Water fluoridation


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Which is best as far as lasting the longest ? Charcoal or paper filter media cannisters ?
I know the one inside my refer costs $36- and it is recommended that it be changed every 6 months, however I use it for a year.

At a minimum, use the activated-charcoal ones that include a supplementary cartridge filter to trap sediments. I have selfish business reasons to recommend a much more effective unit that I happen to sell, but I don't believe it is proper for me to promote my own products here on this forum. If you want more information, PM me and I'll be glad to help you out, my friend!


Hiliary 2020
I never buy water.
My grandfather told me never make someone else rich, I live by that.
He also taught me
always make sure you have a pair of ors onboard, no matter how big the boat is.

95% of the liquid i consume , probably about a gallon per day is from the tap.
luckily they have a pretty good system here, but man thats alot of flouride


Closed Account
Not to appear to be a know-it-all on this subject but I happen to ply my trade in the water industry safe to drink....you may choose to drink better tasting water than they provide (which I do) but if you choose to buy the bottled shit at Safeway you are a (no personal attack intended) chump and are throwing your money away.
You can make much better tasting and chlorine-free water at home with your city-provided tap water if you just take the time and effort to do so. Trust me on this one, Facetious. I know what I am talking about.

That's what I thought. Just the taste is slightly different.

I have tasted true spring water. It is different to the water in bottles or out of the tap as pure sugar is to saccharin.


but man thats alot of flouride

"[ . . .the lethal dose for a 70 kg human is estimated at 5–10 g.''

You better hope that the gumment officials are metering their flow properly. :uohs:

Maybe you would know Meester, doesn't NJ have something in place called "right to know" laws or legislation ? Does that include water utilities ? If so, that's good stuff ! We should adopt "right to know" for California. :D

Back to fluoride - No thanks, I fluoridate my own teeth at the amounts I want, after all it is my responsibility.... RIGHT ? :D

I'm sort of a hobby botanist ( nothing illegal - just an assortment of potted palm trees ) and I will say, the rain watered plants have dark green rigid foliage and the ones that I have watered using water from the hose bib outside are all, let's just say yukky . This isn't the variety of palm that I grow but the picture here is sort of telling us that there are sodium problems... sodium fluoride problems to be specific. Knowing that sodium fluoride has a tendency to retard the growth of terrestrial plant life and that 5 grams can kill a man, that's enough to call cause for concern... at least for me anyway.

Jagger - thanks for the offering, sir. :hatsoff: When your time permits, please pm me a linky on the product info.
"....and I can guarantee you that the water I drink is better than any bottled water you can buy anywhere. "

^^Here here:yesyes: Bottled water - and its devastating impact on the environment (I mean plastic and glass).

I've never purchased bottled water. I filter my water and it tastes great.


How does a retailer actually make money selling jug water ?

For example : I normally buy cases of Spring water in the 2.5 gal size when it goes on sale for $1.79 ea. (2 units makes a case)
Water weighs about 8.35 lbs per gallon .... multiply x 5 (gallons) which puts us at 41 lbs. & change per case

So we have a 41 plus lb. box that has to get loaded on a truck or trucks, then it has to get unloaded from the truck, then it has to stocked on the sales floor until it is purchased for an extremely meager $3.58 + redemption value.:dunno:

How does one make profit out of that ?

The "rip off" water that you guys are referring to are those 1/2 liter bottles at 7/11, AM/ PM market etc. which sell for what ....(?) $1.79 each. Now THAT is a rip off. :yesyes:

No harm to the environment with me, I take redemption - recyclable plastic back to the recy guy and he usually gives me about 10 bucks.

Will E Worm
