Wendy 4 / Wendy Combattente / Wendy Fiore

chrohn's disease can mess you up.
I see where you coming from although I think she still looks fine for her age.
Yes she's got a food baby in some pics and dyes her hair given she's in her mid 30s.
The worst things she did to her beautiful face... lips job and botox changed her face A LOT.
new pictures?
what happened to her face? the only images I can see, she's still gorgeous, and she still has amazing tits. did she get a botched surgery?
is she back??


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You seem to think that because people do things, and even enjoy doing them, that it makes it right. Drinking is fun, and I love going out with my friends, but it doesn't make it right, and in the end it hurts myself, and possibly those around me, I know that, and I still do it. Does that mean I'm judging a person lifestyle...no. It means that I'm aware that drinking does nothing productive for my life or anyone else's life. Same thing with watching porn, or being a porn star. What healthy service is she providing anyone? The actuality is that if I'm a single man, instead of feeding my loneliness with porn, I should spend that energy on bettering myself, to put myself in the best position to meet a quality person. Even whacking off too much can train, and desensitize the penis, and can hurt your sex life with real women. And how would my wife feel, if she knew I was thinking of Wendy4 during sex...better yet how would I feel if I knew she was thinking of Wendy4 during sex? Inadequate. Nothing I'm saying is based on my moral code, it's simply physical, and mental health facts. If you watch porn, and you seriously think it's a good thing to do, your severely confused. I watch porn, and I realize every single time, this is a habit I one day want to drop. You remind me of that person who says, people should eat what they want, when they want, and no one should ever tell them whats good or bad to eat. But in reality stuffing your face with unhealthy food, will potentially kill you, and most likely make you unhappy with yourself. Indulging in models like Wendy4, is bad for the health and wallet.

You keep saying men this and that. I am a man, and as a man aka brute, I fight the urge to just think of women as ass and tits everyday(how I of think of Wendy, and any other women on my hard drive because I don't love them....at all), because women deserve more then that. Women want to be thought of as more then that...maybe you missed the whole women's right movement era...but you need to go back and look at your history if you think most women have no problem with be subjected to be a mans whack off tool.

We can do this all day long, and nothing will change. I believe women are human beings, and though I love lusting over internet models, I still know deep in my heart, that the uneasy...dont want my wife, mother, or sisters, feeling I get when I think of what if someone saw me watching this, is do to the shame I rightfully feel because I am supporting something that is spiritually depraving to women. Smiling is not being happy. And a pornstar may walk out of strip club thinking I'm so happy I just go paid...but somewhere in their mind, is a voice saying..."who are you fooling, no your not," and even if they ignore it, that voice alone proves my point, Lust will always be unhealthy for the spirit and soul.
Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Stanhope https://youtube.com/watch?v=FOt03BNPExo&feature=shares&t=603