That question is based on the most basic of logical fallacies. The phrase, "two wrongs don't make a right", comes to mind.
Ask that question to the terrorist that would rather cut your head off. Some people like you forgot the events of 9-11 and think that the world is so "let's all get along"
9/11, or any other criminal act of terrorism, does not give a government the right to wantonly deny the most efficient safeguard of the liberty of a human being.
Agreed on the goverment part, then this goverment needs to come up with another constitution to guarantee rights to "enemy combatants" that are not part of any goverment military. Why don't you open your doors to these folks to come and live in your neck of the woods.
That statement is incredibly ignorant and, I would agrue, racist. It implies that you believe that people of middle eastern descent are too unsophisticated and stupid to be able to prepare a decent meal. So in your mind, they must be happier to be locked up in a prison camp and fed whatever it is they feed them in there. Yeah, that makes sense.
Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit statement of "racist". Is that what they are teaching you in colleges these days that anything that someone else says that you don't like it's racist? Do some travel kid, go out there and see how people fight for meal ready to eat (mre's) and halt convoys for this stuff or how they go into dinning facilities and gobble up everything they can. These guys are not your average middle easter that have business or work for a living, most of them are religious fighters or "muhajedeen" what they eat while preparing to fight is not significant, shit the old Iraqi army was starving when they were in their trenches why do you think they gave up so quickly...because they knew we would feed them good.
From the Constitution: "The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it."
We don't need to change it. We just need to do the right thing and stop denying habeas corpus to people whom we have no evidence against.
Simply being from Afghanistan or Pakistan doesn't make you a terrorist or an 'enemy combatant'. And this is the only evidence that the US government has on a lot of these prisoners.
If a detainee can be convicted of wrongdoing then by all means, lock his ass up. But if he can't be convicted, because of lack of evidence or otherwise, then he should be released. That's the way we western civilizations are supposed to do things. We can't just lock people up without charges based on nothing more than suspicion.