
A degree says "I was willing to go to school so I could learn to do this job". What it doesn't say is "I am good at this job".

Employers don't want somebody who isn't good at what they do. Degrees are the most over-rated status symbol in the United States.

I have a Masters Degree in Business Finance from Harvard.
Oh yeah? Where do you work?
Well...right now, I work for Auntie Anne's.
Oh cool. Are you like their CFO or something?
Umm, not exactly.
Well, what is it that you do for them?
I uh...I sell pretzels.
Oh, to like big corporations and stuff?
No...to high school girls at the mall.

3.8 GPA at it's finest.

I'm not sure this is true at all. Maybe a scant anecdotal. How many Harvard MBAs do you know Chef?

I agree a college degree is not worth what it once was. I, personally, think that every high school grad should go to trade school to learn a trade which can sustain them throughout their lives while they chase whatever "dreams" they have...

We have to rebuild the trades in this country. Our higher education system is fine.

(I think your above example works better with people earning useless PhDs, fwiw...)
We have to rebuild the trades in this country.

Good point. I also think people need to seek a realistic career/job rather than their unobtainable "dream job."

I can't tell you how many young people I run into that want to be movie producers, professional athletes, fashion designers, actors and such. Very few will find a viable career in these fields.

If you have a practical skill or trade, there will always be employers or customers seeking your service.
I've been unemployed for a while now. I was in panic, but decided tonight to fight resist that. I believe I won.
1) Positive - got to think "I WILL FIND A JOB."
2) Rethink your skills.
3) Ask yourself what you want to do. Give it time, the answer will come.
4) Be prepared to do what you don't want, but keep your eye on the goal.
5) Cover letter, cover letter, cover letter, cover letter...
........sucks, I know. Employers have 1500 to 2000 C.V.'s per application. Your cover letter will stand out. For example: Janitor - well, you need a job, besides, it's an honourable one, where would big business be without a decent janitor. So, they ask you for 3 references and your resume. Write a cover letter in your email and or fax. Put IN THE FIRST LINE that you have x amount of months/years cleaning, where you used cleaning materials. (Even if you cleaned your bathroom, WHATEVER, they don't have to know.
OR, customer service, you have 1 or so many years experience in front line public profile customer attendance or service. PUSH the ACTUAL skill in the first line of your cover letter. Google cover letters. Spend an hour drawing it up until it becomes easier. Even if your tore up ticket stubs at the local cinema. You got the job in the first place 'cos the manager saw something in you. Dig?

You'd think I would be employed....

I worked one day today. They said to call in. You know what I realised for the first time really clearly, what became abundantly clear? Is that all the regulars are Asian, Russian, Latino or Black. I was the only White guy.
The rest were women.
Then again, this is Portland, Oregon.

It just means there will be, there is, something better.

I recently had my email taken over by some prick. I had to begin all over again. Then, my keyboard died. Now US Bank want me dead. (I owed them $9.99, which now is $500. I am "delinquent." I am going to fight it because when I wanted to deposit the ATM was down. I went to another branch which may be promising. I was incredibly down and anxious, more so that I think I have been in many a year, if not ever.

However, a Chinese woman got on the bus tonight. Maybe it was my imagination, but the most wonderful positive thought came into my head. I grasped that, and have held onto it since. Maybe she is enlightened or something. People like that help immensely.

DON'T PANIC, think.

Oh, and when I am employed, I am going to expose USBank to the world on YouTube. They will be sorry they ever opened their doors, much less crossed me.

The bullies.

I guess I can count Portland, OR out! Being a WASP. Seriously! I was thinking of 3 places to move, if I lost my job. Portland, ME. Portland, OR and Chicago, IL.

I support you on your points!!!! good luck bud!


Closed Account
"Positive" thought worked. I went past Red Robin. Thought - apply there. Didn't get off the bus. Saw an ad just now at Careerbuilder, applied. Maybe Red Robin would've said werehiringonlinenow anyway.
Well, they got the resume. But tomorrow morning early.....
Oh boy.
Point is I am feeling a whole lot better inside.

US Bank brought the amount down to $200, (from $500). The lady said in all her experience of banking she has not heard of that happening.

Listen, if you want to check stubs at the cinema, you better study a MA in Business Economics, and gain 5 years experience in the film industry first. Get with the program people!!!

Nah, it's not that way....
I'll hope to let y'all know what happened. Just waiter for F#*!*s sakes. Still, it'll go on my resume...

DO COLD CALLING. Hello, my name is Murgatroyd Perkins
I am seeking a position in .........for myself. May I speak to the manager of that department? If they're not there, ask name. Next hour or day, call, then ask to speak to that person. You go straight through. Then hit him/her. Hello, my name is Ivunt Ajob. I am seeking.....for myself.

