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U.S. shoots down Syrian military aircraft

No, no forget that. The sanctions have nothing to do with suspected collusion. They are aimed directly at Putin's interference in our electoral process. If you are aware of sanctions that are directly related to the bogus Trump allegations of collusion, please enlighten me because I would likewise be opposed to them.
No, no forget that. The sanctions have nothing to do with suspected collusion. They are aimed directly at Putin's interference in our electoral process. If you are aware of sanctions that are directly related to the bogus Trump allegations of collusion, please enlighten me because I would likewise be opposed to them.

Expelling Russian diplomats was diplomatic theater.

The Russians/Soviet Union have been meddling for 60 years.

If meddling was such an offense their diplomats shouldn't have been allowed into this country since Nikita Khrushchev ran the Kremlin.

My point is that expelling Russian diplomats was clearly intended to give credibility to the collision narrative.

If it was meddling only, Obama should have expelled them in early 2016.
I didn't suggest any such thing. All I stated is that Russia is in direct, egregious violation of it.

Maybe I misunderstood. Justaman was talking about a U.S. military response and what Ukraine's approval into NATO would mean and you brought up the Budapest Memorandum and that we were already obligated to defend Ukraine's sovereignty. I took that as militarily defend given the context of what was being discussed.

Forces could go in through eastern Europe but that would technically involve a NATO response and since Ukraine is not a part of the organization, Article 5 would not apply as you mentioned. Putin is playing poker here and betting that treaty obligations will remain static. However, if Ukraine's NATO application were to suddenly be approved, there would be an immediate obligation by all NATO members to come to Ukraine's aid. I don't see that happening since the result would be a full-scale war, at the very least on the conventional level, with an implied nuclear threat being involved. There is no doubt the sanctions are having an effect. Otherwise, Putin wouldn't react in this manner.

Don't we already have a treaty obligation to defend Ukraine's sovereignty based on the Budapest Memorandum - to which Russia was a signee and is in direct and egregious violation of?

Anyways, as MP is jumping up and down about, back on topic. What about North Korea testing rocket engines and a North Korean drone was recovered south of the DMZ?
Anyways, as MP is jumping up and down about, back on topic. What about North Korea testing rocket engines and a North Korean drone was recovered south of the DMZ?

Well, this is a more imminent threat than anything that Russia is up to. At least Putin isn't a lunatic. Fucking Kim Jong-un is out of his mind and I fear that, much like a little boy playing with his toy soldiers would do, he's got this big ol' army and a bunch of cool rockets that are just lying there doing nothing and he wants to use them. I am very fearful of a sneak attack on South Korea by this guy. Recent events show all the earmarks of such an event taking place. Because we are treaty-bound, we would be obligated to respond in kind and come to their aid militarily. A conventional war would be an absolute bloodbath but if NK used nukes it would be cataclysmic from my perspective. The dominoes would start to fall and all of the world's great powers would line up on one side or the other, the missiles would fly and the earth would be reduced to a smoldering cinder in short order. Some might say that I am overplaying my hand here and that the North Korean dictator is all bluff and bluster (I hope that is true!) but I really think that he might actually believe his own propaganda about how big and bad he is and therefore act accordingly. History has shown that you cannot deal with an irrational megalomaniac in a diplomatic fashion and I am afraid that this is what we have on our hands with Kim Jong-un.
Well, this is a more imminent threat than anything that Russia is up to. At least Putin isn't a lunatic. Fucking Kim Jong-un is out of his mind and I fear that, much like a little boy playing with his toy soldiers would do, he's got this big ol' army and a bunch of cool rockets that are just lying there doing nothing and he wants to use them. I am very fearful of a sneak attack on South Korea by this guy. Recent events show all the earmarks of such an event taking place. Because we are treaty-bound, we would be obligated to respond in kind and come to their aid militarily. A conventional war would be an absolute bloodbath but if NK used nukes it would be cataclysmic from my perspective. The dominoes would start to fall and all of the world's great powers would line up on one side or the other, the missiles would fly and the earth would be reduced to a smoldering cinder in short order. Some might say that I am overplaying my hand here and that the North Korean dictator is all bluff and bluster (I hope that is true!) but I really think that he might actually believe his own propaganda about how big and bad he is and therefore act accordingly. History has shown that you cannot deal with an irrational megalomaniac in a diplomatic fashion and I am afraid that this is what we have on our hands with Kim Jong-un.

China, Russia nor the United States are going to go all mutually assured destruction over North Korea.

If Kim Jong Un pulls some shit with South Korea, the Chinese will remove him themselves.

They are not risking the Chinese economy or Chinese lives over that little fat fuck.
No, no forget that. The sanctions have nothing to do with suspected collusion. They are aimed directly at Putin's interference in our electoral process.

As if the republican majority senate was going to vote 98 to 2 to increase them based on suspected collusion on the part of Trumpco?
Ummm yeah, I don't think so.

Maybe I misunderstood. Justaman was talking about a U.S. military response and what Ukraine's approval into NATO would mean and you brought up the Budapest Memorandum and that we were already obligated to defend Ukraine's sovereignty. I took that as militarily defend given the context of what was being discussed.

Ah ok got it. Thanks for the explanation and clarification :hatsoff:


Hiliary 2020
Thanks Edgy.
And Justa, no mock outrage from me, its actual real outrage.
Or at least strong concern, that would be more accurate,

See everybody I'm just trying to get people to see it.
To see whats right in our faces and has been for a long time.

Pretty much every country we've taken out has been taken over by Al Quaeueaeuada.
In the case of Libya it was literally the same day we stopped bombing.
Thousands of the bearded murderers armed to the teeth rolled right in the same day and began killing and raping everything that moved.
That was no coincidence, that could not be a coincidence.

So we take out all these countrys who were no threat to anyone and leave whats left of them to fight mercenaries who we pay.
These are the same people we spend trillions on the war on terror for.
And it has also created the millions of refugees that have flooded Europe and created so many problems there.
Plus keep in mind its the leaders of the EU who have allowed that to happen.

Back to Al-Qaueueada, the guys who did 9/11. The guys who "claim responsibilty" for every fake phony mass murder that happens in the countrys of the UN.
Which is it? Are they our enemy or did we create them?
If they are our enemy why do we never fight them? Why do we never catch them?
And why are we attacking Syria's military who is not only fighting them but beating them badly?

There is only one answer to that.
They work for us and they always have.
Basically this whole situation in Syria has forced the US to show its cards and expose themselves for what they really are.
And if they didnt control the media everybody would see it and be pissed.

I'm talking about the people who slowly took over the country decades ago but really took total control when Bush II took the throne.
Its a total criminal enterprise and it will be stopped 2 ways. Either we do it ourselves through mass awareness and action or some other country/s do it for us and that won't be pretty.

And if Trump was worth a shit or had any balls he would have met with Putin already and sorted all this out.


Hiliary 2020


Oh no! Theyre on Double Secret Probation again!
I hate those guys.

Funny that the US is warning Assad not to gas his own people again since every time this has happened before it was the US doing the gassing.
Except the last time which was a Phony Fake Show.
Well get ready for a false flag any day. The USA/Israel war for profit regime needs another fake phony excuse to drop some bombs and to help their beared mercenary army . Recruitment is down.

Speaking of Phony Fake Shows I gotta wonder why so many recently.
Its used to be one a month now its like 2 or 3 per week, especially after the recent Bilderberg Club Secret Meeting.

Push the fake attacks and now even make Muslims the victims. Seems like a logical divide and conquer tactic.
Amp up the war machine even more in the Middle East.

And distract the People , the peasants , with the US Sideshow Freak Show with Comey and Lynch and Trump and Clinton and Emails and Sanders and Hey Macarana!.
All bullshit. Nobody ever gets nailed. Nobody ever gets charged. Just a Phony Fake Show designed to distract and keep us stupid and unaware while the criminals run amuck.

Anyway get ready for a fake "Assad is killing his own people again that monster attack to justify another illegal act of war because we care so much about human suffering because we are the USA and we never lie to promote war because we are the good guys" attack soon.


Hiliary 2020
Bobeo Bobeo where for art though Bobeo?

I know I know I'm crazy for thinkin.
Crazy for thinkin that there has never been any evidence that Assad has gassed his own people.
Zero. None.
If you have any please produce.
Lets see he gassed his own supporters on the very day that weapons inspectors that he invited landed in Syria.
OK. Anybody who believes that is an idiot.
And the only ones who claim its true isthe US GOV and its corrupted media.

Now he's beating the US backed mercenaries so bad that the US has to go in there to protect their bearded employees.
And theyre just itching for an excuse for all out invasion even if it means war with Russia.
They, the US, have already attacked Syria once this year even though like before there was no evidence at all that Assdad gassed anybody.
Only proof is that the White House (not even any intelligence agencies) and CNN said its true.

