Want a Summer Job? Get in Line [After All Those Immigrants we Let in]

For starters, I'm no f---king racist. (2) I am not all that familiar with that site to begin with, but the article was pretty much spot on. (C) The links are pretty diverse. No cop-out here. And if you ask me, people that want mass un-enforced immigration are the real haters of America. Those are the people that truly hate the lower-class (which is the most diverse in the world).

I love how you went from a "for starters" to "(2)" to "(C)". ????

If you're not a racist, then investigate the site (VDARE) a little bit. They're a racist site, and they happily and knowingly post items from white supremacists. If you're not a racist, then I can't imagine how you'd be comfortable with posting their crap.

Since you probably won't bother, here's a highlight from the link I provided:

"Brimelow's site carries archives of columns from men like Sam Francis, who is the editor of the newspaper of the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens, a group whose Web page recently described blacks as "a retrograde species of humanity."

It has run articles by Jared Taylor, the editor of the white supremacist American Renaissance magazine, which specializes in dubious race and IQ studies and eugenics, the "science" of "race betterment" through selective breeding.

Recently, VDARE has even begun to publish the writings of Kevin MacDonald, a psychology professor at California State-Long Beach. MacDonald accuses Jews of "dominating" the "movement to change the ethnic balance of the United States by allowing mass, non-traditional [i.e., non-white] immigration." "
FK has a point. VDARE is basically a respectable version of stormfront or aryan-nations. i'm sure there will always be a few sellout black/hispanic/asian fans of VDARE, but then there are neo-nazis with slavic last names too.

VDARE's editors cloak their racist theories under the guise of protecting the lower class. yet if you look closer, peter brimelow made his living shilling for corporate neoliberal magazines like forbes, and advocating for our own twisted version of free trade/outsourcing, which directly resulted in layoffs amongst the blue collar class. jared taylor is even worse. he's a disgraced academic who is famous for (intellectually dishonest) pseudo-genetic explanations of socio-economic progress vis-a-vis race. in other words, VDARE is run with the insidious intent of stoking nativist reaction against the perceived hordes of undesirable brown people.

strangely, VDARE and less militant nativist tools like lou dobbs do a great job in stoking fear from their audience, yet give the exploiters of the low wage workers a near free pass. i'm guessing it's easier to scapegoat a bunch of hardworking yet nonwhite immigrants than it is to assess blame to the profiters?
calpoon said it right, the bit about business.

immigration reform will not change the employment situation.

stop focusing on a distraction and start on the real problem, business fucking over people. 1000's layed off for higher upper exec wages, etc.
i'm so sick of hearing people complain about immigrants, illegal, legal or even people that want to come here and "steal" jobs. this is the land of opportunity folks, people come here to work and make a better life, at least thats what i was raised to understand.
the situation here is changing, i feel for the worst, because of greed and a lack of control over it, NOT more people coming here trying to better their lives. maybe if businesses stopped gong overseas to set up shop, leaving many unemployed and decreasing opportunities, we wouldn't be having this argument.


Don't blame the illegals for the average American being lazy. Most people would rather be on welfare than have a job that requires an iota of physical labor. What's the second reason (other than lower wages) that companies hire illegals? They can't find anybody in this country willing to do the work. Too many people think they're too good to work at McDonald's or in manufacturing. Illegals don't have all the "sweet" jobs in this country....they have the jobs nobody else will get off their fat ass and do.
too bad the media rarely highlights it, and very few people take the time to realize it; but the immigrants doing these usually difficult/dirty/dangerous AND low-paying jobs are being exploited as well.

the ones who benefit from their work are the end consumers who take advantage of lower prices, and the bosses who disproportionately benefit from much higher margins, and a less assertive workforce. if you go back in time, you'll realize that much of america's productivity was built off the backs of scapegoated and exploited immigrants. they disproportionately provided the labor, yet we paid them less, waged pogroms, and even limited/banned their entry into the US. many present-day attitudes towards immigrants haven't progressed much from the attitudes of the past.
EXACTLY! You will not hear a PEEP about immigrants. Why would the filthy lying media even mention all the tens of millions of illegals who are stealing jobs from 4th, 5th...8th generation Americans? :ak47:

Just imagine - 8 generations of Olive Garden waiters!

Stealing/theft automatically assume ownership of something. So, can I simply find the job I want, take my passport into the respective personnel office and demand that they give me MY job??
If an American corporation, acting within a global free market, sends off the jobs that we own to, for (a likely) example, China, should we then have the corporate head honchos arrested for grand larceny... or just bomb China?

