Watching real life rape at a high school


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Read this post ^ and I think you'll have a better understanding of where I am coming from, Sporty.

Guess what? I live in Tx too.....and I say we don't do enough to deter violent behavior. You confuse me because you say that you fear for the safety of your children and grandchildren. How would you feel if your daughter, wife, or girlfriend was gang raped in front of an audience? You would be alright with the perpetrators getting a year or so in prison and then being released to do more harm? I've heard a lot of cases around here where people have gotten off in a year for killing somebody :wtf:

You probably don't believe in spanking kids either. Well, I was spanked as a child, but not very often. See, I learned quick not to act up when my parents told me not to because it meant a spanking. Its the same idea, only harsher. The more the American public shows they won't tolerate this kind of behavior, the less these crimes will be committed. Its really common sense....cause and effect. You say address the root of the issue? The root of the issue that you're talking about is something that can never be fixed. There will always be troubled people with bad home lifes. The only thing we can keep under control is criminal behavior. But you might misunderstand me. I'm not talking about the traditional death penalty. I'm talking about making an example of some of these criminals. Not just sticking a needle in them and putting them to sleep. You're right in this area. It hasn't worked because they are few and far between, the process takes too long, and is too "humane." I know my suggestions will never happen though, because our country has become to "politically correct" aka pussified. In the mean time more innocents and possibly our loved ones will pay the price. Its sad that America has come to this, I know, but its really the only way. Until people like you wake up and realize this, it will only get worse.
It is called "Bystander Effect", also sometimes called "Genovese Syndrome", in reference to a notorious case from 1964, in which a 28 year old woman named Kitty Genovese, was brutally stabbed to death and raped in an alley in Queens, New York . . . a crime that was witnessed by thirty-eight (38) people.

A serious factor that I haven't heard anyone here discuss is the possibility of witness intimidation, on the part of the gang members.

If the assailants who committed the gang rape are affiliated with a street gang, there is a very real possibility that any witness who came forward or attempted to intervene would have incurred serious (possibly lethal retaliation).

I'm surprised that no one else has mentioned this possibility. Any body who was raised in an area that has gang or organized crime knows that the "no snitching" rule is more than a curious subcultural custom . . . it's a survival mechanism.

The way to solve the problem isn't to force innocent kids to police each other. It's to put more police on patrol in these neighborhood, in order to prevent crime in the first place.

Basic law enforcement theory: the best deterrent to crime is police presence.

You hit the nail on the head. It's amazing how the resident NeoCons act as if this is something new...if they took the time to take Psychology 101 they would learn that this has been going on for ages and even up to the present, heck even people with authority in high places such as politicians, corporate heads, cops and those in the military besides street thugs commit these type of brutal acts since they have a high and strong sense of loyalty to each other and an almost impenetrable code of silence.

A few months ago, some lady was jogging at a park and she was assualted and raped while park goers were either spectators or sat and did nothing and pretended as if nothing was amiss.

Yes, there is a deterrent to this and all it takes is one reasonable person to overcome their shock, fear, and disbelief in order to intervene to help a victim but there could be deadly consequences especially if he's outnumbered and outgunned by the assailants who use fear and terrorism to silence interference from witnesses
Basic law enforcement theory: the best deterrent to crime is police presence.

Wrong the best Police are Honest men and women who look out for one another and their children. Our country is becoming a monster of it's own within our boarders. I am not talking just illegals either. When I was a kid we could run around our neighborhood without a problem everyone looked out for one another. When it is time for me to have kids (not too far in the future) I will be watching over them like a hawk.

Basically it comes down to us as humans to make the surroundings better. What happened back in the day when we had 1 police man per town? In some places where I live it is still that way. Crime is very limited because the community keeps an eye out! That's the way it should be my friends.
TO steal a line from The Wall....

"If I had my way.... I'd have all of the shot!"

We cannot tolerate this kind of barbaric behaviour as a society... they should have a trail, convict everyone involved, and let the victim's family put bullets in each one of their brain-devoid skulls. That would be a deterrent I think, also giving the family closure and save the taxpayers a ton of money keeping these animals alive.