SO does anybody think that Assad who is winning and winning big right now is actually going to go and gass a bunch of civilians knowing full well this will give the US exactly the excuse they want to KILL HIM?

If anybody actually thinks this is possible then you are too stupid to be here, go away.

See bob all you know is what the msm tells you. The paid liars.
And thats what I'm arguing with and its really a waste of time.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
You still claim that no one died of gas on that day? Yes or no.


Hiliary 2020
You still claim that no one died of gas on that day? Yes or no.

Are you really going to try to turn this into a whether or not I think that last chemical attack was real or not?
My answer is probably. At least I don't think people were killed this time (by the US like before).
If they were it sure the hell wasn't Asssad who did it.
Why? White Helmets for one. They are Al-Qeauaeada. Totally proven repeatedly.
Also how Western news crews were there right after. There are no western news crews in Syria at all but yey they magically arrive right at the same time the Whites Helmets do.
No fucking way thats possible.

So there is my answer. But there is a whole lot more going on then whether or not I think that last attack was staged.
US sending in more and more troops in Syria. That is an illegal invasion by both US law and international law.
Britian now saying if the US attacks so will they.
Israel bombing both Gaza and Syria and flat out stealing Golan Heights which is part of Syria.
Turkey getting involved.
And now we have the US or actually just the White House and that creature Haley saying "one more gas attack and we are invading".
And everybody knows what that means.

So my question for you bob.
Do you want the US to go to war with Syria Russia and Iran?
If so why?
Because if the US attacks the Syrian military or people again that is what is going to happen.
This rush to world war should be a concern to everyone but they are so sucked in to the fake bullshit phony fake freak show which is all an intentional distraction to see clearly anymore.

We will watch and see how he handles new chemical weapons showing up

Who Trump? Trump has no control over the war machine, pretty obvious by now.
Either that or he's been in bed with Israel the whole time.
There are no chemical weapons showing up.
As usual its just words from the war mongers with no evidence at all.
If any chemical weapons do show up it they will be used by the bearded US proxy army Al-Quaeada like they always are.
Al_Quaeada. The guys who did 9/11 and all the terror attacks since.
The ones we've spent trillions in "fighting" but who we never fight which has bankrupted our country and put us all 20 trillion in debt.
That Al-Qeaeuuaeada.

Himp, don't believe the US GOV or the Fake News.
Assad has beaten the invaders. The last thing he weill do is go and gas civilians right now and give Israel and the US exactly what they want.


Hiliary 2020
Let me just make this clear.
My country has been at war for going on 20 years.
Everywhere they have attacked they have destroyed. And every one of those places were attacked illegally.
Meaning they posed no threat.
Its destroyed an entire region of the planet.
Caused mass immigration into Europe which is destroying there also.
Killed millions, made millions of orphans and destroyed many millions of lives.
Basically massive suffering.
And it has bankrupted our country and put us and our children into debt slavery to a private bank owned by a few mega rich familys.
Look around. Our country is becoming moe and more 3rd world each day. In many areas we already are.

And there is no end in sight.
Now they just can't leave Syria alone.
They just can't let it go.
They gotta have their war there no matter what.
No matter what. And it won't end there either.

All for what? So a few thousand people in a world of over 6 billion can get filthy rich at the expense of everybody else.
Off the blood of everybody else.
This is reality and people all over are waking up to it all , which is why the big push NOW.
They know future Euopeans, Americans and Israelis are going to put an end to this one day so they have to put the world in as much turmoil as possible as quickly as they can.

Our world is run by a few thousand elite sociopaths who care not about humanity.
They know its now or never at this point. How far are they willing to go to get their way?
Let me just make this clear.
My country has been at war for going on 20 years.
Everywhere they have attacked they have destroyed. And every one of those places were attacked illegally.
Meaning they posed no threat.
Its destroyed an entire region of the planet.
Caused mass immigration into Europe which is destroying there also.
Killed millions, made millions of orphans and destroyed many millions of lives.
Basically massive suffering.
And it has bankrupted our country and put us and our children into debt slavery to a private bank owned by a few mega rich familys.
Look around. Our country is becoming moe and more 3rd world each day. In many areas we already are.

And there is no end in sight.
Now they just can't leave Syria alone.
They just can't let it go.
They gotta have their war there no matter what.
No matter what. And it won't end there either.

All for what? So a few thousand people in a world of over 6 billion can get filthy rich at the expense of everybody else.
Off the blood of everybody else.
This is reality and people all over are waking up to it all , which is why the big push NOW.
They know future Euopeans, Americans and Israelis are going to put an end to this one day so they have to put the world in as much turmoil as possible as quickly as they can.

Our world is run by a few thousand elite sociopaths who care not about humanity.
They know its now or never at this point. How far are they willing to go to get their way?

MP, then why are you still here? If I believed my country was guilty of all those things I sure as hell wouldn't continue to live here, let alone pay taxes. From what I understand, you have ties in South America.

If the United States was ever stupid enough to attack Israel, I'd clear the fuck out.


Hiliary 2020
Wish it was that easy now.Yes i lived in Colombia for many years but Its not that easy to just live in another country.
Lots of immigration laws for one and I am now poor so no country wants me anyway.

But still leaving is no solution.
Everybody just can't leave.
I think not just standing by while your country literally runs amock is the solution.
Imagine if we all did that? Not just the American peeps but the entire world.
But that won't happen because we as a whole are just too ignorant and self absorbed and extremely naive also. Sunbathing on the Railroad tracks with our ipods on, not hearing that ding ding ding sound.

So I think its clear what really needs to happen is our military get annihilated and our GOV overthrown.
Like what they did to Germany twice in the 20th.
But that won't happen now because of the nuclear aspect. They'll kill us all before the let that happen.

As far as attacking Israel you've misunderstood me.
Of course we won't attack Israel. They have too many nukes we bought and gave them.
Illegally. In fact the world doesnt know how many nukes Israel has because they don't cooperate with the treaty. They dont have to theyre Israel, they do what they want.
But yet we still give them money and weapons, lots of them.
We'll never attack them.

People say Israel owns the US and that's basically true.
But who really owns us is the people who back israel which are the ones who control the money supply.
Hell they created israel through 2 world wars and millions of dead bodies and orphans.
They call the shots. All of them.

Think of this:
Trump goes to Saudi Arabia. Meets the new prince or king or whatever he is.
The Saudi Royals.
Gives them mego billions in arms. Where do those arms go? They ain't tellin us.
But its pretty obvious where Al Qaueaeada gets all those shiny US weapons.

Then he goes to Israel and hangs with Netanyahoo.
A man obsessed with war with Iran and Syria. Guy just can't stop talking about it.

Now he didnt go meet with Russia or Syria or Iran to try to make a peace deal or something.
Which they would have welcomed.
No, he went to the people pushing for war.

He comes back and all the war zones instantly escalate.
An open, blatant push for World War.
Can't blame Trump though. Sadly he's just another order following script reader.

But it is what it is and we have to live with this threat hanging over us.
Kinda envy the masses who still can't see it, face down in their fucking stupid phones.
Ok, Peace out (whatever the hell that means).


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
... since every time this has happened before it was the US doing the gassing.
Except the last time which was a Phony Fake Show.

... probably. At least I don't think people were killed this time (by the US like before).
If they were it sure the hell wasn't Asssad who did it.. there is a lot more going on then whether or not I think that last attack was staged.

So my question for you bob. Do you want the US to go to war with Syria Russia and Iran?

...There are no chemical weapons showing up. As usual its just words from the war mongers with no evidence at all.

I'll get to the other disjointed blatherings later but I'd like to address these first.

Phony and fake AND probable ...BOTH? No. Not by the most outlandish stretch of cognitive reasoning.

The US doing the gassing is your claim now? You have not a sliver of evidence to back that up.

So, if no chemical weapons are showing up, how is it possible that they might have been used by ANYONE?

You have absolutely ZERO credibility but keep posting your theories. We enjoy the musings paranoia.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
MP, then why are you still here? If I believed my country was guilty of all those things I sure as hell wouldn't continue to live here, let alone pay taxes. From what I understand, you have ties in South America.

If the United States was ever stupid enough to attack Israel, I'd clear the fuck out.

100% on mark. With meester's vast knowledge global shaping, there is sure to be a safe haven for him. Those in the know, know where to go. He should be with his sources. They can all collectively save the world for all of us, or at least save themselves from the coming take over.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Justify your claims that Assad doesn't kill his own people. His hands completely clean of any deaths by means of military action. By your estimations, Syria was the Garden of Eden at some fucking time. No oppression of the citizens. Rainbows and unicorns throughout the land. Happy couples enjoying a cup of coffee on outside cafes. Yea, tell me when this was YOUR understanding of Syria.