Then, hit it. Don't let them breathe. PRACTICE your spiel. Time yourself - 15 seconds. Bear in mind you have a lot of things you have done in your life other than, "drew up intricate website for international brand of Chanel" or whatever. Maybe you volunteered at a local shelter. Gave a person CPR. Ran 100 metres. I dunno, whatever.

Maybe people always came to you for advice.


Don't fucking give up or I will find out and come clobber you.
In this economy I dont think it's a good idea for anyone to quit. I really do think nearlyinvisible has over simplified and think everyone's position is close to his and easily remedied by hard work. Sometimes that is just not the case. As for the person who wanted to ask to be laid off, what if you cant find a job in 6months when your unemployment runs out? You'll be even worse off. The projections for the economy isnt looking much brighter anytime soon. So I suggest anyone who has a job, keep it.

My company is basically telling us, we're cutting your hours and making you do extra work and have extra responsibility and either you can take it or leave it. Corporations suck... when they do well, you dont catch a break, but when they begin to fail you get the brunt of it. That will forever be the disparity between the rich and poor.

TOUGH IT OUT KEEP YOUR JOB. If you dont have one now just dont give up and keep trying and hope for better days ahead.
I really do think nearlyinvisible has over simplified and think everyone's position is close to his and easily remedied by hard work.

I didn't say that. But I'll say what I said again. You need to have skills or an education for employers to want you. If it takes hard work for you to gain skills or and education then so be it. Some people are too lazy to make the effort to make themselves valuable to an employer.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
A great many employers simply expect too much. They're using older business models for a time when the internet and 'common sense efficiency' like the ALDI system werent around to complete with.

I work at a drugstore. Still. I cover, I keep communication going, I run different departments effortlessly and rarely complain. But hours are still cut and they expect us to run more.. run faster. Why isnt this done? Expect less.. or bring the people back. Done.

I mention ALDI/Albrecht Discounts simply because their system works. The store makes no claims of being beautiful or full-service. You get your own cart and later take it back to the corral. You buy your own bags and pack your own food. The cashiers are allowed to sit down to keep morale high. (Honestly, why the fuck do 90% of American jobs require standing all day? Why is the customer always right? They're simply NOT. They should know that, the employer should know that. Irrational cust. satisfaction should never, ever factor into the bottom line.)


Closed Account
Standing all day. A notional hazard.
Interviewers are arrogant sometimes, and the questions are archaic - 'cept for this one: "SO, why were you laid off?"
Answer - "Cuz i reached across the table and bitch slapped you...."
I work at a drugstore. Still. I cover, I keep communication going, I run different departments effortlessly and rarely complain. But hours are still cut and they expect us to run more.. run faster. Why isnt this done? Expect less.. or bring the people back. Done.

They (employers) "cut hours and expect us to run faster" because you will do what they say or you will be replaced by someone else that will do it. That's why they are the employer and you are the employee.


Closed Account
I guess I can count Portland, OR out! Being a WASP. Seriously! I was thinking of 3 places to move, if I lost my job. Portland, ME. Portland, OR and Chicago, IL.

The people here in Portland, OR are quite smiley happy. You just have to know how to play the game, dance to the tune. If you have a round open face and black hair it really helps just for first impressions. I guess it is the same anywhere.
I don't have either. I did learn to smile, though, as a musician.

The city is constantly under construction. Almost every street has a new building going up.

Want to see the future? Look at the building industry.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
They (employers) "cut hours and expect us to run faster" because you will do what they say or you will be replaced by someone else that will do it. That's why they are the employer and you are the employee.

"Now reporting from the bureau of the friggin' obvious, it's Richard Dickman!"
I'm currently unemployed and i do have the basic school qualifications as well as some in I.T./computing.

I always apply for anything that i'm interested on even if i don't think i'll get anywhere because someone will end up offering you an interview or even a job.
I'm a fresh graduate. My major at university is business administrations. I am concentrated on total quality management, negotiation techniques, entrepreneurship and small business management, retailing and international human resource management. I wonder how i can remain unemployed. I suck. :(


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I'm a fresh graduate. My major at university is business administrations. I am concentrated on total quality management, negotiation techniques, entrepreneurship and small business management, retailing and international human resource management. I wonder how i can remain unemployed. I suck. :(

As a friend of mine with a much higher IQ (and not just because he never drinks and I've probably gotten rid of a Terri-Schiavo amount of 'smarts' up there from the bottle) once said to me regarding college grads with business degres..

"At which point did they decide to just give up?"

Useless degree unless you can prove you're worth of actually managing all that bullshit. Which.. you cant in under 10 years, at which point you'll probably have forgotten all your college education. Welcome to reality. ;)
There's jobs where I live, but most of them don't have benefits and those that do, you'd have to pay an arm and a leg to get them. I'm rejoining the Army in a few weeks. I'd rather do that instead of scratching my head wondering how much my next check will be. At least in the Army there's steady pay and free benefits.
Well said, and welcome back!
As a friend of mine with a much higher IQ (and not just because he never drinks and I've probably gotten rid of a Terri-Schiavo amount of 'smarts' up there from the bottle) once said to me regarding college grads with business degres..

