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Yeah 5 wasn't easy but I think I guessed it 4 is a bitch.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
what is no one gets all the answers right?

We'll deal with that if and when the time comes. So far I've never been able to make a photo quiz where there was nobody who was 100% right.


I can't figure out 7 for the life of me. I know I got the rest of them though!!!

Can someone even give a hint for number 7?

Seriously? That's one of the easy ones. :nono: Your Radar must be down. Focus your Hawkeye on the picture and think about it some more.
I guessed #2 right the first time but then I thought of another show a character who looks like that could be in a parody of and second guessed myself
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