WARNING WARNING: Do Not See The Movie Splice!!!!

All right, I saw it. My previous post stands. The movie was not "fucked up" in the slightest, it was not "shocking" it wasn't memorable in any way shape or form. It's nothing more than a mediocre sci-fi/horror that - given the directors pedigree - could and should have been a whole lot better than it was.


WileyJ269 should definately not watch The Human Centipede.
Obviously you have not a heard of A Serbian Film. Now I for one will not ever contemplate watching this, it sounds just horrible. Couldnt think of anyone who would want to watch it.
A Serbian Film. Now I for one will not ever contemplate watching this, it sounds just horrible.
From that link:
"You don't want to see Serbian Film. You just think you do."
Yup, that pretty much says it for Splice too. Nothing wrong with enjoying a guilty pleasure, but life's too short for Serbian Film and Splice and a dozen more shite movies. If you're gonna be shite at least be funny too.