Don't go into details if you don't want, I'm just curious, are there things that you should attend to but keep pushing it back another week, a week after that, another week ....
I should make an appointment for the dentist. I have no pain in my mouth or anything, it's just that it would be cheaper and better to do whatever work needs to be done now instead of tomorrow.
I'm not even fearful of the dentist, really ! *LIE
I just don't know why I can't simply pick up to phone and ... ya know ... ? :o
Also, I have a mountain of envelopes & statements that I should probably pick up off the floor and file.:o
All of the bills are getting paid and all, it's just the residuals that should be attended to.
Every day I have to both look at and stumble over this crap !
Inspire me ! :hatsoff:
I should make an appointment for the dentist. I have no pain in my mouth or anything, it's just that it would be cheaper and better to do whatever work needs to be done now instead of tomorrow.
I'm not even fearful of the dentist, really ! *LIE
I just don't know why I can't simply pick up to phone and ... ya know ... ? :o
Also, I have a mountain of envelopes & statements that I should probably pick up off the floor and file.:o
All of the bills are getting paid and all, it's just the residuals that should be attended to.
Every day I have to both look at and stumble over this crap !