Arming a regime, funding a regime, training it's security apparatus and vetoing anything at the UN which may harm it, goes beyond 'doing business'.
Well, the UN Security Council is made up of the biggest arms exporters in the world, so pointing at America only works if you're ready to use the rest of your fingers elsewhere. And as I said somewhere above, historically America is waaay behind the European countries when it comes to this sort of thing, so a chill pill might be in order. I'm not directing that at you, emcee (unless it applies :dunno: ), but to some of the other simplistic commentators here.
And keep in mind, I'm an isolationist. Screw the rest of the world. Let them starve, freeze, dehydrate, go blind, drink sewage and machine gun each other all on their own. But I don't make these decisions. I just get a bit steamed when people act like America has been doing anything different than the rest of the world. There is, in fact, nothing new, under the sun.