"At which point did they decide to just give up?"

Useless degree unless you can prove you're worth of actually managing all that bullshit. Which.. you cant in under 10 years, at which point you'll probably have forgotten all your college education. Welcome to reality. ;)

I can manage any bullshit. The world is in bullshit now. :) I also can manage without any "bailout". The reality is 15% of work experience comes from college education. Just 15%. See!

My work journey will be pain in the ass in its first 10 years. I know that, pal.

I'm a manager who does not require private jet, yatch, a palace, (multi-milion dollar bonuses if i do nothing). I'm a company builder, not a robber. ;)

Actually, i want to attend any kind of engineereing master probram after my university years. Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the real bullshit. ;)
We're all still on the same, playing field ...

Yes, because we all know it's always the person own fault if they never had an opportunity to get that, or that any hard work they are willing to do besides that is completely worthless. :rolleyes:
Let me guess, your one of those people that things it’s everybody’s own fault they are poor also.
The first thing you should know is that while everyone does not have an even, starting position, it still doesn't remove the fact that we are all on the same playing field! You have to make your position if you're behind, regardless of where others start.

Remember that. Bitching about advantages of others and making excuses why you cannot better yourself does nothing to help oneself. Don't make excuses for anyone. Help them get on the right track.

This is the United States of America (USA). You can fail as many times as you want here. You can go to school as many times as you want. You can get the government to pay for some of it, or at least secure a loan. You can start a business, and if you're a qualified minority in many states, get secured loans as well.

If you don't like yourself, improve it. If you don't have an education, change that. Get an education to better yourself, not just the sheet of paper. Get a job, work for a job, stay with a company and take the initiative. I cannot stress that enough, take initiative! Companies reward initiative.

Employers aren't stupid. If they get a candidate that had everything handed to them and a candidate that had to put themselves through school, themselves through some tough situations, etc... that will make all-the-difference. Why do you think they ask you to tell them about yourself in an interview? You are selling yourself!

You don't focus on what you don't have. You always focus on what you accomplished. You can even focus on some of your failures and what you learned from those. One of the first things I tell a lot of employers is (not so much any more as I don't interview for placement, just short-term contracts, although I have partnered with consulting firms at times), "I was never a straight-A student and I was a bit too full of myself when I was young, but I never, ever did anything short of my best on what I enjoyed, and no instructor and definitely no employer will ever disagree with that."

I lead into my strengths on that note. E.g., "I'm proactive, I finish things early and do that even if I will be rewarded with more work. That's why I'm best as a consultant, I get in for a few weeks, get the job done early, and faster than a full time employee, for less money overall. I also get more selection on the type of work I do, which means I only do things I enjoy."

Ironically, there are reasons why companies pay $100-200/hour for people like myself. I come into a project that is 9 months behind and get it on schedule in 9 weeks. In fact, I just finished with a client that laid full time contractors off, and completely redid something in 6 days that a team of people didn't get done in 6 weeks. I don't make $200-400K/year because I don't work/get paid all-the-time. At best, I'm only billable 50% of the time, gross $200K, and then have $100K+ in expenses, especially "freebies" where I'm not billing and trying to get new clients. I also work my ass off many hours when I'm on-site, delivering maximum value (and typically don't bill more than 8-10 hours/day, even if it's a bit more). I deliver value and they wouldn't hire me if I did not as they could hire someone else, at a greatly reduced rate.

I also never bring up the fact that I have an engineering degree, worked at NASA, etc... I don't even mention any other credentials. I'm sure some pencil pusher probably checks those at times, and I wish they wouldn't value anyone because of the letters and degrees. "Can you do the job?" That's the question. In my current field, technology, you don't need a degree at all, just experience, initiative, etc... A lot of people, a lot of tech people, surf the web way too much and take way too long to do things, a lot of intelligent, educated people.

Give me a problem, I'll make a discovery and set of recommendations, draft a SoW (Statement of Work) and we'll go from there. It works well for me, and trust me, I got fucked, HARD, the first few years I was in the game. I've been out $30,000 before, out of some serious assholes that took advantage of me. I've had a couple of clients not pay my Net30s and I've had to leave after 6 weeks, being out $10K+. But I choose to work in that, and I've learned how to protect myself.

If you don't like what you do, what you're offered, take chances. It's hard to do, but you've gotta do them. Only you can do so! I know people who work 2 jobs and go to school part-time as well. Heck, even when I was in college, I worked 24-32/hours week while taking a full (and sometimes extra) 18-21 semester hours of engineering classes. People used to ask me if I was pre-med/pre-law because of that load (engineering was a popular pre-med/pre-law at my Alma Mater because of the technology focus, and taking 18-21 hours, 6-7 classes plus labs instead of the typical 12-15, 4-5 classes, was recommended to simulate the load in the post-grad programs).