"Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

One of the real blots on our claim to be a freedom loving country that insures rights and due process to anyone and everyone.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

We are hardly saying there are no terrorists at Guantánamo. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the operational commander of the 9/11 attacks, and others who were transferred there from secret overseas Central Intelligence Agency prisons in 2006 are certainly members of al Qaeda’s hard core.

What we are saying is that new statistics from the Saudi Ministry of Interior, corroborated by the Pentagon’s own findings, show that the overwhelming majority of individuals detained at Guantánamo not only were not terrorists, but were likely innocent of any crime.

The United States didn't even detain most of these assumed criminals in the first place.

Almost all of the detainees were turned over to U.S. forces by foreigners, either with an ax to grind or, more often, for a hefty bounty or reward.

Where is the blame on the countries who handed their detainees over to us? :dunno: Why is it solely the responsibility of the United States to do thorough investigations into all of the assumed criminals that had already been detained by other countries?

Once again, the media loooooves to make the United States look like the only bad guy.
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

The United States didn't even detain most of these assumed criminals in the first place.

Where is the blame on the countries who handed their detainees over to us? :dunno: Why is it solely the responsibility of the United States to do thorough investigations into all of the assumed criminals that had already been detained by other countries?

Once again, the media loooooves to make the United States look like the only bad guy.

Nothing made us take them and put them in guantanamo.We knew a lot of them were being turned over by questionable people like the Northern alliance in afghanistan.The people we are holdiing is all on us.We can't blame anyone but us/our govt.
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

Friday's point is solid - if one country takes someone into custody for bogus reasons, we don't improve the situation by taking the prisoner off their hands.

Additionally, the U.S. has detained, at Gitmo and at various prisons in Iraq, PLENTY of people who were simply turned in by bounty hunters looking to make some fast cash, which the U.S. promised and paid. Hate your neighbor for looking at your wife lustfully several years back? Turn him in and have him hauled away and out of sight!

The point is that the "vast majority" of these people shouldn't have been imprisoned, esp. when they had no right to question or challenge such imprisonment.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

Nothing made us take them and put them in guantanamo.We knew a lot of them were being turned over by questionable people like the Northern alliance in afghanistan.The people we are holdiing is all on us.We can't blame anyone but us/our govt.

Sure we can. We can put some of the blame on the people who told us that these people were guilty criminals in the first place. Why should they be off the hook completely? I'm not saying that we didn't do anything wrong here, but come on...the US is constantly made out to look like the only evil in this world and you know it.
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

What an evil fraud that whole enterprise has truly turned out to be. (And if anyone cares to suggest that "Foreign Policy" magazine is part of the "liberally-biased mainstream media" please spare me in advance... :rolleyes:):


...and hey, whaddya know?


Foreign Policy is a very liberal publication. But it is also a very conservative publication. The give both sides a go. You have to read the bios of the authors to see what you are getting (not that you would need too).


what the fuck you lookin at?
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

hmmm....yep, I'm outta here! :eek:
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

It makes you wonder how many people we shipped off to Egypt to be tortured by them for us by proxy were really innocent also.
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

"Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

Well guess what. THEY DO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

Where was the due process for the victims of those twins towers, airplanes,Pentagon on 9-11?

These Gitmo suspects I bet you are getting wayyy better food than they would be eating over in their countries.

Let me guess to clear our "evil" image, we should make a new changed and improved constitution that includes habeas corpus for our fellow wordly citizens, just like we are about to do with our dollar one world currency.

To make it right we need to bring these people over here to the states and buy them house right next to those who said they really did not pose a threat to see how that goes.
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Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

Where was the due process for the victims of those twins towers, airplanes,Pentagon on 9-11?

These Gitmo suspects I bet you are getting wayyy better food than they would be eating over in their countries.

Let me guess to clear our "evil" image, we should make a new changed and improved constitution that includes habeas corpus for our fellow wordly citizens, just like we are about to do with our dollar one world currency.

To try to compare the actions of clearly criminals who perpetrated 9/11 to our govt is a really weak arguement.Are we really going to say we will operate the same as them? I thought we were suppose to be better then common criminals.And the constitution does not need changing to allow habeas corpus or all other protections to non-citizens to be extented to them.Those rights are suppose to apply to all people accused or arrested by our juducial system right now.There is not and never was suppose to be two systems ,one for citizens and one for non-citizens.It's only by using extroadinary things that are used to circumvent constitutional rights like declarations of "enemy combatants" thats such rights as guaranteed in the constitution have been gotten around.One of the reasons they have been held in Cuba is top try to diminish the US court systems authority over them.But even citizens arrested on US soil have been denied rights and held for years without trial(Jose Padila ,the so-called dirty bomber) who was eventually convicted of something totally unrelated (training in pakistan) eventually as the govt could not prove their original charges they had alleged against him and held him for years with no due process on while using torture on him.As Benjamin Franklin said "those who give up liberty for a little security deserve neitheir".People who have fought and died in some of our wars thinking they were fighting to preserve such freedoms and protections would be appalled.
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

Where was the due process for the victims of those twins towers, airplanes,Pentagon on 9-11?

That question is based on the most basic of logical fallacies. The phrase, "two wrongs don't make a right", comes to mind.

9/11, or any other criminal act of terrorism, does not give a government the right to wantonly deny the most efficient safeguard of the liberty of a human being.

These Gitmo suspects I bet you are getting wayyy better food than they would be eating over in their countries.

That statement is incredibly ignorant and, I would agrue, racist. It implies that you believe that people of middle eastern descent are too unsophisticated and stupid to be able to prepare a decent meal. So in your mind, they must be happier to be locked up in a prison camp and fed whatever it is they feed them in there. Yeah, that makes sense.:rolleyes:

Let me guess to clear our "evil" image, we should make a new changed and improved constitution that includes habeas corpus for our fellow wordly citizens, just like we are about to do with our dollar one world currency.

To make it right we need to bring these people over here to the states and buy them house right next to those who said they really did not pose a threat to see how that goes.

From the Constitution: "The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it."

We don't need to change it. We just need to do the right thing and stop denying habeas corpus to people whom we have no evidence against.

Simply being from Afghanistan or Pakistan doesn't make you a terrorist or an 'enemy combatant'. And this is the only evidence that the US government has on a lot of these prisoners.

If a detainee can be convicted of wrongdoing then by all means, lock his ass up. But if he can't be convicted, because of lack of evidence or otherwise, then he should be released. That's the way we western civilizations are supposed to do things. We can't just lock people up without charges based on nothing more than suspicion.
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

I'm shocked. next they are going to tell us that Saddam didn't have any weapons of mass destruction either.
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

I'm shocked. next they are going to tell us that Saddam didn't have any weapons of mass destruction either.

of course they are all in Syria now!
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

That question is based on the most basic of logical fallacies. The phrase, "two wrongs don't make a right", comes to mind.

Ask that question to the terrorist that would rather cut your head off. Some people like you forgot the events of 9-11 and think that the world is so "let's all get along"

9/11, or any other criminal act of terrorism, does not give a government the right to wantonly deny the most efficient safeguard of the liberty of a human being.

Agreed on the goverment part, then this goverment needs to come up with another constitution to guarantee rights to "enemy combatants" that are not part of any goverment military. Why don't you open your doors to these folks to come and live in your neck of the woods.

That statement is incredibly ignorant and, I would agrue, racist. It implies that you believe that people of middle eastern descent are too unsophisticated and stupid to be able to prepare a decent meal. So in your mind, they must be happier to be locked up in a prison camp and fed whatever it is they feed them in there. Yeah, that makes sense.:rolleyes:

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit statement of "racist". Is that what they are teaching you in colleges these days that anything that someone else says that you don't like it's racist? Do some travel kid, go out there and see how people fight for meal ready to eat (mre's) and halt convoys for this stuff or how they go into dinning facilities and gobble up everything they can. These guys are not your average middle easter that have business or work for a living, most of them are religious fighters or "muhajedeen" what they eat while preparing to fight is not significant, shit the old Iraqi army was starving when they were in their trenches why do you think they gave up so quickly...because they knew we would feed them good.

From the Constitution: "The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it."

We don't need to change it. We just need to do the right thing and stop denying habeas corpus to people whom we have no evidence against.

Simply being from Afghanistan or Pakistan doesn't make you a terrorist or an 'enemy combatant'. And this is the only evidence that the US government has on a lot of these prisoners.

If a detainee can be convicted of wrongdoing then by all means, lock his ass up. But if he can't be convicted, because of lack of evidence or otherwise, then he should be released. That's the way we western civilizations are supposed to do things. We can't just lock people up without charges based on nothing more than suspicion.

I betcha they were not caught jerking off to the current copy of Playboy magazine and were packing something else in their hands, perharps an AK 47.

Guess what those who are being found not guilty are being left free to go. Let's leave the bureacracy of the court system take care of that, we have enough cases in the states as it is.
Listen Cobra Commander I understand your need for a one world but you just can't go around blindy assuming that everyone is inocence.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

hmmm....yep, I'm outta here! :eek:

Almost. But my feelings are echoed by Tubuler on the issue..

Well guess what. THEY DO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Indeed. What was once, perhaps.. a law-abiding, free citizen is now a persecuted guy with a legitimate grudge to hold. What the hell are these guys thinking?(the gov.)
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

Indeed. What was once, perhaps.. a law-abiding, free citizen is now a persecuted guy with a legitimate grudge to hold. What the hell are these guys thinking?(the gov.)

and now they can just throw them all back in jail again and say see? we told you so! the system works. it's not much different then normal prisons.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"

and now they can just throw them all back in jail again and say see? we told you so! the system works. it's not much different then normal prisons.

There is not a suitable form of rehabilitation. Only methods to increase pain, cruelty and then unleash the pestilence upon the populace.

Sure, some ex-cons make okay civilians. But the majority are either idiots who decided to play the odds with drugs, idiots who cant control themselves in FRIGGIN' REALITY or just plain idiots who need to go eat some poison berries and do the rest of us a favor.