Virgin crisis

Oh, and I hope you guys realize that no women have commented on this thread.

They don't like desperate men. If you have the thought that you are unhappy about being a virgin, they can sense that. Any kind of insecurity does not turn a woman on. Confidence and security turns them on, for it's your duty to be their protector. If you can't protect yourself, then you can't protect them. Plain and simple. It's human instinct.

Also, the reason women find it pathetic for you to be a virgin after 23, is the way you talk about it. You talk about it like its the worst thing ever, and you can't understand why a woman doesn't want you. Instead, take advantage of it and be damn proud your a virgin. That will get you a better chance at getting a woman who would enjoy taking your virginity and making it meaningful. Catch my drift?

CONFIDENCE. Learn it. Use it. Love it.
Most of the women I know and ask think it is sweet and very respectable to wait for the right woman, and honestly wish they were still virgins too.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I hate to do this to you my Jibbity Jibbster, but, although your advice is very well thought out, I find it to be extremely inaccurate, in a weird sort of way...

Because it's people who act holier than thou that brings down what freedoms humans really have. Because of all these retarded rules that people believe should be put in place, our society is royally fucked. No one is allowed to expand their mind without censorship, and I feel sorry for those of you who feel that way.

That's true. People who live life on a pedestal are the ones who are the major contributors to the overall downfall of society.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you say "people who act holier than thou", you are referring to people who have, what some would call, "high standards"; the people who believe that having sex is something more than just fucking, the people who believe that virginity (and losing it) is a special thing (etc), correct?

Well, I don't think that those people are the ones who act holier than thou. The people who act holier than thou are the people who follow society with a blind eye and judge people who don't do the same. It's not the "nice guys", who genuinely follow their hearts, that are on a pedestal; it's the stuck-up bitches who worship society and act as if they are too good for them and never give them the time of day.

It's time to stop being pussies, and do shit to enhance your life to the fullest. Instead of whining about how you can't get women because you are a nice guy, and you don't believe in "using" women for sex, do something about it. That's the biggest line of bullshit, and deep down you know it.

It's far from bullshit and I know it.

I'm 27 years old. I have always been one of the "nice guys", ever since I can remember. I know this sounds odd, coming from a member on a porn forum, but I respect women more than most everyone I have ever met. I treat women better than most everyone I have ever met. I give women what they need, I don't treat them as objects and I don't "use" women to any degree. With that being said...

I can say, in all honesty, without any exaggeration at all, that girls treat the "nice guys" with complete disrespect and consistently judge them on societally influenced, pre-conceived notions that "nice guys" are nothing but sappy, overly-emotional, clingy momma's boys. I am none of those things, but yet, I get treated as such. Why? Because "nice guys" do get treated like shit and there is no way to argue that.

PS - I'm just wondering; when you say "do something about it", what exactly do you mean? Do you mean, "stop being so nice and start acting like an asshole, so girls will like you", oooooor...:dunno:

Not every single relationship is based off the fantastical movies where the guy is a hopelessy romantic man, who says all the right things at exactly the right times, and they're all so nice and everything. What you fail to see is that, that stuff does not work when first meeting a girl, and trying to get into a relationship with them, that only works when conflict in a relationship happens. Furthermore, if you would actually pay attention to the whole picture, you would see that the main guy is always witty, funny, always busts on her, and does some of the strangest things that attracts her.

You actually make a good point there. It's true that relationships aren't always based on the "proper" conditions. In all honesty, I would go as far to say that most relationships are based on completely fucked up conditions.

Whether a relationship is based on nothing but great sex, sexy looks, money or possessions, more often than not, that relationship won't work out in the long run.

I find your attitude, and most of the "kids" in here to be that of grade 6. Because you won't grow up and take responsibility for your own manhood. Still suckin on mommys tit. The world isn't full of rainbows and butterflies and happy woodlife creatures. Get with the program. It would be great to be able to be nice and appreciated for it, but that's now how today's society is, and for now you have to adapt to it. Being nice was the past, being an asshole is the present. Get over the past and upgrade.

That's the problem...people change in order to fit in with society and it's ridiculous ideals, which just causes the world to be filled up with a bunch of numb-minded slaves that will do anything society tells it to, without thinking for themselves and following their hearts. If people would STOP doing that, and actually stick to their own beliefs and own morals, then life just might be full of rainbows and butterflies.

The people who truly need to "upgrade" are the pieces of shit who act like society is their mother and shuns everyone who doesn't follow the "in" crowd, just to be cool for the time being. Fads go away, society changes and the people who follow it will never find themselves, leaving them with a huge, gaping emptiness that needs to be filled. Unfortunately, society tells them to fill that emptiness by acting like untouchable gods who are supreme beings compared to everyone else.

