ESPN's Friday Night Fights
Moonchild22 Mar 26, 2011 #32,143 Armored Saint: Revelation (album) John Bush is no longer singing in Anthrax. Maybe he'll do more with these guys.
Armored Saint: Revelation (album) John Bush is no longer singing in Anthrax. Maybe he'll do more with these guys.
enndaley Mar 26, 2011 #32,151 John_8581 said: Sticky Fingers... Click to expand... I read in Eric Clapton's autobio that Charlie Watts said Mick Taylor did that entire solo at the end of the song on the first take.
John_8581 said: Sticky Fingers... Click to expand... I read in Eric Clapton's autobio that Charlie Watts said Mick Taylor did that entire solo at the end of the song on the first take.