Watching you neighborhood change over the years

For me my neighborhood actually gotten alot better despite what the media may tell you. Its still problems and all but overall its alot better.
I remember i was like 5 years old and not too far from us a couple blocks some driveby shootings occured that killed around 7 or 8 people i dont remember exactly. Everyone thought that our neighborhood couldnt get any worse but it actually did all the way until the riots. For the next 2-3 years after the riots gang wars was at an alltime high and we just had to leave the neighborhood because things were getting crazy. But now i went back to visit after being gone for years and i see things really changed. IDK how they did it but tbh, i thing people do wisen up and get tired of living the same cycle for so long that they just start banding together.

Well thats how my neighborhood is anyways. wbu
Moved a few times but hard question to answer. Living in a large cosmopolitan city like London there is little community feel and each area changes name after less than a mile, you may know a few of your near neighbours but there is no real community which is a major disadvantage of living in built up cosmopolitan areas.
For me my neighborhood actually gotten alot better despite what the media may tell you. Its still problems and all but overall its alot better.
I remember i was like 5 years old and not too far from us a couple blocks some driveby shootings occured that killed around 7 or 8 people i dont remember exactly. Everyone thought that our neighborhood couldnt get any worse but it actually did all the way until the riots. For the next 2-3 years after the riots gang wars was at an alltime high and we just had to leave the neighborhood because things were getting crazy. But now i went back to visit after being gone for years and i see things really changed. IDK how they did it but tbh, i thing people do wisen up and get tired of living the same cycle for so long that they just start banding together.

Well thats how my neighborhood is anyways. wbu

Not to my experience! More godamn illegals, swiping their free food cards, their personal property (or rentals) like trash, and offering nothing to the USA!!!! These BUMS are ruining this country!

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
We've lost a ton of industry in my home town and replaced it with another maxi-max prison. Now we have more drugs and crime than you can shake a benefits card at.


My Penis Is Dancing!
This used to be a pretty nice little neighborhood, but white trash has taken over and big time. High drug use, remarkably high alcohol use, domestic violence out the ass.
Two towns I grew up in in NY went to shit. Lots of illegal immigrants and welfare recipients were shipped out there because landlords were forced to make their properties HUD housing as property values plummeted and they couldn't sell. Gangs were becoming a huge problem right before I went off to college.

And I used to live in Cleveland, OH for a few years. Needless to say, I wouldn't set foot in that city these days. Last time I had to, there were babies in the street and crackheads trying to strip vacant houses to collect and sell all copper pipe scrap. You could literally see them walking from house to house with hoodie pockets full of scrap.
This used to be a pretty nice little neighborhood, but white trash has taken over and big time. High drug use, remarkably high alcohol use, domestic violence out the ass.

Older residents have told me that the same development has taken place in our neighborhood since I've moved here.
My neighborhood has changed multiple times in just my lifetime.

As a little kid in the 80's, "white flight" turned what had been a predominately Irish neighborhood into a good mix of Irish, Haitian & Vietnamese.

Then the crack epidemic that had been sweeping through American inner-cities during the late 80's/early 90's, threatened to bleed into our neighborhood, resulting in further "class-flight", as the better off families began to move into the suburbs as well. But we beat back the tide, weathered the storm and since the mid to late 90's the neighborhood stabilized.

All through the 2000's the neighborhood became more stable, residentially and economically. Homegrown small businesses have helped raise the standard of living to the point where we are seeing the greatest amount of diversity in regards to class and ethnicity ever. And even though we still lie on the edge of the higher crime areas that always grab the headlines, and give my section of Boston a bad name, it's still (and has always been) a great place to live.
Older residents have told me that the same development has taken place in our neighborhood since I've moved here.

General trend of late in the UK is smaller night clubs/bars opening near quiet residential areas serving alcohol to early morning as well as mini marts. This has worsened the binge drinking culture and the resulting anti-social behaviour, even the supermarkets sell dirt cheap booze now


Hiliary 2020
This used to be a pretty nice little neighborhood, but white trash has taken over and big time. High drug use, remarkably high alcohol use, domestic violence out the ass.

you wouldn't happen to be from ocean country new jersey would you stan?

Same here. basically my little island town became filled with very rich new yorkers who wanted a house on the SHAW, and most of the locals sold out.
the town next to it that used to be a thriving summer resort town now is the welfare mom capital of the east coast., and its dead.

But all over the county there were just scumbags popping up everywhere.
Heroin junkies, drunks, various forms of lowlifes and of course Illegals everywhere.
A lot of the working class got out, many stayed and are struggling.
But its still a pretty area, nice scenery.

I remember I went there a few years back, to the beach, Asbury Park on 4th of July in the afternoon.
I was on the boardwalk and I swear I felt like Will Smith in that movie.
I was the only soul in sight. Nobody on the beach or anywhere. The whole time all I could hear was the squeaking of a girder dangling from a big building that was never completed. I guess they call that surreal..
Ten, twenty years ago the place would have been packed with people.

But there are still a lot of good people there I believe.
first, the word "neighborhood" means a different things in San Francisco than other cities. i live in the Sunset District of SF, which covers maybe 5 square miles, and thats my neighborhood. cause in SF your district is your hood (ive only shortened the word for type time), and a lot of people live by what that means.

so ill start with the Sunset in general first. my family has been living in my house since my grandma was a little kid in the late 20's, (second family to own it after being built in 1925) and from that time until the late 70's to the early 80's it was predominantly Irish and Italian. there were corner shops and delis, everyone knew each other, everyone went to the same parish schools and churches etc etc.

in the early 80's, things started to change, people started moving out, and people of Asian descent started moving in. i have no real problem with that; i know a lot of decent, hardworking Asian people that try to live the American life here, i went to school with their kids and hung out with them after. But in the Sunset, theres an overwhelming majority of Asian people that came here from the old country that havnt tried to assimilate or become Americans. it gets really annoying, and for the most part they dont give a shit about themselves.

on the other side, theres the white, black and latino people that have stayed behind, or have moved in since that have come to adopt that way of thinking also. there isnt the sense of community as there once was, or at least thats what ive been told by my family. but now, after 20 years of living here, im starting to see it myself, and it kind of worries me.

now my immediate "neighborhood", the Parkside (which is a sub district of the sunset)

My brother tells me that from 1980(when he was born) to about 1987-1989(when i was born) that it went from being 15 white/Asian kids on the block to 3 white/asian kids on the block. i didnt have the amount of kids he had to hang around with and go play in the park with, i was left with my school mates, which were spread across the district and city.

growing up here has taught me many life lessons that i will never forget, but since 08, crime has risen in areas towards the beach which is 20 blocks away(which really isnt that far awayway from me at 26th Ave in the dist, look up the sunset) and im kind of worried where my area is going.

anywho, sorry, that was kinda long, and it was just my:2 cents:, none of it was racist towards the Asian community, just a thought on how my city is changing so drastically. and on top of that im kinda drunk gettin ready for a party, so it more than likely wasnt written well