For me my neighborhood actually gotten alot better despite what the media may tell you. Its still problems and all but overall its alot better.
I remember i was like 5 years old and not too far from us a couple blocks some driveby shootings occured that killed around 7 or 8 people i dont remember exactly. Everyone thought that our neighborhood couldnt get any worse but it actually did all the way until the riots. For the next 2-3 years after the riots gang wars was at an alltime high and we just had to leave the neighborhood because things were getting crazy. But now i went back to visit after being gone for years and i see things really changed. IDK how they did it but tbh, i thing people do wisen up and get tired of living the same cycle for so long that they just start banding together.
Well thats how my neighborhood is anyways. wbu
I remember i was like 5 years old and not too far from us a couple blocks some driveby shootings occured that killed around 7 or 8 people i dont remember exactly. Everyone thought that our neighborhood couldnt get any worse but it actually did all the way until the riots. For the next 2-3 years after the riots gang wars was at an alltime high and we just had to leave the neighborhood because things were getting crazy. But now i went back to visit after being gone for years and i see things really changed. IDK how they did it but tbh, i thing people do wisen up and get tired of living the same cycle for so long that they just start banding together.
Well thats how my neighborhood is anyways. wbu