What are popular porn mags in your country?

I'm looking to find out what the world's best erotic (porn) magazines are (only for the interesting articles :))

Shoot !


Retired Mod
U.S. - Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, Score, Gent, Swank
My friends were buying some cheap intertet copy-paste magazines. I have never seen Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, Score, Gent or Swank in any newspaper or mag selling spot in Istanbul.
lol I directly went through the net for porn, i didn't have the mag stage.


Take a Hit, Spunker!


Retired Moderator
I'm looking to find out what the world's best erotic (porn) magazines are (only for the interesting articles :))

Shoot !

Hey Marie! :D

If your looking for articles I would have to say Playboy and Penthouse are the top 2.

For straight out unadulterated porn content Hustler is tops! :2 cents:
Sheep Are Baaaaaad People Too
A Camel A Day...
TwoLips (A gardeners guide)
and Cumm Sucking Ball Draining Whores (that look just like Andrew McCarthy) is a good one if you can find it anywhere outside of Berzerkistan
I've been informed that the sales of porn mags has seriously declined over the past 5 years or so. This is due to the rise in the numbers who have access to the internet for their porn requirements. :thumbsup:
I've been informed that the sales of porn mags has seriously declined over the past 5 years or so. This is due to the rise in the numbers who have access to the internet for their porn requirements. :thumbsup:
Yep, the internet saves people from moms and wives finding dirty magazines under matresses :)
Yep, the internet saves people from moms and wives finding dirty magazines under mattresses :)

Yep. Today they will find dirty images on Cd's, DVDs, and other storage devices. :eek: :o :tongue: