Vera Versanyi / Dana / Dana Kelly / Liza / Vera / Vera Gray / Veronica / Veronica Ryan

Re: ID on HOT HOT brunette!

Supahfonic said:
I've been trying to find out her name for the longest time, ever since I saw her in a couple HC sets. I think she was mentioned as "Emese" somewhere once but I'm not sure. For a while I suspected she might be this girl with her hair dyed but I'm not sure.
I understand your doubts. Sometimes it's amazing how a different hair color can change a girl's look completely. But she's definitely Vera: She started out as a brunette.

Compare these pics and notice the moles/freckles on her upper body. They match perfectly.

Tip: Click the <Rate this babe!> link at the bottom of the link and you'll have access to tons of links to more Vera pics and movies - including pics from the same set as Buttman's pics in this thread.
Re: Dana V.
