There are protections in place to limit that sort of thing. Honestly, a handful of haters have no power over the masses.
She's 481 out of almost 50,000 models, thats insanely amazing. Average vote on her page is 4.09 out of 5.
If I was a 4 in real life, I'd be happy as fuck
I'd say she's doing pretty good for herself. I know I've fapped to her a few times myself.
If you happen to see a negative commend on a video or on her page, it can be reported and then we can see if it deems getting rid of of course.
A big problem is we can't force people to "like" something if they don't. Where would be the line between actually not liking a video versus just being a prick about it? Sad to say, its not possible.
Don't give the haters the satisfaction.