Westboro Baptist Church

hahahaha i just read the title of this thread and started laughing, buncha fuckin inbred douche bags. let them believe whatever they want. if they ever bother you punch'em in the face
I just hope when these bastards die then people who they are against will picket at their funerals to see how the other members of their twisted group like it. It is a good thing that these guys are now banned from entering the UK. What we have to bare in mind however is that there are other groups like them out there, hundreds if not thousands of them.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Huge fine for anti-gay US church
'A church whose members cheered a soldier's death as "punishment" for US tolerance of homosexuality has been told to pay $10.9m (£5.2m) in damages.
The Westboro Baptist Church was taken to court by the father of Lance Cpl Matthew Snyder, a marine who died serving in Iraq in March 2006.

The church cited its constitutional right to free speech in its defence.

But Albert Snyder's lawyer urged the jury to ensure the damages were high enough to stop the church campaigning.

Members of the church - based in Topeka, Kansas - have denounced homosexuality for years, initially targeting the funerals of Aids victims.

But they later extended their pickets to the funerals of soldiers, who they say are being punished by God because of the US' tolerance of homosexuality.'http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7072404.stm

From this thread:http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?t=168726&highlight=westboro

I guess this goes to show that you don't have to be all that smart to be a lawyer considering Fred Phelps did.

Neighborhood menace

Friday, March 07, 2003

Mr. Rogers would have had nothing but kind words for the Rev. Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan. In the ancient Christian tradition of blessing one's enemies, the late Fred Rogers would've reacted to Fred Phelps' calumnies by turning the other cheek.

Such a magnanimous gesture would have driven Mr. Rogers' accuser, a disbarred lawyer and preacher of intolerance into convulsions of fury. Mr. Rogers was a profound enough Christian and human being to realize that upon meeting a demon on fire, it's better to give it a wide berth until it burns itself out.

From this editorial:http://www.post-gazette.com/columnists/20030307tony107col2p2.asp

Apparently the good reverend had made plans to attend Mr Rogers funeral and protest. I know I wrote in an earlier post that I would "punch the old geezer in the neck" the approach of someone of Fred Rogers would probably be more sensible and in the end would probably vex Phelps to his dying day. How big a jerk would someone have to be to make statements like this about every Americans favorite neighbor.

No. I would probably take the low road and punch him in the neck.
They came to my old high school to protest the Laramie Project. It's rediculous that they'd go all the way to my home state just to protest. It's hard to take those creatures seriously.
Huge fine for anti-gay US church
'A church whose members cheered a soldier's death as "punishment" for US tolerance of homosexuality has been told to pay $10.9m (£5.2m) in damages.
The Westboro Baptist Church was taken to court by the father of Lance Cpl Matthew Snyder, a marine who died serving in Iraq in March 2006.

The church cited its constitutional right to free speech in its defence.

But Albert Snyder's lawyer urged the jury to ensure the damages were high enough to stop the church campaigning.

Members of the church - based in Topeka, Kansas - have denounced homosexuality for years, initially targeting the funerals of Aids victims.

But they later extended their pickets to the funerals of soldiers, who they say are being punished by God because of the US' tolerance of homosexuality.'http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7072404.stm

From this thread:http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?t=168726&highlight=westboro

Good to see these idiots finally cracked down on.


There are groups of bikers who go to the funerals these inbred hicks go to so they can drown out their cries of hatred by revving their Harleys.

Those guys (the bikers) are awesome.


Actually, not according to Facial_King.

I side with the bikers....as do most of the rational folks out there.
Although there is something to be said for the "bringing together" factor as previously stated, if one wishes to effectively deal with these maniacs frontal assault isn't the way, unless the result is total group kill...that would be pretty effective!:rofl:
Seriously, the bikers are smart because the effect is total ignoring of the message, not the crazy messengers. While the service may be a bit weird with the decibel level approaching that of a Saturn rocket, I would hate to be a member of the fallen warrior's family...my rage is a cold thing, and never mind's the death of any enemy or despised object. They would qualify...
There are groups of bikers who go to the funerals these inbred hicks go to so they can drown out their cries of hatred by revving their Harleys.

Those guys (the bikers) are awesome.


I agree. See, freedom of speech works! When people exercise their right of free speech in a way that is deemed by most to be disrespectful, others, like the bikers come up with ways to counter with their own free speech.
I just wonder what's going to happen when one of them dies. The protest at that thing will be huge. And what are the Phelps' going to say when one of their own kind dies?

"Oh, he/she was probably a closet "fag enabler", so that was God's will."
I just wonder what's going to happen when one of them dies. The protest at that thing will be huge. And what are the Phelps' going to say when one of their own kind dies?

"Oh, he/she was probably a closet "fag enabler", so that was God's will."

That's a good point. You know they're not going to have the guts to make a public appearance should that happen.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
ST. LOUIS – The American Civil Liberties Union sued Maplewood today on behalf of a controversial Kansas-based church that protests at the funerals of soldiers, alleging that the city's funeral protest ban is unconstitutional.

I was just beginning to respect the ACLU a little last year when They went after the state of Minnesota over Muslim teachings at a publicly funded charter school. Now they go about representing Fred Phelps's desire to be the biggest douche in the US.

I can understand why no one has busted a cap in Phelp's vicinity for fear of martyring him but its shite like this that upsets my overall emotional well being. The fact that his group continues to get headlines for their escapades defies belief.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I think it should be legal to hunt these people for sport - vile, disgusting human beings.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I detest everything about the Westboro weirdos. But as long as they have their say, I know I'll always have my say. I have issues with the ACLU sometimes too. But civil liberties should never depend on ones political leanings or beliefs.

:2 cents: