What are you reading now?


What are you reading right now?

I noticed quite a few threads on this topic.....So I thought I would create one where hopefully everyone posts hence it will become similiar to the "what are you listening to right now" thread. Keeping the board nice and tidy.

Its likely though maybe I am making an assumption, I'd bet probably a safe one that this thread wont be very large lulz.

As for me I am currently reading:
Stephen King's- Hearts in Atlantis


Lord Dipstick


Lord Dipstick
Pro Wrestling Illustrated
The well trained mind by Jessi Wise and Susan wise Bauer

Montessori a modern Approach by Paula Polk Lillard

and The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History by Thomas E Woods, Jr., Ph.D.
The Way of the World - Ron Suskind
Methland: The Death and Life of an American Small Town - Nick Reding