I admit that if it was my daughter, I would kill every one of them involved. Every single last one of them...
Wrong the best Police are Honest men and women who look out for one another and their children. Our country is becoming a monster of it's own within our boarders. I am not talking just illegals either. When I was a kid we could run around our neighborhood without a problem everyone looked out for one another. When it is time for me to have kids (not too far in the future) I will be watching over them like a hawk.

Basically it comes down to us as humans to make the surroundings better. What happened back in the day when we had 1 police man per town? In some places where I live it is still that way. Crime is very limited because the community keeps an eye out! That's the way it should be my friends.

stop being delusional and claiming "when I was a kid we could run around our neighborhood without a problem..." because recent cases in the news show what you say is untrue. Recently, there have been some high profile cases of adults who were kidnapped decades ago from these safe white picket fence neighborhoods you are fantasizing about. They were sexually assualted by their abductors while many other kidnapped kids have never been found


You hit the nail on the head. It's amazing how the resident NeoCons act as if this is something new...if they took the time to take Psychology 101 they would learn that this has been going on for ages and even up to the present, heck even people with authority in high places such as politicians, corporate heads, cops and those in the military besides street thugs commit these type of brutal acts since they have a high and strong sense of loyalty to each other and an almost impenetrable code of silence.

A few months ago, some lady was jogging at a park and she was assualted and raped while park goers were either spectators or sat and did nothing and pretended as if nothing was amiss.

Yes, there is a deterrent to this and all it takes is one reasonable person to overcome their shock, fear, and disbelief in order to intervene to help a victim but there could be deadly consequences especially if he's outnumbered and outgunned by the assailants who use fear and terrorism to silence interference from witnesses

Is everyone who disagres with you considered a NeoCon? and you consistenly say the military, can you give one example of the United States military gang raping a civilian? It actually sickens me that people in this country think that our military rapes people. Yes there is a code in the Army, it's called handle your own shit. Nothing leaves the squad, company and/or division mainly cause that's where it stops. Someone fucks up in my squad and they pay for it no questions asked.


Worse than that, this member actually took something "taught" in Psychology class to heart.

I remember Psych 101.... buncha theoretical garbage.

Sorry I went to a business college not a "liberal" arts college. I don't remember taking psychology and socialolgy, I did take Operations Management, Human Resource Management, International Management and Labor Relations Management. damn my NeoCon education damn it straight to hell:rolleyes:

I actually had profs that had real world experiences, not some PMSnbc talking head.


Hiliary 2020
^^^ A truly disgusting post, Facetious.

Good work passing along the rape trees b.s.

Here's a nice deconstruction of it, including a video of good, white, All-American criminal Shawna Forde blabbering about her border patrol scouting, including one of the "rape trees".

In any case, Mexicans who sneak across the border aren't going to be introducing anything new to the U.S. if they commit rape.

Its not disgusting, its reality man.
you people here complain about this, many say punish them,execute them, this behavior cannot be tolerated,this is sick,whats happening to ths country ect ect.
But when someone calls it for what it is so many are quick to scream racism.
This is why it will continue to happen, and this is why if people dont start holding the politicians who make the laws stop the gross illegal immigration in the USA it will be a hybrid third world country as it already looks like in many parts.
thats not being racist, thats defending our culture our economy our people............our country from collapsing from the inside out.

Lets be real, when richmond was mostly white it was a nice place, when it was black it was still ok, now its mostly illegals and its a crime ridden shithole.
Is that racism or reality?

you think if this was a black, or white or mixed area this would have happened how it did, with 40 or 50 watching and not even calling the police for over 2 hours? I don't.

the first step in correcting a problem is identifying it, if we cant do that due to political correctness then i suggest getting a weapon with plenty of ammo., leave it to your kids in your will.

I dont hate mexicans either , ive known and worked with many good mexican guys, and girls
I'll tell you who does hate them, all countrys south of them.
Out of the millions of illegals and legals that are entering by the millions too many are just plain dangerous.

go ahead now, disembowel me with your pointy pointy words.......sigh.
Not only that, I would support a "Devil's Island" concept (somewhere in the Aleutian Islands would make a good location) that would be very cheap to operate and would virtually guarantee that these sociopaths never find their way back onto the streets. Basically, they would be banished from society for good. The existing judicial and penal systems make no such provision for this type of punishment and it is indeed a huge part of the problem.

I could live with this. :thumbsup:
Too bad it'll probably never happen either.
stop being delusional and claiming "when I was a kid we could run around our neighborhood without a problem..." because recent cases in the news show what you say is untrue. Recently, there have been some high profile cases of adults who were kidnapped decades ago from these safe white picket fence neighborhoods you are fantasizing about. They were sexually assualted by their abductors while many other kidnapped kids have never been found

I'm sorry but this is not a thread to argue about things that are not relevance to the case in hand. If you would like to know more about my back ground and where I live buy a plane ticket to Portland Maine rent a Prius and head an hour west.

If you want to scrutinize me a little more feel free to PM me and we can talk over AIM or something. For now I will stick to the subject of things now are much more out of control then then they ever were, even when I was a kid (which was not that long ago)

Better yet don't PM me I don't want to hear your stupid argument about why you think I am wrong about the conditions of my youth...
This reminds me of a story in the news not too long ago where someone was hit by a car and people where walking over them and no one called for help. People just don't care about others anymore.

Didn't check to see if anyone answered this but it is called the Bystander Effect and it does happen a lot. What it says is that the more people around an event, such as an emergency, the less likely someone is going to help.

In my psych class we watched a video where they did a study on it. In the video an old man dressed as a priest would stagger while walking by some people and then finally collapse and not move. The people that came to his aid was something around 60% of people. While over half, it is still shocking that 40% wouldn't come to his aid.

Take this as an example, when you're in class and the teacher or professor asks a question and you know the answer but no one else is raising their hand or speaking out, you are going to be less likely to answer the question.

It's how our society works. To people who could see or hear something going on and not seeing anyone else reacting, they assume it must not be an emergency.

I would like to think I would go to the girl's aid or at least call the police but I wouldn't truly know til I am in that situation. It doesn't have anything to do with these people being spineless, it's just how we came to be as a society. And don't say something like "I'm the unique snow flake that doesn't obey society's rules, I would be the hero if I saw this happening" That might be true if it were just you or a couple other people but a majority of these kids were highschoolers surrounded by many of their peers.

This is a pretty good read on it

I do believe shows like Scare Tactics, Punk'd, etc. are not exactly helping either with our society. I wouldn't be surprised if some people think they see these things that it could possibly be a show or just some prank.
I'm with Whims 100,000% here. You want to rape someone?? Go ahead. But say goodbye to your cock. That's how it should be. Castration is an adequate punishment for the untolerable act of rape. It's absolutely disgusting, and there's no lower life form than a rapist. There's no way I could've stood idly by and watched that go down. I would have ran in there and beat some heads. Maybe I would have got my ass kicked (or worse), but at LEAST I would have made a stand for justice. Maybe I just read too many comics, but if more people acted in the defense of justice and all things that are right, there'd be less of these heartbreaking stories floating around. I saw a kid being "hazed" (what the fuck ever. Two kids were trying to put another kid in a dumpster as he flailed around), and you bet your ass I stopped that shit, just like I would've tried to stop that rape shit. Fucking stupid people....


I'm with Whims 100,000% here. You want to rape someone?? Go ahead. But say goodbye to your cock. That's how it should be. Castration is an adequate punishment for the untolerable act of rape. It's absolutely disgusting, and there's no lower life form than a rapist. There's no way I could've stood idly by and watched that go down. I would have ran in there and beat some heads. Maybe I would have got my ass kicked (or worse), but at LEAST I would have made a stand for justice. Maybe I just read too many comics, but if more people acted in the defense of justice and all things that are right, there'd be less of these heartbreaking stories floating around. I saw a kid being "hazed" (what the fuck ever. Two kids were trying to put another kid in a dumpster as he flailed around), and you bet your ass I stopped that shit, just like I would've tried to stop that rape shit. Fucking stupid people....

