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Watergate 2.0 in Progress

Mueller subpoenas Trump Organization for documents related to Russia

Reported order is first time special counsel has asked for documents directly related to Trump’s businesses in course of investigation

The special counsel, Robert Mueller, has subpoenaed the Trump Organization to turn over documents, including some related to Russia[/B], the New York Times reported on Thursday, in a sign that the investigation is inching closer to the president.
The subpoena was delivered in “recent weeks” and includes an order for the Trump Organization to turn over all documents related to Russia and other topics he is investigating, the Times reported, citing two people briefed on the matter.
It is the first known order directly related to Trump’s sprawling business empire.

Asked by the New York Times last year whether he would consider Mueller examining his and his family’s finances a “red line”, Trump said: “I would say yeah. I would say yes. By the way, I would say, I don’t – I don’t – I mean, it’s possible there’s a condo or something, so, you know, I sell a lot of condo units, and somebody from Russia buys a condo, who knows?”
He added: “I don’t make money from Russia. Other than I held the Miss Universe pageant there eight, nine years.”

On Twitter, Trump has said he has had “nothing to do with Russia – no deals, no loans, no nothing”.
But on Wednesday Democratic lawmakers investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin alleged that the future president’s private company was “actively negotiating” a business deal in Moscow with a sanctioned Russian bank during the 2016 election campaign.
The statement by Democrats on the House intelligence committee, who have had access to internal Trump Organization documents and interviewed key witnesses, raises new questions about the Trump Organization’s financial ties to Russia and its possible willingness to deal with a bank that had been placed under US sanctions.
The Democrats did not indicate the source of their information.

One month before Trump laid down this “red line”, Don McGahn, the White House counsel, reportedly threatened to quit after Trump asked him to have Mueller fired because the president believed he had a number of conflicts of interest that disqualified him from overseeing the investigation.

Meanwhile a new poll from Pew Research Center found 61% of Americans were very or somewhat confident Mueller will conduct a fair investigation.
Opinions divided along party lines. Some 46% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents agreed, while for Democrats the figure was 75%.
The study, carried out before Thursday’s announcement of sanctions on Russian intelligence for its interference in the 2016 elections, also found 55% of Americans either not at all or not too confident that the Trump administration will take serious action to prevent Russia from influencing future elections in this country.

Mueller was appointed in May 2017 to investigate whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to sway the 2016 presidential election.
He is also reportedly investigating whether Trump obstructed justice by firing former FBI director James Comey, who has said he refused to give the president his loyalty.

The White House referred all inquiries to the Trump Organization. A lawyer for the Trump Organization did not wish to comment on the record.

At her regular media briefing, press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to address reports of the subpoena directly.
“As we’ve maintained all along and as the president has said numerous times, there was no collusion between the campaign and Russia,” Sanders told reporters. “We’re going to continue to fully cooperate out of respect for the special counsel. We’re not going to comment: for any specific questions about the Trump Organization, I’d refer you there.”


So Mueller informs Trump's lawyers that the President is not the target of a criminal investigation. After a year of investigations. Yeah, no shit.

Article II, motherfuckers.

When this is all done, Rod Rosenstein needs to fired along with Sessions.

I don't expect any mea culpas from the uninformed idiots here of course.

*still in progress*
Mueller is saying this to get Trump to agree to an interview. You gotta watch lawyers, they are some sneaky motherfuckers.
Mueller is saying this to get Trump to agree to an interview. You gotta watch lawyers, they are some sneaky motherfuckers.

Which says it all. Mueller has nothing on Trump after a year of investigations.

This meeting would be nothing but a perjury trap.

Watergate 2.0 indeed.
I don’t think the interview takes place unless Joe DiGenova is present and if so, he won’t allow Trump to fuck up. He’s a good one.
reading through this thread and it's stupid premise.

I hate to burst bubbles here, but this is NOTHING like Watergate. Watergate, while criminal, was not traitorous. Watergate was the result of an insecure politician, who didn't have the sense to just admit the truth right after the break-in was exposed. While it is serious that an American president set the Justice Dept., FBI, CIA and Executive Branch into motion to cover up a rather minor crime, Nixon did not involve a hostile foreign government. This is completely different. This is an American presidential candidate, soliciting information from a hostile foreign government, with the intent to influence and alter an American election. The trumpkins defense of, "There's no evidence," is as laughable as it is stupid. Donnie, Jr. not only took the meeting, he sent e mails stating emphatically that he "LOVED" the idea of using Russian officials to affect and influence the election. Manifort, Sessions, and a slew of other officials have admitted to meetings with Russian officials during the campaign. AND THEN THEY LIED ABOUT HAVING THESE MEETINGS. And here's your most damning piece of evidence: At last year's Republican National Convention, Trump's people were completely disinterested in the party platform, EXCEPT for two provisions: 1. Was to soften our stance on sanctions against Russia, and 2. Was to soften the language referring to a US response should Russia invade Ukraine. And then on his first visit overseas, Trump sets about to demolish NATO, thus weakening an EU threat should Putin start annexing independent republics. Trump is a traitor. Don't attach the word, "gate" to this. "Gate" implies a scandal. This is not scandal. IT IS TREASON. Involving yourself with officials of a hostile nation to affect and influence an American election is indeed against MANY laws. Twist yourself into pretzels as much as you wish to defend it, but the bottom line is what it is. He is a traitor.

holy shit @ your wall of text. wtf is wrong with you? but that in bold. You said MANY laws. can you cite specific statutes? All I've heard so far is a *possible* violation of campaign finance laws which amounts to a fine or some slap on the wrist. But you're using the word "treason." Again, cite the specific statutes that Donald Trump Jr. wanting to meet with a foreign national to get dirt on Hillary is treason. Nothing came of it of course, but the intent was there. So please, show us how this is an open and shut case of "treason." If Donald Trump Jr. is guilty of TREASON, hang him. But how does that get rid of your president who will likely be appointing the next 2 Supreme Court nominees and who will be confirmed. No ill will towards Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but she's lived a long and full life.

on a side note: what if there really was dirt on Clinton and could be proven true? Like Podesta's emails. The DNC didn't contest the veracity of the leaks while at the same time denying access to them by the FBI.

fuck. off.

reading through this thread and it's stupid premise.


Indeed. The Trump Presidency thread has become nothing but a libtard echo chamber where they drop whatever “ clever” meme they found on Facebook that day or some late night comedian’s unhinged rant from YouTube and think it is news. Do you remember how “ adultlike” all the leftists were when Obama was in office? It was the right who needed to suck it up because the people have spoken.

Now there has been a display for the past 17 months since Trump has won that can only be described as a meltdown of biblical proportions. They were all quiet, calm and content as long as Obama was transforming the country. If they are whining, something is going right. Their tears is a great barometer as to the direction of the country. Oh and that 51 percent presidential approval rating tho.
Attorney asks judge to allow Trump to review evidence the FBI seized from Cohen

One of President Trump’s lawyers, Joanna Hendon, filed papers late Sunday asking a federal judge to block prosecutors from studying material seized by the FBI in a raid until Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney, and the president have both had a chance to review those materials and argue which are subject to attorney-client privilege.
“Fairness and justice – as well as the appearance of fairness and justice – require that, before they are turned over to the Investigative Team, the seized materials relating to the President must be reviewed by the only person who is truly motivated to ensure that the privilege is properly invoked and applied: the privilege-holder himself, the President,” Hendon wrote.

On Friday, lawyers for Cohen appeared in federal court in New York asking that they, not the Department of Justice, be given a first crack at reviewing the seized evidence to see if it was relevant to the investigation or could be forwarded to criminal investigators without jeopardizing attorney-client privilege.
Prosecutors want a different system, in which a special team of Justice Department lawyers not directly involved in the probe would review the material and determine what was off-limits to investigators because of attorney-client privilege.

Hendon proposed yet another level of protections, in which Cohen’s lawyers, after finishing their initial review, would then be required to “identify to the president all seized materials that relate to him in any way and provide a copy of those materials to him and his counsel.”
Trump, or his lawyers, would then get to say what he believed to be off-limits to investigators.

Federal prosecutors revealed Friday said the criminal investigation had been going on for months. They declined to say publicly what laws they believed Cohen had broken, but said the probe had to do with her personal business dealings.
Prosecutors contend that Cohen was “performing little to no legal work” for Trump. They acknowledged that the investigation was referred by special counsel Robert Mueller, who is looking into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, but was being conducted by the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders demurred when asked Sunday on ABC’s This Week if Trump was worried that Cohen might agree to work with prosecutors, if charged, to reduce his own punishment.
“Look, the president is very confident in the fact that he has done nothing wrong and he can’t speak on behalf of anyone else, but he’s very confident in what he has and hasn’t done,” Sanders said. “And he’s going to continue focusing and fighting for the American people.”

Cohen, who didn’t attend Friday’s hearing, was ordered to appear in federal court Monday to help answer questions about his law practice. He has denied wrongdoing.
Both McDougal and Daniels say they had affairs with a married Trump, which the president has denied.

Trump said Sunday that all lawyers are now “deflated and concerned” by the FBI raid on Cohen, who is under criminal investigation for personal business dealings.
“Attorney Client privilege is now a thing of the past,” he tweeted. “I have many (too many!) lawyers and they are probably wondering when their offices, and even homes, are going to be raided with everything, including their phones and computers, taken. All lawyers are deflated and concerned!”

The raid carried out last Monday at Cohen’s apartment, hotel room, office and safety deposit box sought bank records, records on Cohen’s dealing in the taxi industry, Cohen’s communications with the Trump campaign and information on payments he made in 2016 to former Playboy model Karen McDougal and to porn actress Stormy Daniels, people familiar with the investigation told The Associated Press.

Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, said Sunday that his client will attend Monday’s hearing. In a tweet, he also responded to Trump’s comment about how “all lawyers” are feeling after the Cohen raid.

“To be clear – I am not “deflated and concerned.” I am “elated and hopeful,” Avenatti wrote. “The events of the last week reinstill the belief that NOBODY is above the law and the attorney-client privilege cannot be used by those in power to hide criminal conduct.”

So, Trump lawyers are asking the judge to give them back the documents seized by the FBI so that they can decide which can be used in the investigation and the trial and which shouldn't.
That's creative. Maybe that should be applied to all trials in the country. Maybe next time a murderer and a drug dealer is arrested he could tell the judge : "Your honor, please give us back all the drug and the illegal guns seized by police, ten we'll decide what can used during our trial and what should we keep for ourselves".


Closed Account
So, Trump lawyers are asking the judge to give them back the documents seized by the FBI so that they can decide which can be used in the investigation and the trial and which shouldn't.
That's creative. Maybe that should be applied to all trials in the country. Maybe next time a murderer and a drug dealer is arrested he could tell the judge : "Your honor, please give us back all the drug and the illegal guns seized by police, ten we'll decide what can used during our trial and what should we keep for ourselves".
And I guess what Mueller is doing should also be applied to all trials in the country.

For example: This past November I was a juror in a DWI trial. All we had to do was determine whether a woman was guilty of driving while under the influence. Nothing more, nothing less. We found her not guilty. And that was the end of that.

As per the Mueller Rules, the prosecution would have gone, "Okay, so she's not guilty of DWI, eh? Let's look now into whether she has ever committed robbery. And if that doesn't yield a guilty verdict, we'll look into EVERYTHING until we can find her guilty of SOMETHING! We want her ass and we will eventually GET it. Mark my word!"

I'm surprised that Mueller hasn't yet raided Trump's house to see if he can find so much as a ripped Mix music CD copied without permission so that he can impeach him with that.
And I guess what Mueller is doing should also be applied to all trials in the country.

For example: This past November I was a juror in a DWI trial. All we had to do was determine whether a woman was guilty of driving while under the influence. Nothing more, nothing less. We found her not guilty. And that was the end of that.

As per the Mueller Rules, the prosecution would have gone, "Okay, so she's not guilty of DWI, eh? Let's look now into whether she has ever committed robbery. And if that doesn't yield a guilty verdict, we'll look into EVERYTHING until we can find her guilty of SOMETHING! We want her ass and we will eventually GET it. Mark my word!"

I'm surprised that Mueller hasn't yet raided Trump's house to see if he can find so much as a ripped Mix music CD copied without permission so that he can impeach him with that.

Idiotic comparison. You're not even in the same ballpark.
And I guess what Mueller is doing should also be applied to all trials in the country.

For example: This past November I was a juror in a DWI trial. All we had to do was determine whether a woman was guilty of driving while under the influence. Nothing more, nothing less. We found her not guilty. And that was the end of that.

As per the Mueller Rules, the prosecution would have gone, "Okay, so she's not guilty of DWI, eh? Let's look now into whether she has ever committed robbery. And if that doesn't yield a guilty verdict, we'll look into EVERYTHING until we can find her guilty of SOMETHING! We want her ass and we will eventually GET it. Mark my word!"

Chuck, maybe you're not aware of how broad the directive Mueller was given actually was?

It wasn't by any means limitless the way you seem to be portraying it, but it was broad, and he has not strayed beyond the parameters of that original directive.
Actually you’re wrong. He spends more time in Rod Rosenstein’s office getting authority to expand the probe than he does working on the initial guidelines.