

I'm the first to slam Chretien, and now i slam Martin, i can't believe they're still in power with the sponsorship scandal, that's why i can't wait for quebec to be finally independant, Canada is dragging us down... :2 cents:
Brino said:
What proof do who have that capturing Osama was a sure thing under Clinton? What proof do you have that capturing him would have even prevented 9/11?

The link I provided earlier that had video and audio tape of Clinton saying he had the chance to take out bin laden but didn't.

Can't your retarded ass follow?

No I think I'll tell that to the future victims of an Iraqi terrorist.

Another prime example of why saddam needed to be taken out. Thanks jackass.

There is no fucking comparison between the Iraq war and the two World Wars and once again you are an idiot for trying to compare the two.?

This is the kind of ignorance that allowed 9/11 to happen. Keep thinking like that moron.

Brutal dictatorship Vs. brutal dictatorship.

Yep, no comparison, idiot.

Saddam didn't request a meeting, besides by your own admission Saddam didnt meet him.?

Get a fucking clue!!! He did request a meeting. It just didn't happen. Are you on the Kerry education plan? Can't read or use your brain? Why is it the 9/11 commision is only useful when it helps your stance, but is ignored when it proves you wrong over and over again?

Yet again you side step the issue, you'd make a real good Dick Cheney. War is your answer to everything isn't it? Have you ever heard of the term, "Only go to war as a last resort?" We didn't do that, we didn't allow the U.N. weapons inspectors to do their job and as a result the world is less safe today. I wouldn't be surprised if the next plane to crash into one of our buildings had an Iraqi terrorist on board.?

Never said War was the answer to everything (reading and understanding helps. Opps, you are voting Kerry, now everyhing makes sense).

If you had read the 9/11 commision past the point where you thought it made Bush look bad, you'd discover a whole lot of information. The sanactions weren't working!!! Get that through you think ass head. He was buying off people in France to help him get the sanctions lifted. He started a airline to help inport weapons. He didn't allow the inspectors access to all his compounds.

The sancations weren;t working!!! Even Clinton thought that!! We are you so fucking stupid!?!?!?!

No they aren't. Yet another statistic your pulling out of your ass. ?

1000 Americans have died in over 1 and a half years of fighting. Do you honestly believe less American's have died in LA in that time? Jesus Christ dude, you are an IQ point away from being a still born.

Oh Yeah, that Freedom of Speech thing is a real Bitch isn't it!?

Be glad you have that freedom sissy. War earned you that right.

Oh please, you really think that horsecrap you post proves me wrong? Man you need more help than I thought. Don't worry DS, the nice men in the white suits are going to take real good care of you.

Dude, get a fucking clue. You have no fucking idea about the real world. Get a job, get out of your mom's basement, and get a life.
Dirty Sanchez said:
The link I provided earlier that had video and audio tape of Clinton saying he had the chance to take out bin laden but didn't.

Can't your retarded ass follow?

Another prime example of why saddam needed to be taken out. Thanks jackass.

This is the kind of ignorance that allowed 9/11 to happen. Keep thinking like that moron.

Brutal dictatorship Vs. brutal dictatorship.

Yep, no comparison, idiot.

Get a fucking clue!!! He did request a meeting. It just didn't happen. Are you on the Kerry education plan? Can't read or use your brain? Why is it the 9/11 commision is only useful when it helps your stance, but is ignored when it proves you wrong over and over again?

Never said War was the answer to everything (reading and understanding helps. Opps, you are voting Kerry, now everyhing makes sense).

If you had read the 9/11 commision past the point where you thought it made Bush look bad, you'd discover a whole lot of information. The sanactions weren't working!!! Get that through you think ass head. He was buying off people in France to help him get the sanctions lifted. He started a airline to help inport weapons. He didn't allow the inspectors access to all his compounds.

The sancations weren;t working!!! Even Clinton thought that!! We are you so fucking stupid!?!?!?!

1000 Americans have died in over 1 and a half years of fighting. Do you honestly believe less American's have died in LA in that time? Jesus Christ dude, you are an IQ point away from being a still born.

Be glad you have that freedom sissy. War earned you that right.

Dude, get a fucking clue. You have no fucking idea about the real world. Get a job, get out of your mom's basement, and get a life.

I don't know how will Brino react but you made a very good post:thumbsup: :hatsoff:


Dirty Sanchez said:
The link I provided earlier that had video and audio tape of Clinton saying he had the chance to take out bin laden but didn't.

Can't your retarded ass follow?

It still doesnt change the fact that Bush might have done the same thing when Osama was at Tora Bora.

Another prime example of why saddam needed to be taken out. Thanks jackass.

Dude, can't you get it threw your tiny brain that terrorists weren't there before we invaded.

This is the kind of ignorance that allowed 9/11 to happen. Keep thinking like that moron.

Brutal dictatorship Vs. brutal dictatorship.

Yep, no comparison, idiot.

The level of your stupidity is astounding. Germany invaded it's neighbors, Iraq, when we invaded in 2003, hadn't invaded anybody since Kuwait. Japan attacked us, Iraq didn't. WWII was a state sponsored war, the fighting currently happening in Iraq isnt state sponsored. Like I said, NO COMPARISON.

Get a fucking clue!!! He did request a meeting. It just didn't happen. Are you on the Kerry education plan? Can't read or use your brain? Why is it the 9/11 commision is only useful when it helps your stance, but is ignored when it proves you wrong over and over again?