Nothing like Sharia Law. Actually there is something much worse than rapist, child molesters.

So you would have taken on a mob of 20 all by yourself? I don't doubt your intend and anyone with some form of morals would want to stop that act. But in reality they might have saw 20 aganist 1 and not liked the odds. Yes people could have called 911, but in reality do you really think people were out on the streets in a high crime area at night. It's like a witness to gang murder in Compton, not going to see a bystandard because the gang's run the city and people just do not go out at night.

Also maybe this girl was being "jumped" into the gang like this article might suggest. I understand that we have not heard for the girl yet and might not because for several reasons. She might be ashamed of herself for letting it happen, just scared in general to speak out, or maybe she is keeping silence to like the gang member did cause now she is part of the gang.


I don't think this is some NEW type of barbarism, never seen before, either in history or even just in the history of the U.S.

Still sickening though.

"Still" ? I sure as hell hope that we as a society do not get accustomed to this type of violence, "new" or otherwise. No need for qualifiers in this one chief.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The sad part of this case is rather obvious: the fact that it happened. But the uplifting part is that the commiunity has rallied and demonstrated that this is not the sort of activity that will have a blind eye turned on it.

As for why and how people can stand by and watch another human being be degraded and beaten, I don't know. I don't know who all of the individuals were in this case, and I don't know their backgrounds... and neither does anyone else on this board. Were the onlookers all gang members? Don't know. Were the perpetrators all gang members? Don't know. Was the girl involved with gang activity? Don't know. Was she Mexican or Hispanic? Given the current make up of Richmond, CA, that's likely, but I don't know. Were the perpetrators all Mexicans or Hispanics? That's likely, but I don't know. Were the perpetrators illegal aliens? Don't know. Was the girl an illegal alien? Don't know. To me, these questions wouldn't lead to the root cause of this case. But it seems that this is important information to some others here... for whatever reason.

Poor areas, especially those inhabited by illegal immigrants, do tend to have higher crime rates. But barbaric crimes are not unique to those areas. And this is not the first time in American history that bystanders have watched a barbaric crime take place while doing absolutely nothing. I watched a movie earlier this year with a friend and it actually haunted me for days after that... and not that many things bother me deeply (because I realized many years ago that humans have a dark potential). Anyone here who wants to say that the root cause of these types of crimes lies in the illegal immigrant community, please explain this case to me: Sylvia Likens. The movie I watched was titled An American Crime. Over the course of several MONTHS, Gertrude Baniszewski and the children of an Indiana neighborhhood tortured and abused (including sexual abuse) 16 year old Sylvia, until she finally (mercifully) died from the abuse and starvation. Not a single person said a word to the police about the naked, bleeding, starving girl in the Baniszewski house... until she had died. At least a dozen people knew what was happening to Sylvia, including her younger sister. But no one lifted a finger to help her. Now these were not gang bangers or Mexican bandits. These were lower class Whites in a small Indiana town in the 1960's. It appears that the claimed root cause of these types of barbaric cases is not so bulletproof... once eyes are opened and facts are introduced, eh? ;)

All of that to point out that claiming that the root cause (I've taught Root Cause Analysis and I'd be passing out F's like candy today) of this or similar cases has anything to do with the race or ethnicity of the perpetrators or the victim is baseless (we can talk about gang rapes committed by Hells Angels, Pagans and even college frat guys if you want :dunno:).

Here's what a teacher in Richmond is saying today (BTW, a fifth arrest has been made):

Biology teacher Lorna McClellan said the problem of rape is not just confined to low-income cities with high crime rates, such as Richmond, and that she hoped community revulsion over the weekend attack will help spark societal change in the way some men view women.

"Women are portrayed on TV and in music as pieces of meat," she said. "When are we going to take the challenge and step up and change this?"

So here we are, on a porn board. What are some of our topics? Rate These Tits. Who has the Best Ass? What Makes a Pretty Pussy? Who Has the Biggest Clit? Who is the Best Anal Girl? Do You Like DP Movies? What's the Best Piece of Ass You Ever Had? And me, with a very libertarian view of porn: don't watch what you don't like, don't do what you don't want to do... but leave others to do as they may. I might be dangerous... letting people think and decide for themselves and all.

