upcomming bday

so as well i gues i can say all of u dont know, my bday is the 29th of this month. i feel i have been a dedicated member to this forum, and i would like to know how u all feel about me. as always i encourage gifts, lol. but if not, just hit me up, i can chat about whatever, sports, porn, anything. im a good guy.....idk where i am going with this, it could be the drinking, bar, strip club, and the drinking, but i consider this site my perverted second fam, lol
Is this guy srsly asking for gifts?

Dedicate yourself to my nutsack and I'll think about it friend.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Ah were like a second family to you....And your like the crazy brother, that was dropped during infancy, has a deformed face, that we now keep chained to the wall, feed antipasto to, make you wear a superman shirt, until those kids came looking for One Eyed Willy's treasure.
I thought this was a thread about an overflowing fancy European toilet.
I was gonna say something sarcastic, but, seeing everyone else's assholish remarks, I would be beating a dead horse, so I'll just wish you a happy birthday. :party:
so as well i gues i can say all of u dont know, my bday is the 29th of this month. i feel i have been a dedicated member to this forum, and i would like to know how u all feel about me. as always i encourage gifts, lol. but if not, just hit me up, i can chat about whatever, sports, porn, anything. im a good guy.....idk where i am going with this, it could be the drinking, bar, strip club, and the drinking, but i consider this site my perverted second fam, lol

If you live in Chicago, I'll take you to eat a couple of delicious tacos in the Mexican hood in Pilsen or 18th Street. :thumbsup:

Just hit me up.
Eventually you will stop getting excited about your birthday and telling everyone about it...regardless of when that year comes...hope you have a GREAT BIRTHDAY in 2010 :partysml:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Who in the blue hell are you? If these fucktards don't even know me, then they aren't going to know you either. Happy birthday though. Maybe one day you'll impress me enough that I might remember who you are. Doubtful though...
Who in the blue hell are you? If these fucktards don't even know me, then they aren't going to know you either. Happy birthday though. Maybe one day you'll impress me enough that I might remember who you are. Doubtful though...

FUCKTARDS. Ahahahahaha! REP!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I hate you, and I sincerely hope that someone forces you to drink a litre of gasoline before you blow out the candles on your birthday cake so you catch fire and burn to death from the inside.

Happy birthday. :)