FK has a point. VDARE is basically a respectable version of stormfront or aryan-nations. i'm sure there will always be a few sellout black/hispanic/asian fans of VDARE, but then there are neo-nazis with slavic last names too.

VDARE's editors cloak their racist theories under the guise of protecting the lower class. yet if you look closer, peter brimelow made his living shilling for corporate neoliberal magazines like forbes, and advocating for our own twisted version of free trade/outsourcing, which directly resulted in layoffs amongst the blue collar class. jared taylor is even worse. he's a disgraced academic who is famous for (intellectually dishonest) pseudo-genetic explanations of socio-economic progress vis-a-vis race. in other words, VDARE is run with the insidious intent of stoking nativist reaction against the perceived hordes of undesirable brown people.

strangely, VDARE and less militant nativist tools like lou dobbs do a great job in stoking fear from their audience, yet give the exploiters of the low wage workers a near free pass. i'm guessing it's easier to scapegoat a bunch of hardworking yet nonwhite immigrants than it is to assess blame to the profiters?

Thanks donutzz - esp. the part where you tied in Lou Dobbs so nicely. We were just discussing that dick the other day, but I was informed that he can say whatever he wants as he's married to a Mexican woman...

I love how you went from a "for starters" to "(2)" to "(C)". ????

I was trying to be funny.

FK has a point. VDARE is basically a respectable version of stormfront or aryan-nations. i'm sure there will always be a few sellout black/hispanic/asian fans of VDARE, but then there are neo-nazis with slavic last names too.

VDARE's editors cloak their racist theories under the guise of protecting the lower class. yet if you look closer, peter brimelow made his living shilling for corporate neoliberal magazines like forbes, and advocating for our own twisted version of free trade/outsourcing, which directly resulted in layoffs amongst the blue collar class. jared taylor is even worse. he's a disgraced academic who is famous for (intellectually dishonest) pseudo-genetic explanations of socio-economic progress vis-a-vis race. in other words, VDARE is run with the insidious intent of stoking nativist reaction against the perceived hordes of undesirable brown people.

strangely, VDARE and less militant nativist tools like lou dobbs do a great job in stoking fear from their audience, yet give the exploiters of the low wage workers a near free pass. i'm guessing it's easier to scapegoat a bunch of hardworking yet nonwhite immigrants than it is to assess blame to the profiters?

I stand (somewhat) corrected. But calling someone like Dobbs a racist is just a weak argument. If people really understood what he is about (helping the lower/middle class), they wouldn't play that race card shit.

calpoon said it right, the bit about business.

immigration reform will not change the employment situation.

stop focusing on a distraction and start on the real problem, business fucking over people. 1000's layed off for higher upper exec wages, etc.
i'm so sick of hearing people complain about immigrants, illegal, legal or even people that want to come here and "steal" jobs. this is the land of opportunity folks, people come here to work and make a better life, at least thats what i was raised to understand.
the situation here is changing, i feel for the worst, because of greed and a lack of control over it, NOT more people coming here trying to better their lives. maybe if businesses stopped gong overseas to set up shop, leaving many unemployed and decreasing opportunities, we wouldn't be having this argument.

Don't blame the illegals for the average American being lazy. Most people would rather be on welfare than have a job that requires an iota of physical labor. What's the second reason (other than lower wages) that companies hire illegals? They can't find anybody in this country willing to do the work. Too many people think they're too good to work at McDonald's or in manufacturing. Illegals don't have all the "sweet" jobs in this country....they have the jobs nobody else will get off their fat ass and do.

too bad the media rarely highlights it, and very few people take the time to realize it; but the immigrants doing these usually difficult/dirty/dangerous AND low-paying jobs are being exploited as well.

the ones who benefit from their work are the end consumers who take advantage of lower prices, and the bosses who disproportionately benefit from much higher margins, and a less assertive workforce. if you go back in time, you'll realize that much of america's productivity was built off the backs of scapegoated and exploited immigrants. they disproportionately provided the labor, yet we paid them less, waged pogroms, and even limited/banned their entry into the US. many present-day attitudes towards immigrants haven't progressed much from the attitudes of the past.

These last three posts are really unfortunate. But I should expect it from the Average American. Pretty much the whole country has bought into this "we can't do it" lies. More links to come shortly. And these next ones I will examine better.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I guess the chances of me getting out this fuckhole I'm in now are slim to none huh?
I was trying to be funny.

These last three posts are really unfortunate. But I should expect it from the Average American. Pretty much the whole country has bought into this "we can't do it" lies. More links to come shortly. And these next ones I will examine better.

Oh, ok I get humor as a bonus? ;)

That last bit about the "Average American" is more than a little elitist (as well as considerably more insulting than any insult you've imagined here in this thread).

Cassandra Complex, anyone?
if lou dobbs/peter brimelow/jared were helping the middle/lower classes, they'd begin by highlighting the fact that the BIGGEST beneficiary of the lower wages aren't the workers (they're the ones making less), it's the corporate elite and the investor class. they actually have power in both politics and in the media, and they're getting even more powerful. blaming a scapegoat for the declining living standards of the entire working class is just a red herring.

despite the widespread news coverage of chicken plant/lettuce field/assorted sweatshop immigration raids, the actual number of immigration sweeps is miniscule. you can deport a few undocumented guatemalan workers, and the boss gets some misdemeanor charge, but the VAST MAJORITY of illegal workers will continue to toil away.

96, if you're as savvy with the political economy as you claim to be, you'd realize that media discourse is framed from the politically empowered (i.e. the wealthy) class' perspective. we'll huff and puff over illegal workers (instead of worrying over nonproductive spending and everything else that's quickly dragging down the economy), yet we won't do anything about it; as the ruling class benefits disproportionately from cheap labor. don't blame the mexican working in the lettuce field. blame the corporate elite that profits from the hard labor of others.


That's an age old tactic tactic cav, always from the extreme left. It's an automatic "put the opposition on the defensive" strategy, popular in communist circles, actually :grins:

f-king - Are you a member of a traveling band that frequents bookstores ?

Inquiring minds want to know. :1orglaugh

What a cesspool this thread turned out to be.

They guy's just looking for decent employ
well, a lot of people are expressing my sentiments, which is cool, but instead I'm going to take it in another direction.

I do think we have a different mentality in this day and age. the average American is averse to hard work and it's because somehow, I don't know, we've created this kind of worthless consumer culture. Look at all these shows like the Hills and people like Paris Hilton. Kids these days look up to the shallow person that doesn't do anything and lavishes in luxury. But that's not the reality for mostly everyone.

I love that show Dirty Jobs. We used to celebrate this "Spirit that built America." and we'd see guys driving tractors, and slinging shovels and laying bricks. People had working class pride because they knew that they were the one's that got things done. Now we don't get anything done, we work in offices and behind counters.


These last three posts are really unfortunate. But I should expect it from the Average American. Pretty much the whole country has bought into this "we can't do it" lies. More links to come shortly. And these next ones I will examine better.

What, pray tell, is the "Average American"? Let me know what ignorant category you're lumping the three of us into, so I know how to respond. What do you mean by "we can't do it" lies? Unless you're going to elaborate on any of your points, I'll officially consider you full of it.

^^calpoon, I agree.


I love that show Dirty Jobs. We used to celebrate this "Spirit that built America." and we'd see guys driving tractors, and slinging shovels and laying bricks. People had working class pride because they knew that they were the one's that got things done. Now we don't get anything done, we work in offices and behind counters.

All well and good, but how is it that these roles have been filled with non english speaking non Americans ? Ans.They work cheaper. They don't ask for fringe benefits like healthcare and dental, they use our "safety net" social / public sources and destroy those entities like the trojan horses.
I prefer to work amongst others that speak my language. I guess that that's too much to ask these days.

It's "good" to know that so many here agree with geobush's model in the destruction of 'merika.

All in all, the opposition (the one's that wish to disenfranchise Southwest all of America) have to be loving it that we're fighting amongst each other ! (*also a strategy in warfare. Anybody ever hear of propagandist leaflets ?). ha ha
When he quit his job selling concessions at a movie theater last year, he thought finding something new would be a snap. Numerous job applications later — some places twice, with plans for a third try — he has nothing.

And this, my friends, is why you do not quit a job without having another one lined up.

The Chicago Trib had a story a couple of days ago about how up-Sh*t-creek the Lansdcaping industry(among others) is due to the fact that a recent change in the immigration law now lets in 65,000(yes thousand) less summer only workers. According to the story the employers couldn't find anyone to take the jobs and that they could have trouble filling their contracts for clients. Same old whining aout Americans unwilling to take these jobs and only immigrants would.