What those guys did to that girl was waaaay past extreme. But as far as what the biology teacher, Lorna McClellan, said... :dunno: I don't agree with her that society's view of women IN GENERAL is the problem, but she probably has a more substantive argument than just saying, "it's them wetbacks, man!!!". Illegal immigration is certainly a major issue for the U.S. But using that scapegoat for every social ill has gotten pretty tired, IMO. Especially when we recognize the fact that (socially acceptable) barbaric acts have been with us since the day the first Indian woman got raped, the first diseased blanket got passed out to an Indian baby or the first slave got lynched. Just another reason why I don't waste my time with gun control debates vs. crime so much anymore. Too many people won't do their homework, and instead just rely on baseless, prejudiced opinions (without data) and try to skate by.

What allowed the people who watched and did or said nothing to do that?
Nothing like Sharia Law. Actually there is something much worse than rapist, child molesters.

So you would have taken on a mob of 20 all by yourself? I don't doubt your intend and anyone with some form of morals would want to stop that act. But in reality they might have saw 20 aganist 1 and not liked the odds. Yes people could have called 911, but in reality do you really think people were out on the streets in a high crime area at night. It's like a witness to gang murder in Compton, not going to see a bystandard because the gang's run the city and people just do not go out at night.

Also maybe this girl was being "jumped" into the gang like this article might suggest. I understand that we have not heard for the girl yet and might not because for several reasons. She might be ashamed of herself for letting it happen, just scared in general to speak out, or maybe she is keeping silence to like the gang member did cause now she is part of the gang.

Yes I REALLY WOULD jump in there. I'll take the hospital trip if it even POSSIBLY would give that girl the extra second to gather herself and get the hell out of there. There's a 98% chance I'd get seriously hurt or maybe killed, but there's not a doubt in my mind that I would try. NONE. Call me irrational or stupid even, but I would try.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Yes I REALLY WOULD jump in there. I'll take the hospital trip if it even POSSIBLY would give that girl the extra second to gather herself and get the hell out of there. There's a 98% chance I'd get seriously hurt or maybe killed, but there's not a doubt in my mind that I would try. NONE. Call me irrational or stupid even, but I would try.

Why not just do the sensible thing and call the police? She was unconscious. How could she get away? So you jumping in like Billy Bad Ass just means they knock you out and continue raping her. If they were actual gang members, they might decide to rape you too.
Sad very sad :(
But if there were a constant witch hunt against gang members as well as gangs and a systematic killing of their members, your country wouldn't be facing the problems it faces now. You know better than I who is in gangs and what is motivating them. You also know where they live, in trashy ghetto scummy suburbs where prostitution, drugs and illegal firearms are legion. And when people who come from these trashy ghetto scummy suburbs come into a respectable school filled with honest and law abiding citizens, it leads to this kind of shit unavoidably. Those ghetto boyz only look for easy money, they are just thugs with no morals, no code of honor and no respect to other people.
Death penalty is efficient against those scumbags, after all they are just an embarassement for the society so why pity them?
I think that there should be manhunts against gang members and that honest and hardworking and honest law abiding citizens should be authorized to kill them. The police can't do all the dirty work. And when you can't rely on the police perhaps doing it by your own can help.
And I think that death penalty should be implemented for rape cases too.
I think that there should be manhunts against gang members and that honest and hardworking and honest law abiding citizens should be authorized to kill them.

Sure, that would be a very easy solution and just the start. But remember that power corrupts and looking @ the history of mankind it would be the start of large scale killing campains to cleanse society of "unwanted elements". And you know who will get to decide who's an "unwanted element" don't you, the people with guns. First it would be gang members and murderers and before you know it you'd live in a society with no crime because people are afraid of being killed over the smallest thing. A society where fear and paranoia is the ruling party. The next step would be to cleanse society of the mentally and physically disabled because of the burden they are on society. Hmmm, sounds like Utopia to me :bowdown: