Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Re: Violet Monroe

Dear Violet :sing:
2 U !
Re: Violet Monroe

Does she have Twitter? I could've swore she had one.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Re: Violet Monroe

I am a pretty new devoted fan of Violets, I knew of her I just didn't know I loved her till I saw her rock & roll. :D Anyway does anybody know if she has done any scenes dedicated or devoted to the Barefoot themed genre?

If so can somebody send me a link? allot of her links are NOT labeled in her links section and I couldn't find any feet scenes when I was looking, but sometimes they are hidden or somebody posts a link in the thread instead. either way, do any of the Biggest Violet Monroe fans remember a good (Photo-set) where there are allot of good Barefoot pix of her?

I would certainly appreciate any assistance in finding Barefoot pix of Violet, thanks in advance. :glugglug:
Re: Violet Monroe

I was just looking for this myself. I'm curious if she was planning to do porn again after she had the baby or not

She took a hiatus/sorta retired AND had a kid? Did not know that.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Re: Violet Monroe

Does anybody have this entire photoset? I can't find any other pix of this scene. :dunno:
