Ukraine bans porn

Medical pot...ok

Medical porn...huh???

Please someone enlighten what qualifies porn as medical?

I can understand what the people are trying to control, ie: the article said kiddie porn is rampent, but wtf.

If a doctor proscribes it then it's classified as "medical".

I'm sure some of those doctors will see a nice business opportunity coming out of this. They have the control over the porn they can make some cash from it ;). Black market pornography will be on the rise, Porn Barrons will be roaming the streets with their tommy guns at the ready just in case the fuzz come a knocking. It's going to be fun :D.

Although I cant see how they're going to limit the pornography people can see over the internet. Search google for fluffy bunnies on and 99.9% of the hits you're going to get are links to porn sites (maybe slightly over the top in my estimations there but you get what I mean). So I dont see this working.
On the bright side, maybe we will get an influx of hot Ukrainian chicks for the US porn industry.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Yes I will give you that, apart from sexual positions I ask you again brothers what did porn ever do for us? (I feel a Monty Python sketch coming on here!)

That's not enough? :D

I don't know, but if it was good enough for the Etruscans, Greeks and Romans, it's good enough for me.

Senatus Populusque Romanus
banning porn is senseless


Taking away freedoms one by one.
Under the guise of protecting the children.

When is everyone going to wake up?
Dammit !! :hatsoff:

Select quotes from article:
The Ukraine has long had a reputation as a source for child pornography, and the passage of the law is seen by some as move to protect children's rights.
They're apparently unclear on the purpose of the law, it would seem that they recognized "protect " and "children" and that was good enough for passage .
However, as is often the case with such laws, it fails to define pornography or include any child-specific language. While polls show that most Ukrainians support tighter regulation of child pornography, it's unclear if the public understands how broad this new law is.
and there you have it, even in Ukraine there are politicians that fail to read and / or understand what it is they're voting on. :updown:

pornography can be kept only “for medical purposes,”
and since all politicons are sick and deranged megalomaniacs, membership has its priviliges. :hatsoff:
It seems strange that Ukraine has gone from a Communist state of the Soviet Union to a country where the religious fundies are getting into power and trying to ban anything to do with sexual freedom.


Closed Account
I expect that we'll see more of this. I wish it were not so, but censorship is the easy solution; plenty of people are not yet ready to address (or even acknowledge) the real problems with society that have led to the current situation.