Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Elizabeth Edwards' Funeral


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I guess mocking dead American soldiers won't satisfy the appetites of these fucking lunatics anymore. Now these nutballs are zeroing in on that recently-departed paragon of evil, Elizabeth Edwards. :facepalm:

Westboro Church to Protest at Elizabeth Edwards' Funeral


The Westboro Baptist Church, a Kansas church famous for its anti-homosexual protests at funerals, said it plans to protest at the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards on Saturday.

The church plans to protest for 45 minutes before the funeral starts at 1 p.m., according to the church's website.

The church did not provide a specific reason for the protest.

By Thursday afternoon, groups had already formed on social media to counterprotest Westboro's actions. Nearly 400 people had confirmed their attendance to one event, titled Protect Elizabeth Edwards' funeral from Westboro church, by 4 p.m. Thursday.

The Westboro Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church known for its extreme stance against homosexuality and its protest activities. The WBC is not affiliated with any known Baptist conventions or associations.

Edwards, 61, died Tuesday from cancer -- six years after she was diagnosed the day after the 2004 election when her husband John was a vice presidential candidate.

For years, Elizabeth Edwards prepared her family for the day she would be gone, talking bluntly about the cancer consuming her body and writing a letter to leave for her children with life advice on topics such as how to pick a church -- or even a spouse.

The preparation continued in her final days, when she made sure Christmas decorations were up in their Chapel Hill home and became the source of comfort to those closest to her.

"That was sort of who she was. She was always, always the shoulder to lean on," said family friend John Moylan. "And, even at the end, she remained a very strong person. I think they all took their strength from her."

Since her cancer returned in an incurable form in 2007, Edwards had talked openly about the expectation that the disease would take her life before long. She had hoped to live several more years, enough time to see her youngest child, 10-year-old Jack, graduate from high school and possibly see the oldest, 28-year-old Cate, have a child of her own.

But Edwards also said over the years that she was talking directly with the kids about death. Meanwhile, she had been penning a letter that her children could use as guidance for their lives ahead. It was an idea she came up with two decades ago after watching the movie "Terms of Endearment," in which the mother knew she was dying and gave advice to her children.

David "Mudcat" Saunders, a political adviser and Edwards family friend, said the two youngest children appeared to be coping well with the loss. He said the home, while consumed with sadness, also has a feeling of celebration as family and friends remembered stories of Elizabeth Edwards' life. In part, he said, that was because of her never-look-back attitude.

"I think that spirit of Elizabeth is so branded in Emma Claire, Jack and Cate, that the kids will be fine," Saunders said.

In her final days of rapidly declining health, Saunders relayed a story about how Jack had jumped onto the bed with his mother to say that he loved her. She smiled at him and said, "I love you too, sweetie," Saunders said.

John Edwards was at her side around the clock. He was deeply upset by his wife's death, Saunders said, but is also focused on attending to the children. He recalled asking Edwards what he planned to do now, to which the former North Carolina senator vowed simply: "I'm going to be the greatest father there ever was."

Added Moylan: "His full focus is on those children."

Three decades after the law school sweethearts married, Elizabeth Edwards separated from her husband about a year ago following his affair and after learning that he fathered a child with his mistress during his second campaign for the White House. He still faces a federal investigation into campaign finances.

A family friend said Wednesday that Elizabeth Edwards will be honored Saturday at Edenton Street United Methodist Church in Raleigh. The friend spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because details of the plans have yet to be announced by the family.

The public is allowed to attend the event, set to begin at 1 p.m. The family is still working on burial plans.

Mourners were asked to make donations to the Wade Edwards Foundation, which was created in honor of Edwards' son who died in a car crash at age 16.

Source is here:

The fact they call themselves a "church" disgusts me... what a repulsive group of troglodytes. It's not bad enough her husband was fucking around on her while she was sick, now she can't even have her dignity in death? :mad:
I'm a peaceful guy. I'm a forgiving guy. I believe in the freedom of expression and of religion.

