Jan Delay - Little Miss Anstrengend
Ravenholm Sep 18, 2009 #13,364 Ohne Dich [Unreleased] - Rammstein Fucking excellent song so it is. Nice and atmospheric. This unreleased version is heavier than the ballad version. Ballads for the most part suck.
Ohne Dich [Unreleased] - Rammstein Fucking excellent song so it is. Nice and atmospheric. This unreleased version is heavier than the ballad version. Ballads for the most part suck.
B bandanoantri Banned Sep 18, 2009 #13,366 GOD DETHRONED - Passiondale (Album) ...for me to this day the best Metal album of 2009
cartman24 Sep 19, 2009 #13,375 The two songs that have been released from the upcoming Between the Buried and Me album: Between the Buried and Me - Mirrors Between the Buried and Me - Obfuscation Amazing
The two songs that have been released from the upcoming Between the Buried and Me album: Between the Buried and Me - Mirrors Between the Buried and Me - Obfuscation Amazing
sdj374 Sep 19, 2009 #13,376 Social Distortion - Far Behind http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsUfTdm0leA
Marlo Manson Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing? Sep 19, 2009 #13,379 Rage against the Machine ~ Year of the Boomerang. :banger: