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Watergate 2.0 in Progress


Hiliary 2020
Spent 8 years trying to make Obama a criminal only to elect a actual one for yourselves......
Good Job.......

Well lets see Zee,
As PREZ, and supposedly the 1st AFRICAN American one (Close up of Oparah crying at his inauguration in 3-2-1) he carpet bombed an African country for months in densely population civilian cities.
That means African women, children, elderly, ect. Blown to bloody pieces, burned alive, buried in rubble to die a slow painful and terrifying death. Children. Little kids.
Yes months of pure hell and terror for these innocent African people.
Sure heavy bombs, depleted uranium which poisoned the Earth for a milllion years, and nice White Phosporous which burns you alive were rained down on these African people day and night for about 5 or 6 months.
there were miscarraiges galore and plenty of heart attacks also.

Then on the very day that the bombing stopped Al-Quauaeueada rolled right in by the thousands.
It was if the somehow knew exactly when the USA, Defender of Justice and Liberty and Freedom were going to stop bombing.
Yes they rolled in with their beards full grown in a country where beards were discouraged and hardly any men had them and rounded up the Sub Saharan Africans 1st ( They were the ones who relied on this country for work to support their families so they wouldn't have to go to Europe instead).
They were immediatly murdered and chopped up with machetes and put in piles of body parts on the street. Even dragged out of hospital beds to be hacked to death.
Then they rounded up the women and children and made rape, torture and murder houses out of the mosques. the Bearded Murderer Mercenaries love raping children.
They didn't harm any of the US MAINSTREAM MEDIA who were there in the hotels , most of whom were Christian or Jewish.
They left them alone.

Yes Al-Quaueaeada was there waiting armed to the teeth. Bombing ceased and they rolled right in.
And the US under OBAMA did nothing to stop them.
Nothing. They just took it and are still their 6 years later, beards and all.
A Zionist Central bank just like the FEDERAL RESERVE was installed right away too. These mercenaries dont kill and rape for free.

The NEXT DAY Mr Obama (known a Soetoro prior to entering politics) got on TV and bragged about it.
How HE took down an AFRICAN country with , " NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND".
BTW the military of this country didn't even fire a shot in their defense.
Barry was smiling. Probably not for what he did to all those millions of AFRICAN civilians but because he did good for his Masters.
His days of only being allowed on the porch were over.

Hiliary was there too, in Africa.
She went to the other major African countries to tell them to scrap their idea of a Gold Backed Banking/Currency system and do what they say or they'll be next. After all We Came, We Saw, HE DIED (play soundbyte of PSHYCOTIC laugh now).
Yes he was brutally murdered live on video by a bunch of bearded mercenaries who definitely were not working for the US GOV.

They all complied.

Side note-He could be murdered on video for the world to see. So could Hussien.
But not Bin Laden. Nope He couldnt as not to offend Muslims so he was wrapped head to toe in towels and chucked in the ocean.

But none of this was a crime.
Attacking and murdering about 1/6th of the population of a country who did not attack anybody or even threaten to attack is not a crime.
In fact if it wasn't reported by the news it probably didn't even happen, therefore Obama as PREZ and Commander in CHIEF! is not responsible therefore not a criminal.
Definitely. Definitely not a criminal.
Seriously waiting for Watergate 2.0 to come to fruition.

in the meantime jerking over the thought of obstruction of justice. If only it could be so.

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New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Notice how many libs here wanna take baseball bats to conservatives or impeach or jail a president and his administration

Notice how many conservatives wish death on democrats and suggest they kill themselves, and, Trump among them, wished to impeach or jail the previous administration.
I don’t know where the calls were calling for impeachment en masse. Oh there were the usual handful of angry voices but nothing like we witness on TV everyday and there certainly wasn’t a corrupt deep state and DOJ and FBI out to get him.
It’s a special little world that you live in. I’ll give you that much.

I can hear it now!! The Tea Party wuz out ta get mah president!
Notice how many conservatives wish death on democrats and suggest they kill themselves, and, Trump among them, wished to impeach or jail the previous administration.

And you forgot that Democrats are now guilty of treason. Stalin would be proud.


you can tell that young turks cuck is disappointed. Trump was supposed to have been indicted and impeached by now and his entire cabinet in jail.

lol I love it.

Meanwhile, I'll be looking at my next pay statement and the extra money I've been taking home and will start lol'ing all over again.
Mueller moves to drop more than 20 criminal counts against former Trump campaign official Rick Gates

Special counsel Robert Mueller moves to dismiss charges brought against former Trump campaign official Rick Gates in a court in Alexandria, Virginia.
The charges include bank fraud and tax fraud.
Gates pleaded guilty Friday to conspiracy against the U.S. and lying to federal investigators.

Special counsel Robert Mueller moved Monday to dismiss more than 20 charges against former Trump campaign official Rick Gates, multiple outlets reported, after Gates pleaded guilty last week to conspiracy and lying.
The charges being dropped were brought against Gates in a court in Alexandria, Virginia, in keeping with the terms of his plea deal.
"The Office will move promptly to dismiss the remaining counts of the Indictment in this matter," the agreement says. "In addition, the Office will move promptly to dismiss without prejudice the charges brought against your client in the Eastern District of Virginia."
If Gates breaks the terms of the agreement, he can be re-charged with the same crimes without having the option to fight his case in Virginia.

Gates, 45, is being relieved of more than 20 criminal counts, all of which were announced Thursday in a second criminal indictment against him and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. Gates was a close business associate of Manafort, who is a longtime lobbyist for Ukrainian political parties supportive of pro-Russian former President Viktor Yanukovych. The former Ukrainian president is living in exile in Russia and wanted for high treason by his country.

The superseding indictment charged Gates and Manafort with bank fraud and bank fraud conspiracy. The two defendants had previously been charged in October 2017 in a 12-count indictment including money laundering, lying to federal investigators and failing to register as foreign agents.
On Friday, Gates pleaded guilty to two additional charges on the same day they were issued: conspiracy against the U.S. and lying to federal investigators. He still faces a prison sentence of nearly six years, but the special counsel has the ability to request a shorter sentence for him.
That tool could be crucial for Mueller's team, who could use the leverage of a lighter prison sentence to yield more valuable information from Gates about the ongoing Russia probe.

Gates was deeply involved in the inner workings of the campaign, and remained a part of Trump's election bid even after Manafort resigned in August 2016. Gates also worked as a liaison between the campaign and the Republican National Committee, and was involved in the presidential transition after the election.

Manafort, on the other hand, has maintained his innocence even as he continues to rack up charges.
"I had hoped and expected my business colleague would have had the strength to continue the battle to prove our innocence. For reasons yet to surface he chose to do otherwise," Manafort said following Gates' change of plea.
The former campaign chairman, 68, was hit with five additional criminal counts on Friday, including lying, conspiracy to launder money and acting as an unregistered foreign agent.

Ok, we all know why Mueller drop charges against Gates : because Gates told him what he wanted to know...