Satanic Fascist Attack On The Los Angeles I-10 Highway: Low Vibrational Warfare
I should have known there was gonna be trouble when this dude left town…lololol
Ok, now today, we are going to be talking about The I-10 bridge incident. Another
Satanic OP Play similar to The Maui “Blast”. The subsquent
Disruption of Traffic Patterns, and the use of
HAARP Weather Modification Technology.
What is alleged, is that these fascist nuts tried to destroy the I-10 by setting a homeless encampment under the bridge on fire. Also, the owner of the property where the fire started apparently was in court for subleasing the premises for storage to several different people at the same time. So they were probably looking for an insurance payoff, as well as, screwing as many people as possible in the process.
You can see that there is no real damage from fire on a concrete and steel bridge. Yet they tried to close this stretch of the highway
PERMANENTLY, even before an assessment.
The reason I’m making this post is because I have alot of folks in LA that asked me to speak on this, and also because these types of operations (OPS) are becoming more frequent, where they are closing roads and disrupting traffic patterns for no apparent reason other than to just fuck up your day. And these types of operations are happening all over the world, and is part of the
fascist new world order prototype, where they are trying to figure out ways to control, and destroy, the population by disrupting and/ or manipulating key areas of traffic flow.
You knew the fix was in because the news announced the 10 was closed “indefinitely” before anyone even assessed the damage. It’s a concrete structure, and common sense should tell you that even an immense fire will do little damage to it. But they made that announcement in the media, because that was the plan all along, to close the 10, disenfranchise the hood, and make people pay a premium price to use toll express lanes like the 110. And I say the Hood, because the area southeast of the 10 after Alameda is
South Central LA. So basically they were trying to create a traffic pattern that by passed black neighborhoods, and thus destroy their local businesses.
LOL pretty fucked up huh, but what they didn’t figure on was all of these corrupt ass mostly white suburban 9 to 5 commuter worker bees being forced to sit in traffic, and wait like sitting ducks in their cars in South Central LA everyday.lolol Or even wosre, go up north, around
St. Pedro street, where they must sit in their nice Audi's for 3 to 5 hours in standstill traffic smelling the stench of
homeless encampments, while trying not to make eye contact with the street people they fuck over everyday.
You see the grunts, white collar executives, doing all the dirty work for the Devil, never usually have too see these horrid spectacles. They just jump on the freeway and bypass it all. Out of sight, out of mind. But not anymore, huh!
OK, but so, In this instance, the shutdown of traffic flow into LA, served a two fold purpose, of 1) disenfranchising the predominantly minority population of south central LA, and 2) further disrupting the art and entertainment centers of Los Angeles.
I think my people can easily see why Fascist racists would want to hurt minorities, but why the Entertainment Industry, the cash cow of the whole city of Los Angeles.!?!?!
The reason they want to do this is because they want to
lower your frequency/ vibrational level to Depression, Frustration, and Discontentment. These are all low energy or low-frequency emotions. Fascists consider
art and entertainment to be synonymous with
the high vibrations of humanity compassion and joy.
The compete opposite of the
violent-retarded mindset that is needed to institute a
fascist dictatorship. As you saw with the
SAG strike, The
satanic puppet corporate owners of the
Hollywood Entertainment Industry have NO regard for actors, or artistry, in general. They basically wanted to replace them all with minimum wage reality TV scabs, and
Artificial Intelligence.
Another example of this is in professional sports such as the NBA, where teams arbitrarily sit the most exiting players, just to lower the excitement level of the event, and to disappoint the viewers. All of this is to lower the vibrational level of the audience, while still keeping them captivated.
Understanding Vibrational Frequencies
Think about why they never made a new
Friday's sequel, or a new
Game Of Thrones series. These projects would easily make money, but the
Satanic Corporate Owners are more concerned with executing a nutball agenda of keep your vibrational levels low. This is more important to them than making money, because they are so rich, their financial success, doesn’t rest on the success of their entertainment businesses.
Just like
Elon Musk with Twitter, his wealth is not dependent on how Twitter does. His job is to ruin the platform, not to make it better. That's what the
"X" stands for…. Destruction (Of Your Vibrational Energy High).
Destruction Of The Individual "Artistic Soul"
Destruction Of Gender Identity
Destruction and Chaos is what masonic fascists are all about. That is right in the Masonic Logo.
ORDO AB CHAO. Destruction of human society to serve a
Devil, who hates them.
It is alleged that almost every major enlightened political activist, or entertainer, was assassinated by them for the same reason, to keep the vibrational level of the masses low. So that you will be
"illuminated" by lies, and not "enlightened" by the truth.
And you see these chaotic trends in all major cities, especially regarding traffic disruptions. For instance, it has been reported, that route 50 aka New York Avenue, in Washington DC, has repeatedly been blocked, for no reported reason, at the Anacostia River, limiting access to The
Union Cultural Arts & Entertainment Market District. Also this further limits access to The adjoining
Florida Avenue cafe’s and shops, which have been choked off by major undefined ongoing construction for, at least, the last
10 years. This is similar to scenarios in other places like Columbus Ohio.
So again, we have an attempt to
destroy ethnic and cultural centers of major cities. The reason being to lower the vibrational frequencies of the overall population, while also disenfranchising as many minorities as possible.
OK seems pretty clear, right… but where does the
HAARP weather modification aspect enter into the equation. Well here it is…
Well, Wouldn’t you know it, but right after the bridge fire, Los Angles was hit by a
fluke Torrential downpour, making already bad traffic, into perhaps the worst in LA history, out side of disruptions caused by prior major earthquakes.
And last by not least, as I have said before, a post is not complete without a good climax. So here it is.
The Governor of Cali declared a state of emergency, because of the 10 closure, while in the meantime, the cost of toll express lane highways like the 110 have
in a State Of Emergency!
But yeah I’m not gonna say to much more because my folks folks out there in LA know what time it is. Plus a few days of those fat cats sitting 3 to 5 hours, in standstill traffic, on side streets, in the hood, got them political puppets, like the Governor and Mayor, moving pronto!! The timeline went from
Never reopening, to
3 to 5 weeks, to
Tuesday in time for Thanks Giving lolol Poor satanic fools, still haven’t figured out that you can’t hurt others without hurting yourself…But I'm sure they’ll keep trying…They’ll probably never learn.
But um yeah that's all we have for today, Everybody in LA, Hope you’re OK, Hollah at ya'll soon, and enjoy your holiday!
And as Always...Thanks for all the Love, Thanks for all the support….and I’m out!