Wall Street Intern Quits Job For Career in Porn


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Sure they're not billionaires but if you're smart you can make enough for a very comfortable living. Porn stars these days aren't solely relying on performing on camera as their primary source of income. They're now branching out to doing club appearances, feature dancing, endorsements, cam shows and phone chats, sex toy lines, etc.

The days of the super star millionaire porn stars like Tera Patrick and Jenna Jameson are over. Is it impossible we'll have another one come through the industry? No, but I think they're very rare birds.

However, I think just like any other person, if a model is clever and is willing to work her ass off, she can make a pretty comfortable income middle to upper class. Especially if she invests and creates her own businesses.
Sure they're not billionaires but if you're smart you can make enough for a very comfortable living. Porn stars these days aren't solely relying on performing on camera as their primary source of income. They're now branching out to doing club appearances, feature dancing, endorsements, cam shows and phone chats, sex toy lines, etc.

Part of the problem with even moderately successful people in the industry is that their career length is so short. Combine that with the challenges of finding a job after porn because of the stigma the industry can attach to people and even successful people in the industry might have to make that money last the rest of their lives. Combine that with more of them not really making that much money as in the industry's past and it's an even bigger problem. Sure, for many, while they are in it they can probably rake in a lot more than an average person working a normal job if they play their cards right. Translating that to making a lot more money than a moderately paying normal job does for the life time of that normal job isn't a certain thing at all.

Then after all that one has to add on all the social ramifications and not just the economical ones porn can trow at somebody. Some people can deal with them. Some can't, even if they think they will be able to when they begin working in the industry.