Usercash is history?!

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I can't believe this hasn't been extensively posted on.

Since sometime in May I noticed that anytime I clicked on a thumbnail hosted by Usercash, it redirected me to some Seekmo bullshit. (Spyware)

Doesn't ANYONE else experience this? I mean there are ALOT of usercash hosted porn images out there on forums.
yep, I've being getting the seekmo thingy for a while now, too.

I've only tried Firefox though, so that may be an issue. I'm a little hesitant to try out IE for fear of falling prey to something untoward, lol.
Since Freeones is run in a professional manner, isn't a picture posting site, and combined with the fact it takes a dim view on piracy means Usercash just hasn't been that big around here. (With the exception of some OCSMs Freeones also isn’t big on letting people use it’s resources for others to advertise or make money with.) It's absence doesn't really mean that much to the people who visit Freeones.
If a site even looks suspicious to me I back browser button out of it and clear my cookies.


Retired Mod
Freeones doesn't allow the use of sites such as usercash on Freeones. CLOSED.
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