Saddam wasnt the one who requested the meeting dumb ass! It was Al Qieda. Besides, like I said, THERE WAS NO MEETING.

Never said War was the answer to everything (reading and understanding helps. Opps, you are voting Kerry, now everyhing makes sense).

If you had read the 9/11 commision past the point where you thought it made Bush look bad, you'd discover a whole lot of information. The sanactions weren't working!!! Get that through you think ass head. He was buying off people in France to help him get the sanctions lifted. He started a airline to help inport weapons. He didn't allow the inspectors access to all his compounds.

The sancations weren;t working!!! Even Clinton thought that!! We are you so fucking stupid!?!?!?!

And again I point your dumb ass to the fact that Saddam HAD NO WMD's. If the sanctions weren't working then how do you explain the fact that he didnt have WMD's?

1000 Americans have died in over 1 and a half years of fighting. Do you honestly believe less American's have died in LA in that time? Jesus Christ dude, you are an IQ point away from being a still born.

No, more americans are not being killed in the streets of L.A. than Iraq. If need be I'll get back to you with the official statistics to prove my point.

Be glad you have that freedom sissy. War earned you that right.

This sounds like the rhetoric of a warmonger to me.
Brino said:
1)It still doesnt change the fact that Bush might have done the same thing when Osama was at Tora Bora.
2)Dude, can't you get it threw your tiny brain that terrorists weren't there before we invaded.
3)The level of your stupidity is astounding. Germany invaded it's neighbors, Iraq, when we invaded in 2003, hadn't invaded anybody since Kuwait. Japan attacked us, Iraq didn't. WWII was a state sponsored war, the fighting currently happening in Iraq isnt state sponsored. Like I said, NO COMPARISON.
4)Saddam wasnt the one who requested the meeting dumb ass! It was Al Qieda. Besides, like I said, THERE WAS NO MEETING.
5)And again I point your dumb ass to the fact that Saddam HAD NO WMD's. If the sanctions weren't working then how do you explain the fact that he didnt have WMD's?
6)No, more americans are not being killed in the streets of L.A. than Iraq. If need be I'll get back to you with the official statistics to prove my point.
7)This sounds like the rhetoric of a warmonger to me.
1) to this argument , I will always return you the argument but why your fucking beloved clinton didn't do nothing when the first bombing of the wtc happened in 1996 and whne the bombing of the USS cole happened. Why Clinton didn't give a fuck of the sudanese information concerning ben laden?
2) terrorists were already there before Irak was invaded and they were members of the irakian civil guard. They obeyed to saddam but were also under ben laden's beliefs.
3) Saddam's regime has killed a lot of kurdes under and Irak was a danger with saddam, you don't know what would happen if saddam wasn't removed.
4) How do you know that there was no meeting? Speaking out of your ass or according to fact check.org and other bullshit?
5)You can't prove that he hasn't got any wmds, can you?No you can't.
6) There are probably more Americans killed by gun crimes than by the war itself. None belive in democrap biased links.
7)I prefer a warmonger to a peaceful lazy leftist who is only willing to take advantage of the health care system and be assisted with other people's money
30,000 americans die each year due to guns. and 50,000 die in traffic accedents. but that does not change the fact that the us is engaged in a imperialist war which is hurting our economy and leaving americans dead. the 1000+ dead would not be dead if W did not invade Iraq. inaddition the republicans can be given the blaim for the gun causalties since they are the party in the NRAs pocket and they are the ones responsible for the weak gun laws in this country.


georges said:
1) to this argument , I will always return you the argument but why your fucking beloved clinton didn't do nothing when the first bombing of the wtc happened in 1996 and whne the bombing of the USS cole happened. Why Clinton didn't give a fuck of the sudanese information concerning ben laden?
2) terrorists were already there before Irak was invaded and they were members of the irakian civil guard. They obeyed to saddam but were also under ben laden's beliefs.
3) Saddam's regime has killed a lot of kurdes under and Irak was a danger with saddam, you don't know what would happen if saddam wasn't removed.
4) How do you know that there was no meeting? Speaking out of your ass or according to fact check.org and other bullshit?
5)You can't prove that he hasn't got any wmds, can you?No you can't.
6) There are probably more Americans killed by gun crimes than by the war itself. None belive in democrap biased links.
7)I prefer a warmonger to a peaceful lazy leftist who is only willing to take advantage of the health care system and be assisted with other people's money

1) Fine, but how can you criticize Clinton when Bush did the same thing.

2) No they weren't.

3) He would have killed more of his own people probably. Sudan's doing the same thing and were not invading them.

4) According to the 9/11 commision there was no meeting.

5) The official report came out already and said that he had no WMD's. Weve had troops in his country for over a year and we havn't found any WMD's. That's how I know.

6) And aren't you the one that wanted the assault rifle ban lifted?

7) Well then your a warmonger too.
Why do you all argue? You know your to proud to admit your wrong even if you really were. Ya'll just need to give it up. This thread and the general election one ought to be shot.


Jizm said:
Why do you all argue? You know your to proud to admit your wrong even if you really were. Ya'll just need to give it up. This thread and the general election one ought to be shot.

I am getting tired of it. All were doing is arguing about the same shit over and over again. :sleep: