What are you reading now?


NOTHIN! I've just run out of books. Came in here for some inspiration, and I think I might check out Blood Meridian. I thought The Road was incredible so I'm bound to love it.
Operation Z by Max Brooks. I heard that Brad Pit wants to turn it into a film. Can´t hardly wait.
...and you will know us by the trail of dead... :eek:
House Of Leaves by Mark Danielewski

Pretty crazy so far, highly recommended!
I am trying to get through all the books in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Two books I am reading right now are the Ultramarine Omnibus by Graham McNeil and Grey Knights by Ben Counter. I am a huge fan of fantasy/SciFi and after I read through all those books I'll be reading the Xarth Series by Piers Anthony.
House Of Leaves by Mark Danielewski

Pretty crazy so far, highly recommended!

one of my top five favorite fiction. How are you reading it? all at once, or reading the different parts, like the footnotes, in order and then going back and reading the rest? I guess it's recommended that you read it that way, but I just read it all at once. Maybe next time i'll try it the other way.

"World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War" by Max Brooks

How is that? I've been wanting to read that since it came out, but never picked it up.
I've almost finished the last part of the Dark Tower books by Stephen King. My next book is going to be Mister B.Gone by Clive Barker.
How is that? I've been wanting to read that since it came out, but never picked it up.

Very good read! I'm about halfway through it and it's really good. Max has done a very good job portraying the outbreak with different perspectives. I just hope the movie will do it justice.
Just finished reading a haunted house book called "Daemon Hall"- I think its intended audience was teens, but I found some of the parts of it were actually scary, and it had a good premise.

Nice to see WWZ doing so well- considering I wrote almost the exact same thing 10 years ago.... Of course, I never had plans of getting it published; just my own thoughts turned into stories as a zombie film fan.

I would only like to see WWZ as a movie if a good screenwriter/director were attached.

I would only like to see WWZ as a movie if a good screenwriter/director were attached.

From what I've heard, Brad Pitt's production company run the rights to the movie, and the screenplay is being written by J. Michael Stracynski. Max Brooks said he had no control over anything, but thought Brad Pitt could fit somewhere in the movie, and said the last script he read from Stracynski was amazing.
People said the same thing about James Gunn's script for "Dawn of the Dead", which was nauseatingly bad.

But if the book's author really likes a screenwriter, that often bodes well.

Brad Pitt...... zombies........

Yeah, that doesn't really work for me.

one of my top five favorite fiction. How are you reading it? all at once, or reading the different parts, like the footnotes, in order and then going back and reading the rest? I guess it's recommended that you read it that way, but I just read it all at once. Maybe next time i'll try it the other way.

Right now Im reading it all in order (unless the page breaks the footnote.) I'm still pretty early into the book, but it has proven to be quite a tough read.
I am trying to get through all the books in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Two books I am reading right now are the Ultramarine Omnibus by Graham McNeil and Grey Knights by Ben Counter. I am a huge fan of fantasy/SciFi and after I read through all those books I'll be reading the Xarth Series by Piers Anthony.
Dan Abnett rules, besides all of Gaunt´s ghosts! :thumbsup: