What are you listening to right now?


Prince of the Rotten Milk
song: Everyday
artist: Def Leppard
album: X (2002)


Prince of the Rotten Milk
song: You Can Leave Your Hat On
artist: Tom Jones
album: The Full Monty (Soundtrack)

a perfect song for an strip-tease!!!


Lord Dipstick
Guns n' Roses- Better


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Don't you mean ever?
Old Gn'R is much better than this so-called new Gn'R.

Track: Into The Night
Artists: Carlos Santana feat. Chad Kroeger
Album: Ultimate Santana
I meant never, because everyone trashes Chinese D. Pretty sure not many(except die hards) have given it a chance. Yea, I LOVE "old" Gn'R, saw them live 7X. Axl's "new" Gn'R kills velvet revolver or snake pit... It don't really matter, guess you'll find out for yourself...


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'm a diehard Gn'R fan, and I have given it one Chance, it's just not the same as before.
I get ya L3ggy. Give it more than once... Some of the best music isn't instantly gratifying... Not many albums can compare to AFD, or the Illusions. But, how silly if Axl was singing about dope, getting wasted, & whores, in his 40's? Oh yea, that's Motley Crues last album, pathetic. Axl's hired hands are great musicians, it is, what it is... Izzy still playes with him on occasions...