Someone please tell me, then, why a (white, American) coworker has his own landscaping business, and does the work himself?

Too many people think they're too good to work at McDonald's or in manufacturing.

Truth to tell, I MISS my manufacturing job. If I could get paid at the same level that I'm getting now, I'd consider it.

It would require going back to WI, though. And no time and a half on Sundays, because the place is closed then.
While I do agree that mass illegal immigration is one of the problems facing the world today, I can't hate people for trying to escape poverty and seek a better life for themselves.

One also has to look at the jobs these people are doing - fruit-picking, textiles, meat processing... Do you really think American teenagers would be willing to do this kind of work?

As a father of a 18 year old I can say based on my experience of dealing with her and ALL her friends that none of them would perform those types of jobs. Most teens are looking to do as little as they can for hopefully as much as they can get.
Oh, ok I get humor as a bonus? ;)

That last bit about the "Average American" is more than a little elitist (as well as considerably more insulting than any insult you've imagined here in this thread).

Cassandra Complex, anyone?

Dude, chill. No insults, and if they came off that way, whatever. Everybody makes stupid posts every once in a while. I love how you throw that R word around, as if that's even really true.

if lou dobbs/peter brimelow/jared were helping the middle/lower classes, they'd begin by highlighting the fact that the BIGGEST beneficiary of the lower wages aren't the workers (they're the ones making less), it's the corporate elite and the investor class. they actually have power in both politics and in the media, and they're getting even more powerful. blaming a scapegoat for the declining living standards of the entire working class is just a red herring.

despite the widespread news coverage of chicken plant/lettuce field/assorted sweatshop immigration raids, the actual number of immigration sweeps is miniscule. you can deport a few undocumented guatemalan workers, and the boss gets some misdemeanor charge, but the VAST MAJORITY of illegal workers will continue to toil away.

96, if you're as savvy with the political economy as you claim to be, you'd realize that media discourse is framed from the politically empowered (i.e. the wealthy) class' perspective. we'll huff and puff over illegal workers (instead of worrying over nonproductive spending and everything else that's quickly dragging down the economy), yet we won't do anything about it; as the ruling class benefits disproportionately from cheap labor. don't blame the mexican working in the lettuce field. blame the corporate elite that profits from the hard labor of others.

So what is the point? Open the southern border and let the flood begin?

What a cesspool this thread turned out to be.

I guess. :rolleyes: I diverted from the original point of the thread getting into immigration, but I just feel they go hand in hand. Facetious, you really are there though. You get it. I can't imagine how bad it is on the West coast. I'm up here in the Midwest and it's bad enough up here.

What, pray tell, is the "Average American"? Let me know what ignorant category you're lumping the three of us into, so I know how to respond. What do you mean by "we can't do it" lies? Unless you're going to elaborate on any of your points, I'll officially consider you full of it.

^^calpoon, I agree.

Average American, like my neo-con college sister who bought the Huckabee line of thought about them doing jobs we can't do. How did America do all these jobs we can't do before we had 20 plus million illegals? America prospered before. Ever heard of "operation wetback"? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Wetback

And this, my friends, is why you do not quit a job without having another one lined up.

Someone please tell me, then, why a (white, American) coworker has his own landscaping business, and does the work himself?

Truth to tell, I MISS my manufacturing job. If I could get paid at the same level that I'm getting now, I'd consider it.

It would require going back to WI, though. And no time and a half on Sundays, because the place is closed then.

Finally, someone who has got the shaft. I protested on the Capital with dozens of workers who were dealt the same cards. There's a lot of people out there out of work because they were undercut. A buddy of mine had a roofing business that went under some years ago. He could not compete with the dozens of other roofing companies because the majority of them had illegals that would do a house a day.

As a father of a 18 year old I can say based on my experience of dealing with her and ALL her friends that none of them would perform those types of jobs. Most teens are looking to do as little as they can for hopefully as much as they can get.

Contrary to what the lad in the OP is trying to do. I agree that a lot of American kids are lazy. But you must understand how hard it is to find a decent job, regardless of age.

Americas Jobless

That source is a little easier to digest. I have several more though.
(2) I am not all that familiar with that site to begin with

Yeah, you claimed that the last time someone pointed it out to you. It's not so believable the second time around.

Apparently, even though you don't condone their views, you're still using the site. It says a lot about where your sympathies really lie.

For starters, I'm no f---king racist.

Heh, says the guy who quotes Stormfront and refers to it as a white 'pride' site. Who exactly are you trying to kid?