Blackwater is a private company. They can preach whatever they like.


But isn't this company "sneaking around behind" everyone's back by inserting biblical passage references and not disclosing it?

ABC News did a story about the US Military distributing translated bibles for Afghan citizens. How is that not an act of Christian conversion?:dunno:

Blackwater's CEO had Christian crusade propaganda in their corporate literature and they used to begin and end each "meeting" with prayers.

People care Philby. It's just that people don't actually bring about "CHANGE" they just talk a good game.

1) You still can't spell Philbert...
2) Giving a Bible to someone who wants somehow a bad thing? You are a sad, grumpy failed-in-life curmudgeon
3) Who cares what Blackwater had in their corporate literature? I mean...really.
4) I am referring to weak sissy types, cowardly run and hide types, pussies in equate some letters and numbers on kick-ass kill equipment as the same thing...that is so completely are a screaming UberLib, kumbaya.
5) you got the last thing right...Libbies are talkers and sneaks who want what they want, not what's right or good for the country..."change to my way" is all the change they want.

Big losses are in the future for all your "kind", no matter how you try to spin the usual, an overplayed hand ends up being revealed and we all see where the Libs wanna go. No Thanks, says America.
Maybe a cage match? No....HARDCORE cage match!!! On Pay-per-View!!!!

Hell yes!!

Vince....are you listening? :thumbsup:

well that's not really fair considering Muhammad has fire powers and all Jesus has is carpentry skills, oh and the miracles and what not


But isn't this company "sneaking around behind" everyone's back by inserting biblical passage references and not disclosing it?

ABC News did a story about the US Military distributing translated bibles for Afghan citizens. How is that not an act of Christian conversion?:dunno:

Blackwater's CEO had Christian crusade propaganda in their corporate literature and they used to begin and end each "meeting" with prayers.

People care Philby. It's just that people don't actually bring about "CHANGE" they just talk a good game.

Woah and all the shit the Catholics done thats never forgotten.... ie Jesuits recruitment, religious conversion. And now you guys are at it too:nanner:

Sigh history really is circular.
I think these people should abandon their religions and follow this man and this man only:



The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Trijicon confirmed to that it adds the biblical codes to the sights sold to the U.S. military. Tom Munson, director of sales and marketing for Trijicon, which is based in Wixom, Michigan, said the inscriptions "have always been there" and said there was nothing wrong or illegal with adding them. Munson said the issue was being raised by a group that is "not Christian." The company has said the practice began under its founder, Glyn Bindon, a devout Christian from South Africa who was killed in a 2003 plane crash.

Shouldn't people be more upset at the fact that we're STILL OVERSEAS? No, no...that would make too much sense. It obviously makes more sense to bitch about the inscriptions that are on the sights for gun that our soldiers carry.

Who cares about religion anyway? Do you think Aman Mohammed cares that Pvt. Dave Smith is a Catholic or that Pvt. Jeremiah Bloomberg is Jewish? Or, vice versa? No. Who fucking cares?
Among weapons and more especially small arms manufacturers, you have religious zealots so don't be astonished that you see this engraved on weapons.


To be honest I'd want something cool in latin on my assault rifles like Vae Victis


There would definitely be a problem now that the group of Christian, Jewish, and Atheist Liberals (Interfaith Alliance) has made a stink...and all the Iraqi, and other Muslim military, using the sights/scopes are not real happy about Christian Bible verses being referenced on their equipment.
There goes another long time tradition...oh, well.
Maybe a select series could be made with "Allah Akbar" stamped on at the end of the serial number, in Arabic?
How about the old standby phrase "Kill'em all, and let "---------" sort it out!"
Surely some compromise could be worked out?:rofl2:


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Philbert, I thought we were going to stop feeding the troll. I went almost the entire day without seeing a thread started by the doucher and I see you doing this. I'm ashamed of you, son. Shame.:D
Generic Christians + Generic Conservatives = NeoCons

I always get a laugh when people misuse a term. In an nutshell, a true NeoCon is someone who has/had liberal beliefs but has moved more to the right. It was coined by a Democratic Socialist who used it as an insult (or was it a compliment really?) to those who had abandoned more-liberal viewpoints for those more to the right or center. They are NOT "right wing douchebags." In the past 4-8 years, the term NeoCon has been bastardized and misused by the "left wing douchebags."

One could argue that moderate libs and conservative BOTH meet the definition of NeoCon to a higher degree than either the far left or right (who the term is most commonly misused to describe).

Excerpts (emphasis mine):

Neoconservatism is a political philosophy that emerged in the United States of America, and which supports using American economic and military power to bring liberalism, democracy, and human rights to other countries. Consequently the term is chiefly applicable to certain Americans and their strong supporters. In economics, unlike traditionalist conservatives, neoconservatives are generally comfortable with a welfare state; and, while rhetorically supportive of free markets, they are willing to interfere for overriding social purposes.

The term neoconservative was used at one time as a criticism against proponents of American modern liberalism who had "moved to the right". Michael Harrington, a democratic socialist, coined the current sense of the term neoconservative in a 1973 Dissent magazine article concerning welfare policy.

In the early 1970s, democratic socialist Michael Harrington used the term in its modern meaning. He characterized neoconservatives as former leftists – whom he derided as "socialists for Nixon" – who had moved significantly to the right. These people tended to remain supporters of social democracy, but distinguished themselves by allying with the Nixon administration over foreign policy, especially by their support for the Vietnam War and opposition to the Soviet Union. They still supported the welfare state, but not necessarily in its contemporary form.

Irving Kristol remarked that a neoconservative is a "liberal mugged by reality," one who became more conservative after seeing the results of liberal policies. Kristol also distinguished three specific aspects of neoconservatism from previous forms of conservatism: neo-conservatives had a forward-looking approach drawn from their liberal heritage, rather than the reactionary and dour approach of previous conservatives; they had a meliorative outlook, proposing alternate reforms rather than simply attacking social liberal reforms; they took philosophical ideas and ideologies very seriously
And back to the original thread...I never would have known what JN8:12 with more digits/letters before it was if I hadn't read a news article.

FWIW, I have Trijicon sights (the manufacturer in question) on 3 weapons, and have never even looked close enough to notice.

Finally, each passage that I saw quoted "light." Trijicon is a premier maker of low-light tactical sights. In context, each passage is pretty fucking cool if you ask me. I think some people are just thin-skinned and read way too fucking much into things.
Incredibly stupid and unnecessarily controversial. That said, I'm glad to see Trijicon offering removal kits to remove verses from the product in service. The last thing we need is to give the Al-Qaeda and other extremists more ammunition for their propaganda machine.


Philbert, I thought we were going to stop feeding the troll. I went almost the entire day without seeing a thread started by the doucher and I see you doing this. I'm ashamed of you, son. Shame.:D

Damn...ya got me there.
I forgot who the OP was 3 pages in...ooops.
Philbert, I thought we were going to stop feeding the troll. I went almost the entire day without seeing a thread started by the doucher and I see you doing this. I'm ashamed of you, son. Shame.:D

Damn...ya got me there.
I forgot who the OP was 3 pages in...ooops.