But protesting at funerals like this God forsaken organisation is repugnant and rapacious. It surprises me that this "church" continues to exist. Bunch of fucking media whores who are nothing but disrespectful to others. They scream, "tolerate our right to protest here," while they tolerate none of the rights of others.

I hope that each of the people who attend their protests is affected themselves at a time of extreme mourning. Then I hope a piano falls on them from a tall building.
I thought I heard on the news they didn't show up to that funeral of the soldier? It was in the preview right before the news actually came on, but I thought I heard that.

Either way I still stand by what I say about protesting anything they do within the legal limits.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'm all in favor of shooting these protesters for sport. Just sayin'...
I know recently they were going to hold a protest at a soldiers funeral in I think it was in Missouri and when they arrived at the spot they had a permit for they were unable to use it. Seems people in the town and surrond area heard about their plans and arrived early and occupied the spot. It was reported that after a bit they finally gave up and left. Wish more people would do this and stop thses idiots from doing this to other grieving families.
I'm really disgusted that they are even allowed to do this. I'm sure the law can classify this as harassment but I'm not sure why lawmakers don't push it harder.

I hope one day they protest the wrong funeral and receive a serious beating.


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
What upsets me is that they are allowed to do this. There should be some kind of exception to the right to protest if it takes place at the site of a funeral.

I'm all in favor of shooting these protesters for sport. Just sayin'...


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Did they ever make it to Ronnie James Dio's funeral?
Did they? Dio fans wouldn't let that slide. These church crazies are pissing off everybody and I'm surprised they're still walking around without any bodily injury.
The fact they call themselves a "church" disgusts me... what a repulsive group of troglodytes. It's not bad enough her husband was fucking around on her while she was sick, now she can't even have her dignity in death? :mad:

Her "dignity" depends on the beholder, not fuckhead attention whores who interrupt funerals. I wish people would stop trying to make this as an offense to the departed. The departed have no concern in these matters.

As far as the "church" comment. We have about 10 thousand years of "churches" in some regard. These freaks who act this way resemble the historic conventional church more than any of our mainstream, contemporary religious outfits.

To suggest that they're not a church is to suggest that the first 1,400 years of widespread Christianity had no church.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
There are so many drive-by shootings. I wonder why nobody took the opportunity to do THEM that service.

I mean, hey, they want to serve the Lord, let's make them meet HIM right now, or what?


You can find oddball extremists in every crowd, let's not give the westboro baptists (whoever the hell they think they are) any publicity.
The fact that they picked her funeral just shows they're going for press. I think all they want is for TLC or VH1 to give them their own reality show and they will stop, but do we really need another reality show that bad? Is that even a fair trade!?
I was always taught that only God can past judgement. To say someone is going to burn in hell is passing judgement. In other words, the church members are throwing stones when it says in the good book "Let ye without sin cast the first stone". It must be a burden to be so perfect.


Reading through some of these posts, including some of the many recent threads that include religion in one way, shape or form, I just have to say that we are living in amazing times . . The areligious and anti religious types seem to know more about religion than those who supposedly embrace religion . . . hypocrites X 2!

...Or is it a whole bunch of know thy enemy on the part of the a's & anti's?

I was always taught that only God can past judgement. To say someone is going to burn in hell is passing judgement. In other words, the church members are throwing stones when it says in the good book "Let ye without sin cast the first stone". It must be a burden to be so perfect.

I think you should read the good book again. Yeah, you shouldn't throw thy stone as Jesus walks. But Jesus died without sin, for our sin. According to the gospel, our awareness of sin eliminates our ignorance of it.

God rendered judgement onto us. Jesus offered us salvation through him, his son. If you believe any of that shit than, according to God, you owe complete obedience or else you are damned.

I still don't get why so many of you tiptoe around this shit. But if you're going to, at least know about it.
If I didn't know better, I could guess they were a bunch of atheists posing as Christians in order to stir up hatred. These folks are the real deal, total batshit crazy.