.... and you think that it is funny that a fan .... a real person.... not a fake profile..... supporting freeones, an oscm and yes, your contest..... had his vote thrown out....

Now I know the entire contest is bs..... for anyone who cares, here is the thread.....

You also threw out the vote of my hubby, one of my pornstar friends, and about 9 people that I can identify as real ..... I repeat, what a bunch of bull.
You're married? :cry: :1orglaugh
I didn't know Vicky Vette was so popular on this forum or that she is a member. I don't like Vcky Vette. Some of the reasons for my contempt for this woman are listed here:


I recommend all Black, Jewish and thougtful White porn fans check it out, along with forum member Overdrive's supportive comments for Ms Vette's IR dodging, and opinions on porn actresses who do IR in general.

Thank you.

Vicky Vette

Official Checked Star Member
I didn't know Vicky Vette was so popular on this forum or that she is a member. I don't like Vcky Vette. Some of the reasons for my contempt for this woman are listed here:


I recommend all Black, Jewish and thougtful White porn fans check it out, along with forum member Overdrive's supportive comments for Ms Vette's IR dodging, and opinions on porn actresses who do IR in general.

Thank you.

I already answered you IR.... hmmm, I have a stalker....

Vicky Vette

Official Checked Star Member
I didn't know VICKY VETTE was so popular on this forum or that she is a member. I don't like Vcky Vette. Some of the reasons for my contempt for this woman are listed here:


I recommend all Black, Jewish and thougtful White porn fans check it out, along with forum member Overdrive's supportive comments for Ms Vette's IR dodging, and opinions on porn actresses who do IR in general.

Thank you.

Just so that ya'll know, I did respond to the journalist who typed the above with the following post on the other thread that he invaded.....

"Let me tell you a few things....

- coming on this board stirring muck is just that.... stirring muck

- the 'ties' you are referring to is the tragic death of my husband who killed himself after trying to hurt my career and name.... three years ago and sad to this day that someone would take their own life and try to take me down in the process.

- it is sad that I am viewed as racist just for not having had interracial sex on camera.

- I would suggest your views are offensive and as racist as the views you espouse to take.

Pathetic cheap shots....... same old tired thoughts, repeat arguments. You have no new ideas, no new brain patterns, and nothing new to add to this board but hatred, backwards ass thinking, and venom. Sorry, gotta call it the way I see it.

And if you have to wonder where "personal preference ends and white racist ideology begins", maybe you should back off on "factual" reporting..... the Viking mythology is because I am from Norway moron.... it is supposed to be a fun..... sex is supposed to be fun. My true religion is the religion of open thinking... something you obviously do not follow.

Have a super duper evening enjoying your one sided view of life...."

He did not respond to me there, he did not respond to me here.... instead choosing to argue with another freeones member. Get a life IR - intead of dictating who should have sex with whom, enjoy the people that are having the type of sex on camera that you enjoy. Life is too short.



Postal Paranoiac
You're always welcomed here VV. Personally I don't give a rat's ass about somebody's politics or preferences. It's the person themselves who make or break who they are. On forums like these there is always at least one bad apple stirring up the cider.

Vicky Vette

Official Checked Star Member
I've been a porn fan for a very long time and remember the controversy over Texan actress Jordan Lee and the swastika tattoo on her leg. That should tell you how far back I go.

Of the women mentioned on various Vicky Vette themed threads in this debate (Bianca Trump, Jessica Darlin, Vette herself), except for Bianca Trump (who is connected with neo-nazis and neo-nazi organizations, both personally and philosophically), I wouldn't go to the extremes and call the others neo-nazis or white supremacists. I would, however, consider them prejudiced and bigotted. There is an attitude and a pattern of bigotry to these women which goes beyond interracial hardcore performance. Keep in mind, white women having sex with black men professionally on camera does not mean they aren't racist (both Trump and Darlin, with many ir scenes in their jacket, should prove that), nor does it necessarily mean a woman is racist against blacks because she refuses to do interracial. That said, let's remember that this controversy surrounding Vicky Vette goes back years, well before her deceased husband Frank's claims and accusations.

It seems to have started with her reticence to answer queries about interracial hardcore and her plans to do hardcore. Her Yahoo Group was caught deleting posts involving interracial themes and questions. Then there was the run around from Vette in interviews and messageboards such as this. One minute she's claiming to have had a 'black man for a best friend' while growing up in Georgia (an obvious untruth, considering that Vette was born in Norway and raised in Canada, not moving to Atlanta until she was 32), the next minute she's telling Luke Ford she plans to 'eventually' do interracial .... if only she could find the right black actor for the scene. Vette had the opportunity to work with some of best black actors in the business: e.g. Lexington Steele and Sean Michaels. So I don't know what she was looking for in the prospect of a black meat puppet. Furthermore, Vette said she was 'holding out' and 'not giving it all away' like other actresses have done. Again, that was said back in 2003/2004; since then Vette has done gangbangs, DPs, creampies, watersports, gloryhole suckoffs and other things. How long does 43 years old Vicky plan to wait to do an interracial scene?

The answer is never. And Vicky Vette should have the courage and the integrity to say she has NO PLANS or DESIRES to do interracial hardcore. I myself don't care if she ever does ir and think the people who pursue her in this matter are only giving her undeserved attention. After all, the woman is a 2nd string performer, with 'cute/attractive' looks at best. Since the beginnings of the Vicky Vette interracial?/no interracial? bruhaha, there have been much better and prettier performers out there who've performed with black men and women. Except for the irritating evasions and doubletalk, and the blatantly racist porn fans who jump to her defence, what is so special about Vicky Vette doing interracial? Let's ignore her and leave her to her website and the pro-am scene where she can cater to her particular fans. I mean, how often do we ask if Linda Roberts is going to ever do interracial? Get my drift?