:2 cents:

I'm almost getting sick of trying to tell people that they have to take a stand for themselves instead of letting people trample all over them. Our world is becoming a bunch of pussies. The women are becoming more dominant, and it fucks with the male psyche. We are basically having to adapt our game to suit their needs. And currently, they don't feel the need to be attracted to a guy who is clingy, cares way too much, and will do anything for them at the drop of a hat. There is no challenge there, and there's hordes of guys who will do the same stuff for them. Everyone want's someone who is different from the rest. So be different.

Wrong. Everyone wants someone who is exactly like everybody else. If that wasn't true, then I would be a fucking hot commodity...but, I'm not. Why? because I'm different from the rest. I'm not the cheesy, douche baggy, collegiate hat wearing asshole with shitty tattoos, that chugs Jagerbombs and treats women like sex dolls; guys like that are found everywhere and, for the most part (from what I've seen), that's what women go for. Not me...them. Once again, because I'm the one who is different, which is not what women want.

(I still relish in your balls)
man, i feel you bro.

i've been around to the bars, parties, everything. all the hot girls go for the biggest dick head and douchebags.
i have NO IDEA why this is.

and i am like you. hardworking, intelligent, caring. girls don't want that right now. for some reason, they like the guys who are arrogant bastards. they'll turn around though.

i thought about being a douche and annoy the shit out of everybody, and i'd probably bag a hot chick. but that's me, that's not who i am. so i couldn't do it.

it's just how it goes....and it sucks.

PS if you want some attention, learn to play the guitar. you'll be swarmed by girls, because when guys play the guitar, they project confidence which girls LOVE. works for me. it won't neccessarily help you sleep with one. just one way to keep the opportunity alive.
Aside from the argument I had with chef on baseball one night, I have agreed with everything he has written on these boards, the previous post included. Nicely said, and very true. I see alot of myself in chef.
Another home run from Cheffy. Jibby, I just could not disagree with you any more than I do right now. It's not possible. I never, not once, said anything he may have wanted to hear. Not once. I gave him the advice that has worked and IS CURRENTLY working for me right now. Man up? Serious? If you are trying to come across as a neanderthal, me hit woman on head, me drag her home, me keep woman type of guy, you are succeeding brilliantly sir.

And you are wrong about women not commenting on this topic. Becks is female, and not only that, a kick ass female from her numerous posts that I have read. So AGAIN, I will say that you don't know what the hell you are talking about. If you so obviously are right about everything, and you know the answers to all of these questions, and have everything figured out, why the hell aren't you doing anything about it? I'll tell you why.

Because all you have done in EVERY one of your posts is reiterate and regurgitate the crap you have read in Maxim. I've read those articles too, idiot, and these ideas that you are sprouting forth as golden nuggets of info are not yours.

And I think you have to realize as well that I DO NOT NEED HELP IN THIS AREA! I don't need your tired advice. I'm not the OP. I simply gave my words of reassurance and comfort to someone I feel is a lot like I was when I was his age, and it was people like you that I personally stayed away from. Cynicism is falling onto your page like an ink stain, and I don't live my life that way.

I do not view everyone as out to get me. I don't view most people as assholes (yourself of course excluded from that). I don't think or believe that anyone is trying to take advantage of me. I like to be nice, and I have always liked to be that way, and will never change. If you like being a dickhead, then by all means, continue, because you have the routine down perfectly. Being kind and sensitive does NOT make someone a weakling or douche bag........I truly feel bad for you if you don't believe in that. Enjoy your pessimistic world tough guy.
well...jibbijib i mostly agree with your posts and the basic ideas of your agruments, some are a little off the mark but thats besides the point...even if you are looking for the right one, you still gotta find her man, its highly unlikely that she will just fall in your arms, its not like we live in a romantic happily ever after movie or anything, you gotta actually pursue the end result and work at keeping things together...get out a bit and approach girls, have fun and do whatever floats your boat and you'll be waaay more likely to find the right one then you are by simply sitting by being the good nice guy friend thats like a brother...yes being nice is a great attribute and really does help if you are also confident, confidence is very important whether its real or is also easier to get girls (not just sexually) if you are also a little arrogant, not to the point of being an asshole, but a little and then once you get in a steady relationship you no longer need to be in predatory, arrogant mode and you can tone it back and be more of a nice guy...just don't get all soft and mushy...its not the only way to go about it by any means but seeing how things are in a lot of places these days it certainly seems like it'd be easier then most other approaches...also on another note, i don't really see how it can be considered "using" girls for sex when they're doin the same thing back, they kinda counteract each other it seems...cheers