Vida Guerra

Saw her on the speed channel (U.S.A) last night. HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not naked, but it DID NOT MATTER!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The way her jeans & sweater fit her was unbelievable!!!!!!!!!! I've watched tooo much porn, so I'm jaded, but this was pure GREATNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Major hard on!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Really funny to see the guys reactions. My tongue was wagging & jaw dropped, & that was on tv. Couldn't ( yes I could) imaginge seeing her in person. Just AMAZING.......
Yeah she was on Unique Whips she had on a great pair of tight jeans and a super tight belly shirt and she looked amazing.


Prince of the Rotten Milk
Lol Black men magazine? I'd love for someone to publish "White men magazine" and see the reaction that gets..

You got that straight. It's never racist if you shit on the white man's head tho.

Black Entertainment TV
Latino Awards

You name it. It's all good. But White Pride TV? OMFG YOU ARYAN RACIST!!!!!11111
