US researchers explain how cats lap liquids with elegance

WASHINGTON (AFP) – US researchers on Thursday unveiled the secret of how cats lap water or milk with such elegance, a phenomenon that happens so fast it cannot be followed by human eyes.

Cats are among the many species that, unlike humans, cannot close their mouths and create suction.

With help from from high-speed video taken of a felines lapping liquid, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Princeton University found that household cats and larger felines like tigers balance gravity and inertia as they imbibe liquids.

The research will appear in the November 12 issue of the journal Science.

Well, I thought this was interesting. Actually, I sat and tried watching my cat drink after reading the article. Nevertheless, I was unsuccessful in seeing him suck the column of water.

Apparently technology is needed for discoveries because most of the past scientific facts were discovered because they were low hanging fruit. Slow motion is necessary to see things. So I wonder when they will discover how cats steal the breath of babies.

Anyway here's a video of an innovative cat drinking water you can see without technology.

Hopefully a lot will derive from this research.


I could see this as being useful in the future as it's studying something that doesn't not create suction it uses speed rather I think is what I got.

At least they didn't spend the entire city's fund on investigating where water goes after you poor it on a plant.
It's a sad day here at Freeones when a regular everyday member has to remind a mod to use the search feature:

There's your first mulligan, GSB! :D

Goddammit, I wasn't aware of the fact that MiniD had returned, hence the fact that I didn't bother to look for a thread that she might have posted! Had I been aware of her return at the time of my posting I would've looked through her posting history to make sure she hadn't already started a thread about it, as she's the only one who would post something like this article. :facepalm:


Postal Paranoiac
I'm waiting for the study where cats and dogs cure disease and stop wars. Otherwise, get rid of them!! :horse:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND