What are you watching right now?

Re: What you watching right now!

Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor: The Link

A one-off David Attenborough programme arrives shrouded in secrecy. It appears to revolve around the discovery of well-preserved fossilised remains in Germany that provide a key link between smaller mammals and higher apes in the evolutionary story. Beyond that, further detail was being zealously withheld until after RT had gone to press. But if information is thin on the ground, hype is not. Brief press notes trumpet this as what could be "one of the most important scientific discoveries of the 21st century". Early days to be making that sort of claim, you might think, but if the new find helps settle the debate about exactly what kind of primates were humankind's earliest ancestors, it could be big. And it will doubtless involve those most engaging characters, lemurs, even if the vital feature of the 40-million-or-so-year-old remains turns out to be precisely that they are not of a lemur but of something slightly and significantly different. Either way, we can be pretty sure Sir David will not disappoint.
Re: What you watching right now!

im watching starship troopers right now, getting ready to see the arachnids do some slaughtering!


Lord Dipstick
Re: What you watching right now!

Eminem ripping it on the MTV Movie Awards.
Re: What you watching right now!

Jeremy Kyle, a morning chat show shown here in the UK, where all the chavs go on to find out who the father of their baby is or if there partner has cheated.

This morning theres a couple on it who accuse their grandchild of stealing their pension. Good ol' England.
Re: What you watching right now!

Meet The British -
Producer Jeff Simpson has chanced upon a trove of archive material that is by turns hilarious and hideous. From the 1950s to the 80s, the Government produced dozens of short films promoting Britain to foreign audiences. Caravan rallies, Wurlitzers, asbestos spray, foil-wrapped babies, and a young Roger Cook modelling an electrical anorak are among the treats that should have you chortling with mirth and horror. I lost count of the times my jaw dropped at the parade of dire fashions, alarming hairdos and unbridled sexism. Enjoy!


Lord Dipstick
Re: What you watching right now!

American Chopper